Astrology Reading for: Scorpio – 11.14.1955 – Rising Sign: Leo




This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs and Houses



Leo Ascendant


(The Showman)


Your “mane” is your crowning glory and you delight in calling attention to it by tossing your head, or twisting or curling your hair.  You are conscious of your looks and enjoy displaying yourself to advantage.  Some consider you garish, but there are others who admire your colorful personality.  If you are shy, you still have the power to draw those to you who are somehow aware of the strength, warmth and pleasantly-entertaining personality behind your obscure exterior.




Sun in Scorpio


(Keynote:  I DESIRE)


You are resourceful, imaginative, sensitive and loyal, but are capable of being cruel, conniving, sarcastic and vengeful.  Your incisive mind gives you powers of decision that are irrefutable.  You are adept at gaining the confidence of others, though few people know you well.  You will fight for your beliefs against any odds.  Your regenerative qualities give you quick recovery from defeat or illness.  If you share these gifts wisely, benefits to mankind will be your monument.  Otherwise, you will have only destruction and waste to show for your corruption of power over a lifetime of abuse.



Sun in the Fourth House


(The Favorite)


You will probably think of your childhood as a happy time and relate well to your parents. Part of your attitude is because you take responsibility for your siblings, who look to you for counseling, as well as creating the fun and games of which all children are fond.  Because of your closeness, you may rely too much upon one another and have few outside contacts, but you’ll regard close friends as family and entertain in your home.  If you need psychological counseling at some time, you’ll easily recall early experiences to which a therapist can relate and discover the root of your problems.




Moon in Sagittarius


(The Prophet)


You have a gift of farsightedness, which lets you see an entire picture instead of fragments available to others.  You amaze yourself at what your mind can conceive and often achieve with little effort, as though you were born to succeed.  You are open and frank, and for the most part, kind, but your thoughtless remarks can leave a wrong impression or create enemies.  A need for physical activity should not be ignored.  Otherwise, you can suffer “burn out” from too many mental gyrations, which will throw your balance and make you less efficient in your rush to attain your ambitions.



Moon in the Fourth House


(The Fledgling)


Early influences in the home, particularly that of the mother, will remain with you.  Negative input will cause you to harbor resentment against authority figures.   You have the ability to turn it into something positive as you grow in spirit.  If your childhood examples are positive, you will use them to guide yourself and others throughout your life.  This is the most impressionable placement in a natal chart for the moon and the lessons learned will never be forgotten.



Mercury in Scorpio


(The Detective)


You are a master at exposing secrets, but allow others to know only what you wish to disclose.  In solving problems, you have no peer.  Your stubborn determination will not let you rest until you are satisfied with results you personally approve.  You speak forcefully, and sometimes sarcastically, not always to your credit.  You may explore the occult or mind control.  Only the highly evolved realize that such power is a privilege, not a given, and use it wisely.



Mercury in the Third House


(The Student)


Little escapes your notice.  Your acute awareness, coupled with intuitive flashes, gives you an instant rapport with those you contact.  You have a lively imagination, and an interest in education and love of words fits you for a career in journalism or some type of public communication.  Try not to let restlessness or impatience dilute your ability to present all sides of a picture in honest reporting, which is the stuff from which history is documented.



Venus in Sagittarius


(The Escape-artist)


Your interests are so varied that it is hard for you to be content with “one” of anything.  You love to travel, so may have two places you call “home.”  You need challenge and are easily bored, so can hold two jobs at the same time.  You are capable of loving more than one person, also, and will devise excuses to delay a commitment.  If you do settle down, your partner must accept your continued need for freedom and your sometimes-careless handling of money!



Venus in the Fourth House


(The Peacemaker)


You express your desire for tranquility through the beauty you create.  Your home will reflect your excellent taste, but you tend to extravagance.  You have a talent to transform your surroundings, no matter how humble they seem.  If you choose a career in gardening, decorating, or caring for beautiful things, it will pay you well as you continue to demonstrate your special abilities to a sometimes-dreary world.



