Astrology Reading for Taurus – 5.14.1977 – Gemini Rising

mary e schulz







This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs and Houses



Gemini Ascendant


(The Impulsive)


Youthful qualities are yours for life.  Your quick step and darting eyes are unmistakable, and you often have a quizzical look.  Your ability to do more than one thing at a time may seem fragmented, but it gives you “one-upmanship” in arguments or negotiations.  You may shift friendships or change goals on the spur-of-the-moment.  Others forgive your fickleness because your quick wit and charm are hard to resist.  You know how to use your talents to advantage.




Sun in Taurus


(Keynote: I OWN)


You have deep material and spiritual concerns and are patient, kind, romantic and firm in your resolves.  You are also capable of being stubborn, unyielding, self-indulgent, possessive and jealous.  You enjoy tangibles that have weight and intrinsic worth, and display your assets and achievements prominently.  Your aesthetic hunger makes you a patron of the arts.  You will forgive, but not forget an injustice.  A need for security can override your integrity, but you will defend your means to achieve an end because you cannot accept yourself if others find you wanting.



Sun in the Twelfth House


(The Recluse)


Some view this placement as the result of a misuse of power in past lives, because you are unduly hard on yourself.  Your over-active mind is impressionable.   You may become a square peg in a round hole if you wear the mask of others as your own.  You require periods of seclusion for rest and self-examination, because you question why “no-one” understands you.  If you seek counseling, you may become a counselor to help others avoid the pain of your experiences.  You, too, are deserving.  Acknowledge that if you are your own worst enemy, you can be your own best friend.




Moon in Aries


(The Enthusiast)


You are self-motivated and do not like to be told what to do, which can cause problems with parents and other authority figures.  Unruly when pushed, your temper tantrums are over as quickly as they begin.  Because you are impulsive, you take chances, which surprisingly pay off.  You may be “accident-prone” because of your lack of patience.  You are in a hurry to succeed and ignore warnings of danger.  You can be a “bully,” but are more apt to recruit others to join in your race, since you enjoy competition and leadership is second-nature to you.  It’s simply no fun to “go it alone!”



Moon in the Eleventh House


(The Comrade)


Childhood hurts make it important to choose good friends with lasting values, and to make and set your goals early. Since you must overcome your obstacles and are people-oriented, you may wish to share what you have learned and enjoy a career as a group counselor.  Otherwise, you may feel in exchanging favors that “someone owes you” or you “owe them.”   True friendship has no price, and cannot be bought, sold or bartered.  Learn to give and take freely.



Mercury in Taurus


(The Dedicated)


You believe in the “golden rule” and extend the benefit of the doubt.  You may be slow to anger, but can be physically forceful; will forgive, but never forget an injustice.  Your powers of rationalization demand that you take time to prepare ahead for any task you undertake, which may be mistaken for procrastination.  If you have a weak point, it is being too set in your ways, but on the plus side, once committed, you can be depended upon to follow through.



Mercury in the Eleventh House


(The Mingler)


You are at your best when your hopes and wishes mesh with those of others.  Your friends are like you, so you are convivially compatible.  Together, you solve dilemmas, further ideas, organize and socialize — but you may see things too much alike to expand in another direction.  You exemplify a fraternity; your parties are delightful, but with only the same guests invited, may in time become static and leave you longing for the variety missing from your fun.



Venus in Aries


(The Wire-walker)


You are an extremist who is sweetly disposed or aggressively angry in unpredictable turns.  If you decide to be a pianist, you will devote hours and months to study and practice; then trade it in on a clarinet.  Look for a balance that will keep you from impulsively falling in love, marrying, divorcing, and marrying again.  You are a handful of dynamite in an appealing package.  Only in moderation can you find the stability you need for the happiness you deserve.



