Compatibility Charts (9.2.2013)


Lisa on said:

My boyfriend was born july 12, 1983 and I was born August 1, 1986, is there anything you can tell me about our compatibility? Im pretty into then zodiac but not houses or mercy. So I know its a lil tricky between us.

dbts 2013-09-02-her

From my understanding and experience; this combination isn’t all that bad. No relationship is perfect, but the more astrological compatibility you have the easier it should be as long as you are both pulling from your positives.

Leo and Cancer are semi compatible, but all your other stuff appears to line up. However; not knowing time and location of birth, I can only see part of who you are. My girlfriend and her Ex of 17 years appear very astrologically compatible due to their planetary alignment, but their house placement may have been their downfall. Not to mention that he and/or she was not pulling from their positives and/or they were provoking each others negatives. This happened with my Ex and I, our foundation was off and we were prodding each others negatives without even knowing that’s what we were doing or that we didn’t care because we weren’t compatible enough and/or didn’t realize the damage we were doing.

You both have glue and have strong similarities, make sure you look at all your signs and focus on pulling from your positives. Another thing that happens when you have identical stuff going on is that the other will do things you hate about yourself. Always remember this is also a reflection of self. My GF and her Ex’s planetary alignment was almost 100% identical, so being twins is not necessarily a good thing.

Any astrology can work, so long as everyone is pulling from their positives. My Grandparents on my dads side were more compatible astrologically then my Grandparents on my moms side and my moms parents have been happily married since they were 16 years old, my business partner and his wife are astrological twins and they have been happily married almost just as long; they are my hero’s!

So pulling from your positives is just as important if not more important then astrological compatibility. Astrological compatibility only makes it easier and knowing astrology is simply another tool in your relationship tool box.

dbts 2013-09-02-him

Hope this finds you well, you can call Jeff at the number above for more help. Thank you so much, CainO’