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The Asteroid Eros in Aries |
If you have Eros in the sign Aries then you’ll experience love and sex as a war waiting to be won. You love nothing more than the chase and conquest associated with love and you seldom wait long before a relationship turns sexual. With Eros in Aries you tend to be more turned on by a prospective love partner who says “no” to your initial advances. This is like foreplay for you since the thrill of the chase is your doorway to experiencing complete sexual ecstasy. Hearing your lover proclaim that you’re the best sex he or she has ever had once you’ve made your conquest will feel like music to your soul. Eros in Aries must have plenty of physical sex in order to experience love. If the sex life of Eros in Aries dries up, it will not remain with a partner for long. Eros in Aries has a passionate sexual appetite. It must be fed.
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The Asteroid Eros in Taurus |
If you have Eros in the sign Taurus then you’ll understand love and sex as an extremely visceral and dominating physical necessity for your well-being. Eros in Taurus will experience the most erotic and soul moving love and sex with a partner who can tune into his or her physical needs. Knowing exactly where and how to touch your lover may be an instinctive gift you have but you also crave this same type of psychic physical stimulation in return. With Eros in Taurus sex can be enjoyed without love however you tend to fare better when you have a steady sexual partner to love and hold in the dark of night. Eros in Taurus can love forever and tends to experience deeper levels of sexual joy with a partner who is there for the long haul. With Eros in Taurus you might be extremely gifted as a lover.
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The Asteroid Eros in Gemini |
If you have Eros in Gemini then you’ll experience love and sex on a more mental plane than some of the other sign placements. Eros in Gemini can have erotic and deeply satisfying sex with someone but first you must be turned on intellectually. You might be particularly gifted in sharing your most erotic desires through verbal or written communication and you’ll be most easily aroused when a partner provides this venue of expressing eroticism to you in return. Eros in Gemini can love more than one person at the same time and it’s not uncommon to have a sexual relationship which is more open and tolerant than traditionally acceptable. Eros in Gemini knows that love and sex are a state of mind and being able to intellectually express sexual desires in a way that is not confining will be the only way this sign can achieve soul depth love with someone. Eros in Gemini can be faithful in love, but only when there is an ample supply of intellectual orgasm in a relationship.
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The Asteroid Eros in Cancer |
If Eros is in the sign Cancer then you cannot separate love and sex from a sensitive bond with someone. In fact, if you have Eros in Cancer then an emotional connection is a prerequisite to sex and love – you simply must have intimacy in the receptive, instinctive way before it gets physical. With Eros in Cancer you’ll experience the most intense attraction and love for someone who makes you feel safe and nurtured. Be aware of your tendency to smother the one you love and to be too overprotective of yourself sexually and emotionally. It’s difficult to feel sexually free when you’re so worked up about being emotionally vulnerable yet at the same time, you crave deep emotional connections. And with this placement, you tend to be the most nurturing lover to the one you give your heart to. With Eros in Cancer, love and sex are sacred expressions of your most raw self – your soul.
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The Asteroid Eros in Leo |
If Eros is in the sign Leo then you’ll experience love, sex and attraction as if it’s all a big show and you are the star. A vibrant fire sign, Eros in Leo will be a passionate lover with a zealous sex life, however the key to turning you on is to stroke your ego. If the flame of ego adoration dims in any relationship then it’s easy for you to turn your attention elsewhere. Your deepest need in love and sex with Eros in Leo is to be worshipped and admired. Lucky for you, it’s likely that you exude a level of warmth and generous spirit that’s attractive to many so love prospects abound. Sex with Eros in Leo is playful and extremely physical but also romantic. You’ll have a natural ability to make anyone you love feel like the most special person on the planet and deliver sexual fireworks. But with Eros in Leo you demand the same in return.
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The Asteroid Eros in Virgo |
If Eros is in the sign Virgo then you’ll experience love, sex and attraction with great discernment…even worry. You might be more paranoid about your sexual prowess than other signs however remember that you are an earth sign, which gives you an extraordinary lusty appetite and a natural ability to offer sensual pleasure to any lover. Eros in Virgo loves in a methodical way and this is your approach to sex as well. Taking care of the details in love and sex will be the doorway to erotic ecstasy in your world. With Eros in Virgo you have a natural ability to purify yourself through love and sex and you also strive to make your lover a better person. Be careful however, of your tendency to nit-pick and find faults in a lover that aren’t really there. If this happens, it might be a reflection of your own feelings of inadequacy creeping in. At its best however, Eros in Virgo can be the perfect blend of intellectual and physical eroticism.