Mars in Libra


(The Captivator)


An intensive yen for romance may tempt you to marry early and in haste, which is inviting trouble.  You enjoy life as an “attention-getter” with good looks and a congenial manner to attract those with the same qualities.  You will also inevitably provoke the jealousy that goes with popularity.  You’re really too intelligent to indulge your penchant for changing partners each time you dance.  You have what it takes to recognize the “right” one, with all you need to be happy.



Mars in the Third House


(The Know-It-All)


You will have a lot to say on almost any subject, and can be really informative, or merely disruptive.  You may take a difference of opinion as a personal affront because of your strong beliefs, but remember that someone else may have something important to contribute, so is worth listening to.  No one is better than you at presenting your ideas.  As long as you remain confident, rather than “cocky,” you’ll always find an audience to share your store of knowledge.



Jupiter in Leo


(The Majestic)


You live life in a grandiose manner.  Still, you aspire to improve your standing.  You are a loyal friend, an ardent lover and others admire, rather than envy, you.  What some consider luck, you take as your due, because you are aware of your opportunities and make the most of them.  You are to all a “king” who demonstrates generosity, kindness and good will.



Jupiter in the First House


(The Bon Vivant)


You love life and life loves you right back!  People enjoy your company, and you have plenty of it.  Your confidence inspires confidence and your very presence is a lift to the spirits.  If you exaggerate truth, it’s only because you are expansive by nature and if something is good, you want to make it better — and, you usually do!



Saturn in Scorpio


(The Forceful)


The powerful image you create tempts you to thrust your ideas or will upon others, not always to their benefit — or YOURS — but just for a show of strength.  Your determination can make enemies and undermine your fine executive abilities.  Try to develop the compassion and flexibility inherent in all successful leaders.  Otherwise, your effectiveness will be limited.  You will be a champion without honor and must look to yourself for any rewards you receive.



Saturn in the Fourth House


(The Disciplinarian)


You may feel “stuck in a rut” because of a childhood filled with responsibility.  Because of this, it is difficult for you to shed feelings you had when you were “stuck at home.”   At times, you may appear to be cold or too reserved.  Others may assume your spartan tastes are a reflection of your deprivation.  Upon leaving your family, try to put the past behind you and make a life of your own, unencumbered by the restraints of your formative years.



Uranus in Leo


(The Trend-setter)


You are first to volunteer, to explore, to introduce, to accept and to BE first in everything.  You enjoy standing in the limelight as someone creatively innovative.  But, you will not be content to perform; you are driven to take your place in an executive position that will distinguish you from your peers.  You attract off-beat people and situations.  Be sure to know who you are inviting into your life to avoid the unhappy pitfalls of impulsively-formed alliances.



Uranus in the Twelfth House


(The Subversive)


You may work a lifetime to escape the harassment of those who don’t understand you.  You tend to be reclusive under pressure, but this is not the answer to your problems.  The secrets of your subconscious mind are waiting to be discovered. Your dreams may hold clues as to why negative ideas surface unbidden during your waking moments.  Fortunately, you will attract the proper teachers to help you understand yourself when their advice is most needed.



Neptune in Libra


(The Influenced)


You are subject to peer pressure which may not always serve your best interests.  Because you are an idealist, you may be drawn into causes that are without substance.  You seldom attempt anything alone, and prefer groups to a partner. If your dreams don’t interfere with the reality of a material world, you can inspire others to adopt altruistic ways of living.  It is your belief that what we have is not as important as our willingness to share it.



Neptune in the Third House


(The Story-teller)


Your talents do not end with being a superb raconteur.  You can embellish the simplest thought with fascinating details worthy of publication.  You may also have a gift of E.S.P.  Your aptitude with electrical devices fits you for a successful career in communication, but you cannot depend on potential, alone, to accomplish your goals.  You must first define them specifically; then build a firm foundation on which to base the application of your skills.