Venus in the Eleventh House


(The Organizer)


You are at your best working with groups of people and enjoy seeing that things go smoothly in meetings or social functions.  As a committee head, you see both sides of every question so can arbitrate disagreements and keep peace in the ranks.  As a fund-raiser, you are without equal.  However, you may spend as much or more than you take in because of your determination that when you are in charge, everything will be the best and everyone will have a good time.



Mars in Aries


(The Fire-walker)


It is important to find productive ways of using your tremendous energies.  You are as much a force for destruction as you are for the preservation of the ethics and ideals you stand for.  Your aggressiveness is a two-edged sword that may turn against you if you use it impulsively or to “bully” those who might otherwise willingly follow your lead.   You may be “number one”, but must decide whether you will be remembered as a valiant leader or an ignoble oppressor.



Mars in the Eleventh House


(The Campaigner)


You will use your ability to work with people to achieve your personal goals.  You may have only a few close friends, because you are too busy enlarging your circle to establish many permanent relationships.  You weren’t born to be a team-player, but will find that support is necessary to further your ambitions.  Cooperation and coordination should be your key words for success and play a major part in your life-pattern of expansion.



Jupiter in Gemini


(The Ambivalent)


You have the highest ideals and are an inspiration to those who know your spiritual side.  Your flair for writing and creative pen blends the sadness and joys of life into a harmony that dreams are made of.  But, if you scatter your energies, you may never complete your work and receive the rewards of your talents.



Jupiter in the Twelfth House


(The Good Samaritan)


You enjoy doing good works anonymously and receive pleasure from knowledge that you benefit others.  You may choose programs of institutional reform or a career in medicine to indulge your charitable work.  Through acts of mercy, you feed your soul and will find numerous ways to swell your spirit.



Saturn in Leo


(The Haughty)


You may have trouble in sharing all the love you have to give or finding the love you crave, and so allow an “I don’t care” attitude to become a mask, under which you hide your true feelings.  You can also substitute imperiousness for emotional rapport and again deny your basic needs.  Try to go with the world instead of against it.  You may find a way to turn your negatives positive and enjoy the spin instead of just becoming dizzy and wanting to get off.



Saturn in the Second House


(The String-saver)


You save everything, believing someday you will find a use for it.  Your values are high. You live your life “by the book” and may be critical of those who don’t share your standards.  You may feel deprived financially, and if you encounter a need for material things early, will have a difficult time conquering a bent to frugality when there is no longer a reason.  Be aware that a miserly outlook can reflect a poorness of spirit as well as an empty purse.



Uranus in Scorpio


(The Indomitable)


You are certain to achieve your goals, if willpower is the deciding issue.  But, choose a proper path or your destructive qualities will turn on you with catastrophic results.  Exercise caution when handling electricity or mechanical devices.  You have amazing recuperative powers, but can’t depend on them if you insist on challenging disaster. Your passionate nature instills instant confidence.  No one can doubt that you will complete anything you begin.



Uranus in the Fifth House


(The Child)


You are always in search of amusement of a “different” kind, and may originate innovative games.  No matter your age, children find you fascinating and accept you readily.  Your own children may be as full of surprises as you, yourself. Because of your many facets, you project whatever image you desire, with the skill of an actor.  You may fall in and out of love easily because of your lack of commitment.  A desire for too much freedom can result in a lonely future.



Neptune in Sagittarius


(The Sage)


You have a talent for understanding human nature and an uncanny ability to know what makes people “tick.”  You are a perpetual student, and a gifted teacher.  Your thirst for knowledge will prompt you to travel extensively.  Try to remember that you must accept the customs of another country before they will accept you.  Your beliefs are unconventional.  You will continue to learn by experience and teach in love as did Plato, Socrates and their descendants in spirit.



Neptune in the Sixth House


(The Sensitive)


You may suffer allergies or dietary problems that are difficult to diagnose from early childhood.  You must be careful about ingesting drugs, even if they are prescribed by a physician.  A tender heart may lead you to work for those less fortunate than yourself, either as a career, or an act of charity.  Those who oppose you as “too good to be true” are envious of the satisfaction derived from your unselfish service.  Ignore them and enjoy your good works.



