Mixed Signals


OK, now I am not posting this to make her look bad; she is amazing! Sometimes when you are an educator, you have to use yourself as an example:

Wed Feb 12 07-37-00 CST 2014-public

Now in this she feels I am perfect and that she was wronging me; but I am not perfect, I may have been a bit wrong myself. Here is what happened:

My Ex2012 and her new boyfriend basically attached me for something I had no part of and opened a door that was trying to be re-keyed and locked. Now in 2012 after I caught my Ex cheating on me, I had been making lists of songs to play for her on my Ring-back Tones or Caller-tunes… Then I had some Love songs I was compiling in 2013 that was mixed in with these 2012 songs I had on note cards and some other notes that hadn’t been addressed yet. So, I was cleaning house and putting stuff away where it needed to go. This list was something in my mind that was undone and couldn’t be put away until it was filed in the right place. Now I am Mercury in Virgo at 00* in the house of Aquarius, so I for what ever reason couldn’t just through this out…

Mercury in Virgo

(The Interpreter)

You read people well and have an insight that is valuable in all types of relationships.  Your interest in health can lead towards promoting natural ways of improvement in diet and disciplined exercise.  If your efforts go unappreciated, you may become hypercritical and distance people with a superior attitude.  You are a tireless worker and once committed, will spend a lifetime at a task requiring painstaking application, which others would consider monotonous.

Mercury in the Eleventh House

(The Mingler)

You are at your best when your hopes and wishes mesh with those of others.  Your friends are like you, so you are convivially compatible.  Together, you solve dilemmas, further ideas, organize and socialize — but you may see things too much alike to expand in another direction.  You exemplify a fraternity; your parties are delightful, but with only the same guests invited, may in time become static and leave you longing for the variety

[Planets in Aspect]

Sun conjunct Mercury  (Strength:  3.67)

(The Conversationalist) 

You express your opinions and ideas well, and may preface each sentence with “I”, since your focus is on yourself.  If you are promoting your interests commercially, you will get your point across, but should listen to the views of others to enhance your chances of success.  You enjoy travel and meeting with people to exchange ideas.  You are a natural teacher.  If you show a flair for writing, voicing your opinions may be useful and is often the mark of a successful columnist.


So… Looking back; I had documented all of my evidence of Ex’s affair on my old Facebook profile… So; what did I do? I went and posted the YouTube videos for the “heart break” songs that I had compiled for her in 2012 in the comment section on the pages in which I had documented all my evidence. I didn’t think that it would “notify” all my friends of what I was doing, duh!??? What a dumb-ass!?!? Not that big of a deal, but one of the songs was. So I go in trouble for it; not because of what my intentions were, but how it appeared.

Now I wasn’t thinking about that; because I assumed no one would see it right away, but I was wrong…. I was thinking like a Aquariun Virgo; but the way she say it was, I was sending my Ex a “Love Song”. Now, in this; I can see how this would be bad! It took me about 24hrs thinking about this to realize I made a mistake; she knew I was being honest and transparent with her, so she felt wrong in judging me. She has Mercury in Aries at 19* in the house of Libra; so her Libra can understand my Aquarius, but we have to work on the other part.

Mercury in Aries

(The Quick Study)

You “catch on” fast, but are apt to drop ideas as swiftly as you conceive them.  Your assertive attitude may put off those who feel threatened by your ability to take charge.  You usually go with first impressions and will only change your mind reluctantly, if proven wrong.  Your famous temper may flare on occasion, but quarrels are quickly forgotten.  You are self-serving, express confidently, and only need to modify your actions to achieve the rewards you desire.

Mercury in the Seventh House

(The Acrobat)

You are definitely not a loner.  Your on-going love affair with words calls for the companionship of a partner to share your mental gymnastics.  Your friends will be innovative and clever, but your indecisiveness and an inclination to avoid serious commitment may prevent you from a conventional marriage.  Use your famous intuition to select an appropriate life-mate, while your carefree attitude is still admired as

[Planets in Aspect]

Mercury inconjunct Neptune  (Strength:  0.68)

(The Indecisive)

Your ambivalence is often your undoing.  “Commitment” is a foreign word in your vocabulary.  Instead, you pursue excuses as to “why” you fail to live up to your potential. Your gifts of insight can turn into idle daydreams instead of helping to fulfill the grandiose plans you boast.  You may call on spiritual or occult aids in lieu of accepting responsibility, but unless you apply some practicality, you will continue to fail those who have invested in your talents.

Moon inconjunct Mercury  (Strength:  0.42)

(The Gossip)

Your constant chatter is actually an expression of your over- active mind.  You are often the victim of the famous “Foot in mouth” problem, since you seldom plan what to say or see who may be listening.  You are easily distracted, and may settle for thinking up a project, rather than completing it.  Consider periods of meditation to calm your senses and allow you to learn the art of concentration, whereby some of your very valid ideas might be followed to fulfillment.



What others may think??? Who cares right??? Well, that is what I thought at first. However; I may have invited trouble in not thinking what I did through more thoroughly before doing it, there could be a number of consequences that may be waiting for me down the road. The biggest one I see now is that people may think that I am using her and will later start feeding her with their false opinion of me and create problems in our relationship. The way I see it now is that others may say that I am sending messages to my Ex and if she responds appropriately, I will ditch my new GF and go back to her; that I am only with my new GF because I cannot have the old one. Basically, I can now come up with all kinds of bad scenarios; but basically I wasn’t thinking. Well, I was; just not considering all the back lashes that may fallow. The good part is that I have been transparent with my current Girlfriend and so she knows that I have nothing to hide.

So remember; if your Mercury is not the same or similar to the others involve, there will be some issues at hand. I am glad she told me how she felt, at least we have communication unlike my Ex2012 and I! We both see where we both messed up, and we both are working through it. I am slow sometimes, but I will get it eventually. I told her in the past that I will mess up from time to time, all I ask is that she gives me a chance to make it right. My Ex2012 never could allow me to make things right, even when I went out of my to fix it. I am not a bad person, only human like anyone else and I too will mess up; but I will fix it if given the chance. So I made everything private so no one can see them. I may or may not finish what I started, that is going to take some thinking over. The good part is that now that they are private, no one will see them till I un-private them; and that wont happen unless my Ex does something stupid again.

I did just learn how to make personalized YouTube Playlists; I made one for my Girlfriend with a whole lot of love songs for Valentines Day, so I created one for my Heart Break songs like my current Girlfriend did on her YouTube for her Ex. That way I can vent and not be as big of an issue and less problems, hopefully.

Will I ever take her back; yeah right, I can honestly say that there is a 99.99% chance that that will never happen. One of the Psychics at church even has verified that it will never happen, which I would be even more of a fool if I did take her back. So HELL NO, I am so much better off where I am now. I went out after the affair seeking astrological compatibility and I found it with the slight exception of Mercury being a challenge, but I found someone wonderful and I am not going to through that away for an accident from my past. If things don’t work out with the one I am with, I will stick to astrology and not look back. One of my Angels told me that the Devil lives in the past, we must live in the now and tomorrow. This Angel came to me in the flesh, that isn’t something that happens often; so I remember those words of wisdom on a regular basis.

So again, be careful to think about your partners astrology and how they will read into what you do and how they will react before doing something you may regret. I too am learning and so I will pass my wisdom onto you as I receive and/or perceive it 🙂 Hope this finds you well, CainO’