Pluto in Leo


(The Agitated)


Your ability to keep things at a fever pitch needs careful regulating to avoid constant upheaval in your life and the lives of others.  Your senses are keen.  Use them to recognize a need for transforming human affairs.  Take your place in bettering your environment by helping others to better theirs.  It is preferable to accept the accolades of your peers for your good work than to indulge the self-aggrandizement negatively associated with your sign.



Pluto in the First House


(The Powerful)


You are a force to be reckoned with, and are determined to make your mark on the world.  You seem invincible because you strengthen your resolves in the face of adversity. Understanding yourself is essential to your success, or you cannot understand the needs of others.  You may limit your talents by serving yourself, alone.  As with most people given power, you must tithe your strength to pay your debt to the universe, or it may be turned against you.



Taurus Midheaven


You will do best in a career that offers steady growth, a career in which you can study what works and then be the one to provide stability and direction for the organization.  As long as you are earning a good income, enjoy positive relations with your coworkers, and have a little beauty where you work, you will be content to work quietly.  You are unlikely to push for change or to be combative in the workplace, unless someone affronts your pride.


You are good at cultivating relations with people, as opposed to things, and will extend yourself to others in the workplace. Your network of personal connections and inside knowledge, gained over time, makes you quite a resourceful employee.   You have faith in common sense and the existing order.  Change throws you off-balance.  If you are emotionally stressed, you may regard acquiring material possessions to be some sort of solution, which it is not.  You could also become surprisingly stubbon and vocal in your displeasure.  Remember that you have developed many resources.  Concentrate upon cultivating and using them for the common good.


Occupations consistent with your stable, practical style of work include official, executive, artist, singer, musician, designer, beautician, banker, business investor, property manager, farmer, stockbreeder, evangelist, advertiser, builder or public servant.  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Venus, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.



North Node in Sagittarius


(The Fence Sitter)


You are afraid to make choices that may put you in the wrong.  Until you voice an opinion or convictions that are yours alone, you will not have earned the independence you desire.  Experience teaches that conflict often results from indifference.  Restore others’ confidence by repairing breaks in links of faith with the solder of concern and wisdom.



North Node in the Fourth House


(The Spoiled Brat)


You have been set for a messianic role, perhaps by parent-figures in your life who have overindulged you by doing what you should have done, rather than to let you grow by the doing.  When you see you are NOT too good to step from your pedestal, you can be your own person, form your own standards and contribute what you have to offer by joining your peers.





Planets in Aspect


Sun conjunct Saturn  (Strength:  8.83)


(The Restricted)


You have a heavy sense of duty that often limits your own potential.  You tend to worry too much about “tomorrow,” even though your practicality and industry spurs you to accumulate necessary, if spartan things of life.  You sometimes make circumstances more difficult than they really are and may be accused of lacking a sense of humor.  Give yourself credit, not only for what you accomplish but for being a solid citizen that our planet can count on for the stability we need.



Moon square Jupiter  (Strength:  8.62)


(The Self-indulgent)


You are interested in self-improvement, but may surfeit yourself with knowledge you may never use, and courses not appropriate to your lifestyle.  You are generous to a fault, but may exact payment by boasting to friends how you have traveled, studied and “lived.”  Self-improvement need not mean arrogance that can turn others from you.  Modesty will permit your exuberance for expansion to become a source of delight and interest rather than a reason for evasion and derision.



Jupiter conjunct Pluto  (Strength:  8.33)


(The Ambitious)


Once you set a goal, you put all your energy into achieving it.  You have an instinct for timing that is sometimes precognitive, and gives you the momentum to hit your zenith at the right instant.  Your aims are extremely personal, geared toward your improvement.  You are not anxious to share rewards, since success is an obsession into which you pour your resources.  As long as you do not distort your values, your drive for power will undoubtedly pay off.