Pluto in Libra


(The Rational)


As peacemaker, it is second-nature to act as liaison in fostering partnerships that contribute to world-harmony.  Your high intellect and demand for justice may place you in public service where you can aid worthy causes by your involvement. Your love of truth may influence big business, where deceit will be overcome with honor.  On an individual level, all this may be accomplished by setting an example through the simple amenities you practice every day.



Pluto in the Fifth House


(The Extremist)


You season your life with a heavy hand and tend to exaggerate conditions.  In your many love affairs, you will feel that each is “the one” and may cling to an ideal past the time when reality should govern your actions.  You may also invite power struggles by insisting that your way is the only way and your truth the only truth.  But, one thing must be said:  Your enthusiasm for living is unquestioned and you get the most out of every emotion-charged moment.



Pisces Midheaven


You would be happiest in a career area that allows you to express compassion and emotional sensitivity.  You feel deeply and are good at intuiting the needs of others.  You are emotionally adaptable and can be an agent for change.  You feel the call of the infinite and can express drama or mystery in your work.  You see so much of the whole that it is difficult to confine yourself to practical realities.


You lend your efforts to any project that seeks to care for and heal the broken and suffering, such as hospitals, missions, charities, hotlines, pet shops, or kennels.  You may comfort others by introducing beauty into their world in the form of art or music.  If you work for government or the church, it is not for security but in order to serve.  At your highest, you do not fear death because you are not focused on the self.  When you do focus on the self your lack of groundedness can plague you with nameless fears.  Adaptability can become superficial novelty seeking.  You could become addicted to drugs or alcohol.  Hypersensitivity to hurts or insults (some imagined) could propel you into a pillowy fantasy world in which you are not a healer but a parasite.  A personality that began as merely colorful could become scandalous.  If you are going to sacrifice yourself, at least you could do so in a constructive way.  Educate yourself to make wise judgments, prefer service to sensation, and pursue your dream with faith and confidence.


Occupations consistent with your sympathetic style of work include doctor, nurse, therapist, caretaker, musician, composer, poet, artist, entertainer, film maker, psychiatrist, spiritualist, psychic, marketer, advertiser, pharmacist, vintner, crusader, reformer, or philanthropist.  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Neptune, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.



North Node in Libra


(The Selfless)


You will not understand why others are promoted while you are passed by.  You must change an attitude that the world revolves around you.  Jealousy or resentment depletes your strength which should be used, not for your purposes alone, but to do for others what they cannot do.  You will acquire the stature you long for by balancing your needs with others.



North Node in the Fifth House


(The Princess)


Like the lady in the tower, awaiting rescue, all you need do is open your eyes to see a staircase.  You prefer fantasies to the workaday world.  Learn what is real and of lasting value.  Acquire self-discipline to become a “doer.”   You have the power to make your dreams come true, but cannot expect them to manifest before taking your first steps into reality.





Planets in Aspect


Moon trine Neptune  (Strength:  6.33)


(The Muse)


Your strange and wonderful dreams may be precognitive, since you are intuitive and can use this way of venting your feelings.  They can also be useful in creative work, where fantasy is as important as practicality.  You express spiritually, though you may not adopt an orthodox religion. You shun coarseness and identify with gentleness.  Your relationships are idealistic, but you must watch a tendency to overdramatize them, as did Romeo and Juliet.



Venus conjunct Mars  (Strength:  5.68)


(The Vivacious)


Your desire for affection is ongoing and you don’t mind being aggressive if you see someone you want as a friend or lover.  You express your creativity in dress, look and manner and know how to approach others without seeming “pushy.”  You make yourself the center of attention so you will attract those who are impressed with your enthusiasm.  Relationships may be over as quickly as they begin, since you crave variety and are always on the lookout for new worlds to conquer.