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The Asteroid Eros in Libra |
If Eros is in the sign Libra then you’ll experience love, sex and attraction in the most socially charming and graceful manner. Eros in Libra truly cares about a relationship and isn’t simply looking for a fling – although this sign is definitely capable of casual sex. Love will also begin in the mind for this placement and you’ll be extremely turned on at social gatherings and events where you can show off your beautiful partner for all to see. Eros in Libra will tend to give more than others in a sexual relationship and love can be a double edged sword for you because of it. While Eros in Libra will flirt and charm and be as gracious as possible, if you’re not appreciated then at some point you might become resentful. This resentment might come out in your sex life so to avoid this be sure that in your love life, there’s an equal give and take.
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The Asteroid Eros in Scorpio |
If Eros is in the sign Scorpio then you just might be oversexed. Love, sex, passion and intensity will be an all-consuming experience for you, offering monumental opportunities for soul growth and deep, life altering moments. Eros in Scorpio demands physical and spiritual presence in a lover and it’s easy for you to magnetize others both in and out of the bedroom. With Eros in Scorpio you have a powerful erotic vibe that you likely exude – whether or not you’re aware of it. In love you can be loyal to a fault however if you’re ever betrayed then you might be bent on revenge. Eros in Scorpio is deeply emotional and more vulnerable than others might think at first glance. Behind all the sexual appeal and potency lies a truly soulful person.
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The Asteroid Eros in Sagittarius |
If Eros is in the sign Sagittarius then you will experience the most erotic and soul depth kind of love when your lover can meet you on a spiritual or philosophical plane. You’re turned on by seeking the answers to the big questions in life with Eros in Sagittarius. When you’ve met a love who has the intellectual courage to ask for the deeper meaning behind any idea then you might have found the perfect relationship. In addition, with Eros in Sagittarius you’ll be a playful and adventurous lover – often treating love and sex like a sport. Competitive or marathon sex will be enticing to you and you’ll enjoy having sex outdoors. A good laugh and a good time will turn you on and often lead to memorable sex if you have Eros in Sagittarius. Without a light hearted camaraderie with a partner you might never fall in love with the person you’re in a sexual relationship with.
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The Asteroid Eros in Capricorn |
If Eros is in the sign Capricorn then you’ll experience the most erotic and soul depth kind of love in a more reserved and cautious fashion than some of the other sign placements. You’re not in a rush to give your heart or body away so you take sex and relationship with great sobriety. If Eros is in Capricorn then you’ll likely be turned on by sadomasochistic behavior since you have such a strong need for control. Ironically, in the bedroom you might prefer to be controlled by a lover since this is a way for you to release all the pent up tension you carry from always needing to be responsible. When it comes to love and sex, Eros in Capricorn is practical and surely won’t jump into any kinky behavior too quickly. With Eros in Capricorn however, once you’re in a stable relationship you feel safe enough to let your guard down and indulge in pure sexual lust.
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The Asteroid Eros in Aquarius |
If Eros is in the sign Aquarius then you’ll likely experience soul depth love and erotic pleasure in a variety of non-traditional ways. Eros in Aquarius must do things a little different from the crowd and this tendency will play out strongly in the bedroom. While Eros in Aquarius can be loyal, this is a placement that demands freedom of sexual expression as well as plenty of experimentation. It’s not uncommon for Eros in Aquarius to have several lovers in a short period of time or to have more than one sex partner simultaneously. Love can be more of a group experience with Eros in Aquarius and communal sex is a distinct possibility. Eros in Aquarius will feel the most love in a relationship that’s based on friendship and allows plenty of breathing room for the expression of innovative ideas and practices.
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The Asteroid Eros in Pisces |
If Eros is in the sign Pisces then you’ll experience love and erotic pleasure when you’re deeply connected to a lover on a soul level. More than any other placement perhaps, Eros in Pisces is looking for the ultimate soul mate ideal – the one love who will complete you. It’s possible that you’ll find this, however at the same time you are open to more disappointments and delusions in love since you want so much to believe in the best about the one you’re in a relationship with. Eros in Pisces can feel the emotions of other in a magnified way and this will enhance your compassion for your lover. It will also help you to psychically tune into what your partner craves in sexual and love relationship. At its best, Eros in Pisces is malleable to deliver and surrender to a lover with unconditional devotion.
What happened to Aquarius I don’t see it there?
Oops… Sorry about that! I will get right on it!
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