Pluto conjunct Ascendant  (Strength:  8.11)


(The Mighty)


You are intent on your individual goals, and sometimes impervious to the efforts or needs of others.  You are not unfeeling, but are bent on personal success, and determined that things work exactly as you decree.  Try to understand the tremendous force within.  It can express as a power for change and for good.  Only if you suppress or undermine your feelings will they turn against you and expose that which you fear the most — the negative side of your personality.



Moon square Pluto  (Strength:  7.42)


(The Durable)


Constant challenges for change control your deepest feelings because your emotional turbulence can be destructive. Power struggles with others indicate power struggles within yourself which must be brought to light for resolution. Sometimes you will be attracted to that which is absolutely wrong for you but will pursue it anyway to your detriment. Recognize your difficulties as opportunities for evolvement.  You have more than adequate fortitude to survive and benefit.



Neptune sextile Pluto  (Strength:  6.04)


(The Self-aware)


It is important that you have the support of your family and friends.  You are extremely sensitive and subject yourself to self-criticism that can be destructive and depressing.  It may be that you need professional help to build your self-esteem.  Later, you may transfer your intense feelings into knowledge you share with others.  You may pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology, but will continue to investigate your own psyche for answers as to what “makes you tick.”



Jupiter conjunct Ascendant  (Strength:  6.02)


(The Expansive)


You desire the best of all-possible worlds and can’t settle for less.  You may depend on others to provide your needs rather than to put your own energy into your projects.  You are surprised if they balk or object, since you reason you would do the same for them under similar circumstances –and you would!  You are never satisfied with current achievements and will spend much of your life employing an “extra stretch” to extend your knowledge and share your findings.



Moon trine Uranus  (Strength:  4.80)


(The Remodeler)


You constantly look for new and unusual ways to improve your lifestyle.  You move easily from one relationship into another without arousing resentment or enmity, convincing everyone that changes are for the best.  As you grow in consciousness, you will expand on systems you may no longer find useful in their present form.  Not content to remain “status quo,” you are ever interested in personal progress and willing to explore new ways of attaining new goals.



Jupiter sextile Neptune  (Strength:  4.58)


(The Philanthropist)


Traditional views of religion are not necessarily satisfying to your need for spirituality.  You may prefer to “live” your faith rather than give it “lip service.”  Your concern for others prompts you to extend a helping hand in a sincere desire to serve, but does not mean you can accomplish miracles.  But, if you achieve a balance between the demands of the material world and continue to do uplifting work, you will one day know the meaning of fulfillment.



Uranus square Neptune  (Strength:  2.56)


(The Elusive)


You tend to sidestep issues you don’t want to deal with and may try to escape into unrealistic abstractions, though you see them as truth.  The world can be a confusing place in which to live, but you must address life as realistically as possible.  Yours is a challenge to find ways in which to use your unusual talents productively.  Your viewpoint is all-important, as you must discover how to adjust to circumstances that require practicality, as well as imagination.



Saturn square Pluto  (Strength:  1.80)


(True Grit)


You may feel the world is against you or that life is a continuous struggle, with you the innocent victim.  Even if you must combat overwhelming odds, you will find ways to express yourself and your ideas as an effective individual.  The more difficult the obstacle and the less you have to work with, the stronger you will become.  When you establish your values, you will defend them wholeheartedly and few can come against you without knowing they have been in a fight.



Sun square Pluto  (Strength:  0.90)


(The Crisis)


You must overcome obstinacy — yours or the stubbornness of others — or be faced with challenges that can literally cause your downfall.  Depending on how well you acquit yourself, you will either gain the respect or contempt of authority figures.  If you are in the driver’s seat, you may be the one to pass judgment.  In either case, a crisis may be a crossroads.  You can determine the success of your future by the direction you take when these turning points occur.