Moon conjunct Venus  (Strength:  5.61)


(The Reveler)


You are a party-goer, a party-giver and may exploit your social abilities in a commercial venture.  Shopping for the trappings that call attention to your good taste is a way of life.  You are usually in good spirits and good health and are depressed only when you feel neglected or unable to indulge yourself in the luxuries money can buy.  Use your talents to create beauty.  Your artistic gifts can compensate for an empty purse and bring you the praise of others to enjoy.



Moon conjunct Mars  (Strength:  5.29)


(The Tempest)


You may hold angry feelings beyond the time you should and suddenly explode with the force of a hurricane.  Those closest to you will receive the brunt of your fury, since the cause of your displeasure is usually very personal and you will not display it in public.  Inner disquiet may be exchanged for productive energy in physical work.  If controlled, real strength may evolve from the same ego energy you tend to exhibit in a subjectively-negative manner.



Mars opposite Pluto  (Strength:  4.82)


(The Struggle)


Your assertive actions may stem from either a desire for self-satisfaction or a resolve to better the environment.  In either case, you will attract formidable opposition and need the support of others.  Resist temptation to win at all costs, without regard for the feelings of those who are in conflict with you.  Agreeing with rivals is sometimes the best way to resolve immediate arguments.  Relax contentions when issues are not so vital to the survival of your ego.



Venus opposite Pluto  (Strength:  4.50)


(The Tempestuous)


Your passionate energies need evaluation.  Learn to measure yourself and your standards honestly.  Hidden conflicts may be hard to pinpoint because they are an inherent part of you.  Intense jealousy can motivate violent tantrums or actions that must be dealt with in a logical manner as forces within you that need release.  Learn early to take responsibility for your own emotions.  Desirable unions can end tragically if you resist self-control.



Saturn square Uranus  (Strength:  4.23)


(The Earthquake)


You are liable to experience unusual upsets from “left field” that jar your security from time to time.  If you are bound by established, but inflexible customs, you will resist changes that accompany these events and be devastated by their effects.  Consider your growth and whether something may be gained by experimenting with new feelings, thoughts and actions to enlarge your scope.  If you choose to make a change, do so at the next opportunity to expand your horizons.



Moon opposite Pluto  (Strength:  4.11)


(The Game Player)


A belief you can handle anything prompts you to do things “your” way before you are ready to balance emotional traumas.  Your strong will tempts you to play “head trips” with others, which they see as threatening and makes relationships trying. You attract strange or unusual companions because of an inner rebellion unacceptable to society.  You may ask advice, but seldom take it.  You should carefully consider the image you present if you are to find the stability you long for.



Mars trine Saturn  (Strength:  3.97)


(The Pharaoh)


You are conscientious to a fault and put your energies into structures that will last.  No task seems too difficult.  You may set about early to build your monument, when your confidence is in the abilities of others rather than yourself. Take things slowly and without being overbearing or too forceful in your opinions or demands.  You may be pleased with quality rather than the size of your accomplishments and appreciative of experiences gathered in achieving your goals.



Venus trine Neptune  (Strength:  3.94)


(The Union)


Your gentle spirit and creative mind blend to create idealistic inspiration.  You can be self-deluding, and credit yourself with qualities of an ideal mate.  As you can forgive shortcomings, you will be upset if others fault your image of perfection or deny you the same generous compassion you extend.  Project realism and allow time to discover reality in relationships before commitment.  You contribute much as a partner and deserve better than to live in an illusion.



Venus trine Saturn  (Strength:  3.64)


(The Stable)


You view relationships realistically so the bonds you form are sensible and of lasting quality.  In business, you are able to stretch resources or make do with limited means.  You realize the value of commitment in personal unions as an opportunity to build something substantial with a helpmate, but are not necessarily unromantic in your approach.  If you remain single, you will provide for emotional support to keep your life in balance, which is one secret of your success.



Mars trine Neptune  (Strength:  3.62)


(The Modest)


You may believe that yours is a life of self-sacrifice with little recognition.  You care for your next-door neighbor as your family and are drawn to those who need your nurturing ways.  You may use your wonderful imagination in a successful vocation, but are somewhat retiring, so your fine work is not immediately obvious.  You have a chance to discover that you are part of a universal plan of brotherhood and spiritual bonding that few are privileged to experience.


Moon trine Saturn  (Strength:  3.25)


(The Grounded)


You have a mature outlook and a knack of balancing needs and desires.  You permit yourself latitude to plan ahead and prepare yourself for success.  An image of what is worthwhile in relationships causes you to seriously examine potentials before involving yourself in commitment.  Your excellent discipline may appear as deprivation to others, but the durable results you achieve prove any personal sacrifice rewarding and suit your pragmatic lifestyle to a “T.”


Saturn sextile Pluto  (Strength:  3.15)


(The Projector)


You utilize your possessions as though preparing for a “rainy day,” realize the value of the intrinsic and look ahead to events that may never happen.  You may not enjoy youth because you are so serious about getting ahead in the world — not from need — but from an inherent desire to always have “enough.”  It is doubtful you will want for much!  Allow for small pleasures of time’s design.  Whoever observed that “money can’t buy happiness” said a well-chosen mouthful.


Jupiter trine Pluto  (Strength:  3.03)


(The Activator)


You are consumed with a yearning for self-improvement, but must ask yourself why you are so driven.  You can inspire others as a “mover and a shaker” whose motivation is justified in the success you achieve, but it may not be enough.  Expand your efforts to include those who lack your zeal or courage to act on what they devoutly believe.  In helping others, you constantly renew yourself, your ambitions and the confidence that you can continue to grow by going the “extra mile.”


Jupiter inconjunct Uranus  (Strength:  2.65)


(The Overeager)


Your optimism is your weak point, as well as the thing that keeps you going against all odds.  If one door closes, you are sure to try to open a better one.  In spite of the fact that you often fail because you are ahead of your time, you believe that some day your ship will come in.  Prepare to unload it.  If you can stop overextending yourself, you may be in the right place at the right time.  Experience will prove that sometimes an element of fortune is necessary to succeed.


Jupiter sextile Saturn  (Strength:  1.88)


(The Merger)


You have the best of both worlds as you fuse your dreams with practicality to fulfill them.  You accurately plan your growth to fit within sensible structures which are designed to expand as you watch your ambitions fulfilled.  You are an apt student who never tires of learning experiences that keep your life from becoming static.  You do not consider organization as limitation, and have the patience to see things through with satisfying results and justifiable pride as your rewards.


Saturn trine Neptune  (Strength:  1.58)


(The Opening)


You apply yourself with persistence, determination and a conviction that, with hard work, you will succeed.  You are realistic in your expectations and willing to overcome pessimism and self-doubt.  At your lowest ebb, “something” will encourage you to press on.  You believe you are joined by a higher force in selecting and achieving your goals and when the time is right, you will be fulfilled.  It may be later than sooner, but have patience.  Such faith must be rewarded.


Mercury opposite Uranus  (Strength:  1.56)


(The Undisciplined)


You are apt to be restless and easily bored unless you have somewhere to go or something to do that is “different” every waking moment.  You look for new experiences or people with whom you can exchange original ideas.  You are too impatient for conventional studies, but may become intrigued by the challenge of mathematics, astrology or mysteries that command your attention and will inspire you to use the control you need to carve a niche in a structured world.


Neptune sextile Pluto  (Strength:  0.44)


(The Self-aware)


It is important that you have the support of your family and friends.  You are extremely sensitive and subject yourself to self-criticism that can be destructive and depressing.  It may be that you need professional help to build your self-esteem.  Later, you may transfer your intense feelings into knowledge you share with others.  You may pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology, but will continue to investigate your own psyche for answers as to what “makes you tick.”


Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Fire


You are an active, future-oriented person who is not weighed down by past commitments.  You take advantage of new opportunities better than most.  Life for you can be a vibrant affair in which you passionately pursue causes, lovers, and experiences.  You have the self-confidence to be a leader.  Competitive and flamboyant, you have little patience for slow people or unexciting work.  When an activity interests you, you can be very generous with your time, energy, and money.  Find outlets for your gifts of creativity and intuition.


Watch out for a tendency to exaggerate or to be insensitive to others’ feelings.  More cautious types may envy and resent your free spirit and competitive nature.  You get bored easily and may depend on others to finish the projects that you start.  When your warmth is guided by love, wisdom, and positive goals you have the ability to heal and inspire others, but when you focus on your self or lack direction, your short-lived passions can affect others in destructive ways.



Lack of Water


For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita.  Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others’ feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you.  You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to feel what they feel.  You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way.  People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you.  Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness.  It’s not that you don’t have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships.  If you are an artist, they may come out in your art.  You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity.  Your best companions would be those who are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings.  They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people’s feelings.


A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.



Lack of Air


Expressing yourself does not come easily to you.  You distrust people who are fast, smooth talkers.  It may be easier for you to express yourself nonverbally or in writing than it is through speaking.  If you also lack planets in the houses of Relationships, you will find the normal avenues of communication and social learning blocked.  Your thinking will be personal instead of detached or rational.  With the mind’s normal communication channels blocked, you learn primarily from experience.  Lacking in the ability to view yourself objectively, you gain self-understanding primarily through feedback from others.


Try to see life less personally, in a more objective way.  Take classes and never stop educating yourself.


A lack of planets in Air signs can be offset by an Air sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Relationships.



Abundant Relationships


With abundant planets in these houses, relationships and communications with others are likely to be central to your life.  You can help others by exchanging ideas and making connections between people.  You will probably maintain active contact with a wide circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances.  You keep abreast of new information via various media and your friends.



Lack of Substance


You are not the most grounded or practical person.  The rules of this material world are not well known to you.  Others may admire your dreams, but they could be impossible dreams.  You may find it difficult to choose, plan, and work towards a career or vocation.


A lack of planets in the houses of Substance can be offset by abundant planets in Earth signs.



Lack of Life


You could have difficulty envisioning or planning for the future.  You are likely to accept the status quo, living in the past and present, but not actively striving to create the future.  Lacking your own passionate goals, you are more likely to be a follower than a leader.


A lack of planets in the houses of Life can be offset by abundant planets in Fire signs.



Abundant Cardinal


With an abundance of planets in the Cardinal signs, you find it easy to function on your own as an autonomous individual.  You have a pretty good grasp of how the real world works, which you may have acquired through your willingness to try new things.  An active person, you find challenges stimulating.  Success comes through big ventures that others are too intimidated to attempt.  You would make a good entrepreneur, but look for other indications in your chart to see if you have the qualities needed to stay with a project or grow a business.  You’re not really a team player.  You are likely to encounter some problems in your life as a result of being so one-sidedly focused on your own goals and activities.  But you are good at overcoming problems.  Personal survival is important to you and you are capable of learning.  You manifest your love through a lack of fear that makes the future happen.



Lack of Mutable


With a lack of planets in the Mutable signs, you probably go your own way in life without caring too much what other people think.  You know what you want and see little need to compromise.  You lack flexibility and adaptability.  You do best when you can establish a pace and stick to it.  Leave those sports and activities that require fast reactions and adaptability to others.


Sometimes you say things that offend others, because you are not especially concerned with the feelings or opinions of others.  In fact, you sometimes appall your friends with your single-mindededness and lack of sensitivity.  Because of your individuality,  people who are attracted to change and variety may find you stimulating at first, but after a while might find your predictability to be boring.