Moon conjunct Saturn  (Strength:  0.60)


(The Responsible)


You may have had to take on “too much too soon,” but find ways to lighten your load.  Taking duty seriously does not mean jeopardizing your health or even your sense of humor. You tend to be hard on yourself, over-critical and frustrated because you feel out of synch with others, but you will develop excellent discipline and become self-reliant and trustworthy.  You recognize your mortality, but take as your creed: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”


Venus conjunct North Node  (Strength:  0.04)


(The Patron)


You are a sponsor of all things beautiful, artistic or refined.  You shy from ugly situations, though can be depended upon to create order from chaos.  Your word is your bond. Even if you regret a commitment, you will see it through.  You pride yourself on accomplishing more than an average worker, but may overpledge your time.  Punctuality and practicality are not among your sterling qualities, but regard for others can encourage you to remedy your faults.


Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Fire


You are an active, future-oriented person who is not weighed down by past commitments.  You take advantage of new opportunities better than most.  Life for you can be a vibrant affair in which you passionately pursue causes, lovers, and experiences.  You have the self-confidence to be a leader.  Competitive and flamboyant, you have little patience for slow people or unexciting work.  When an activity interests you, you can be very generous with your time, energy, and money.  Find outlets for your gifts of creativity and intuition.


Watch out for a tendency to exaggerate or to be insensitive to others’ feelings.  More cautious types may envy and resent your free spirit and competitive nature.  You get bored easily and may depend on others to finish the projects that you start.  When your warmth is guided by love, wisdom, and positive goals you have the ability to heal and inspire others, but when you focus on your self or lack direction, your short-lived passions can affect others in destructive ways.



Abundant Water


In your case, the heart rules the head.  Your emotional drives are strong and you act primarily on the basis of your feelings.  Whether your feelings are purely personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal is up to you, but generally you are a life-oriented person who feels keenly and who acts to support your family, friends, and community.  You are happiest when you are in a caring relationship with a significant other.  That person should be comfortable with the emotional closeness that you bring to relationships, while providing the structure or inspiration that you need.  Some of your friends will not be as comfortable with emotional closeness as you are, and you will have to respect their boundaries.  You have probably learned over the years how to keep your sensitive nature from being hurt.  Don’t permanently withdraw, but find the people with whom and the environment in which you can be yourself.


Because of your sensitivity, you easily pick up others’ thoughts and feelings.  You can anticipate others’ needs before they have expressed them.  You can usually rely on your intuition when it comes to forecasting the outcome of personal and career decisions.  If you decide to use your psychic abilities for healing, learn to let go of the negative feelings that you process from others.  Since you are so sensitive, find quiet moments for private introspection in which you can reconnect with what you feel instead of what others feel.  You also find it revitalizing to be around large bodies of water.


You do have a need to stop and think things through before acting.  Make the effort to communicate with others who may have a more objective viewpoint or who could see solutions that elude you.  You can sometimes be criticized for acting from a purely personal perspective, which you could avoid by learning and respecting society’s larger viewpoint.  You can be very creative in finding paths to your personal goals.  Keep the larger viewpoint in mind and later you will not have to try to rationalize to others why you chose those paths.



Lack of Earth


You may be so focused on the “bigger picture” that you have difficulty managing the many details of life.  Balancing your checkbook or leaving your bedroom clean may seem beyond your abilities.  Other tasks may be important, but you find it hard to concentrate long enough to complete them.  Knowing your own lack of concentration and self-discipline, you may cling to established routines because you know that you are able to do important things through force of habit.  If you do not flit from job to job, you could hold onto a job or a relationship for too long because you do not trust that you will be secure without it.  Your lack of real world perspective may make it hard for you to distinguish that which really matters from that which is unimportant, so that you sometimes focus on small things while leaving the really big things undone.  You may say that you care about money, but unless you have abundant planets in the houses of Substance, you will not execute a detailed plan to get it.  If you can avoid driving them crazy, enlist the help of those more grounded than yourself in order to turn your inspirations into reality.


A lack of planets in Earth signs can be offset by an Earth sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Substance.



Lack of Air


Expressing yourself does not come easily to you.  You distrust people who are fast, smooth talkers.  It may be easier for you to express yourself nonverbally or in writing than it is through speaking.  If you also lack planets in the houses of Relationships, you will find the normal avenues of communication and social learning blocked.  Your thinking will be personal instead of detached or rational.  With the mind’s normal communication channels blocked, you learn primarily from experience.  Lacking in the ability to view yourself objectively, you gain self-understanding primarily through feedback from others.


Try to see life less personally, in a more objective way.  Take classes and never stop educating yourself.


A lack of planets in Air signs can be offset by an Air sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Relationships.



Abundant Endings


With abundant planets in the houses of endings, you are probably sensitive, moody, and introspective.  You are not afraid to show your feelings and make an empathetic listener to the problems and feelings of others.  You have been around the track enough yourself to sense what others are going through and to show that you care.  You are not the most intellectual or practical person.  You can be easily swayed by an appeal to your emotions.



Lack of Substance


You are not the most grounded or practical person.  The rules of this material world are not well known to you.  Others may admire your dreams, but they could be impossible dreams.  You may find it difficult to choose, plan, and work towards a career or vocation.


A lack of planets in the houses of Substance can be offset by abundant planets in Earth signs.



Lack of Life


You could have difficulty envisioning or planning for the future.  You are likely to accept the status quo, living in the past and present, but not actively striving to create the future.  Lacking your own passionate goals, you are more likely to be a follower than a leader.


A lack of planets in the houses of Life can be offset by abundant planets in Fire signs.



Abundant Fixed


With an abundance of planets in Fixed signs, you have the staying power to complete a project, grow a family, or expand a business.  Your strength is what friends notice most about you.  You have definite values; you focus your affections on the people and things that are part of your team.  Friendships formed over time are important to you.  You may be found at the center of a circle of friends, a large family, a government agency, or a business.  You understand the contribution that stability and security make to prosperity and growth.  It throws you off-balance when friends are not as reliable as you are or when love and ideals are not part of your life.  Concentrate on developing confidence in yourself, a wholesome world for your family or group, and binding others to you with love.  If you have a weakness, it is trouble changing or listening when people tell you a better way to do things.  You can handle this weakness by empowering your team, as among them will be individuals who are good at reacting to a constantly changing world.



Lack of Cardinal


With a lack of planets in Cardinal signs, you may have trouble starting things.  You may be timid about developing and carrying out plans.  You would prefer to let others break the first ground of a new venture, so that you can pitch in and help once the outlines of the venture are clear.  You probably lack confidence in your mastery of the real world and survival in it.  You may substitute a rich inner life for your lack of action in the outer world.  In its highest form, you may be unusually creative or spiritually committed.  Ideas filter up as you focus on ‘being’ instead of ‘doing’.  Watch out for the lower manifestations, which are delegating tasks to others and pitying yourself over the lot that befalls you in life as a result of your lack of direction and initiative.  Your different perspective on life gives you valuable insights that let you make real contributions wherever you are.


A lack of planets in the Cardinal signs can be offset by a Cardinal sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Angular houses.



Abundant Angular


An abundance of planets in the angular houses helps to give you drive and initiative.  It makes you active in the external world.  Expressing your individuality is important to you.  You are probably a leader who enjoys challenges and can get things moving.



Lack of Succedent


A lack of planets in succedent houses gives you a certain emotional detachment.  You do not pay much attention to the pleasures of the body or to cultivating a particular group of friends.  Enjoying life is not the most important thing to you.  You act not on the basis of feeling or principle, but from necessity.  You tend to be a restless wanderer of either the world or the mind.


A lack of planets in the Succedent houses can be offset by abundant planets in the Fixed signs.