Astrology Reading for: Leo – 7.26.1977 – Rising Sign: Taurus








This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs and Houses



Taurus Ascendant


(The Steadfast)


There is a look of substance about you.  Others admire your thick hair, which may be curly or wavy.  Though slow to anger, you may use force to defend yourself when aroused.  You are resolutely stubborn, and generous beyond your means, to the point of being foolish.  Others value your friendship and you are a welcome guest.  You would rather be a “boss” than an employee, but will always give your best to a job, because you don’t know how to do anything “half-way.”




Sun in Leo


(Keynote: I WILL)


You are passionate, sincere, generous, courageous and loyal.  You may also be demanding, possessive, jealous and intolerant.  You are a champion of causes and defender of the helpless in time of need — the stuff of which heroes are made.  You resist accepting second-best of anything.  You are at your best when given dramatic license to take center-stage, with all eyes upon you.  Your word is your bond, but you can be unreasonable if things don’t go your way.  Try not to confuse the courage of your convictions with inordinate stubbornness, which is usually the source of your downfall.



Sun in the Third House


(The Neighbor)


You are constantly on-the-go and may talk “off the top of your head” — but you WILL talk.  You sometimes enjoy gossiping, because an interaction with people is paramount in your life.  Others may not understand your need for habitual conversation, but since you are clever and bright, you are probably well-liked.  You excel in writing or debating and are always interested in learning something new.  Your suitcase is half-packed and ready for spur-of-the moment travel.  If you develop the persistence to complete half the projects you begin, you can count on success as a result of your efforts.




Moon in Sagittarius


(The Prophet)


You have a gift of farsightedness, which lets you see an entire picture instead of fragments available to others.  You amaze yourself at what your mind can conceive and often achieve with little effort, as though you were born to succeed.  You are open and frank, and for the most part, kind, but your thoughtless remarks can leave a wrong impression or create enemies.  A need for physical activity should not be ignored.  Otherwise, you can suffer “burn out” from too many mental gyrations, which will throw your balance and make you less efficient in your rush to attain your ambitions.



Moon in the Seventh House


(The Searcher)


You may never feel complete after you leave the mother-influence until you find a life-partner who fits OR is the opposite of her image.  This will depend on the positive or negative programming you received in childhood.  If you select a partner in business, you will choose someone as shrewd as yourself.  You may enter any partnership when you are nudged by gut-feelings too intense to be denied, or dissolved when conflicts are too dangerous to be ignored.



Mercury in Leo


(The Dramatist)


You are highly emotional and speak forcefully; your words may not always be tactful, but they do have an impact.  You’re generous with advice, which is usually good and well-taken. Your gift of creativity may be shared and enjoyed by others who appreciate you.  No party is complete without you, but your famous negative qualities of conceit and arrogance may make you an unwelcome guest.  Listen to your keen intuition, which will tell you when it’s time to go home.



Mercury in the Fourth House


(The Librarian)


You are most comfortable in familiar surroundings.  Parental attachments may delay your “leaving the nest” to be on your own.  Your home may be your office, or you see your office as a “second home.”  Though an avid reader, you seldom share the wealth of your fine mind.  In games of strategy you have no peer.  You have much to offer.  Expand your horizons.  Let others begin to know you.  You can maintain privacy, but invite the world to beat a path to your door.



Venus in Gemini


(The Inconstant)


Your sense of humor is infectious and your charm undeniable.  You are a born traveler and appeal to a wide variety of people with whom you share your multiple talents. Commitment in relationships is as difficult as staying with one job, unless you are the “boss.”  Whether formally-educated or not, you have a wealth of knowledge to share and a way of expressing yourself that is entirely captivating.  One can almost forgive you for being a “world-class flirt!”



Venus in the Second House


(The Status-Seeker)


An innate dislike of ugliness makes the acquisition of beautiful things almost a necessity.  But, an obsession for accumulating expensive serendipity for the sake of creating an illusion of opulence can encourage acquiring money for money’s sake.  If there is an opportunity, you may marry for money at the expense of love.  True values need constant attention to rise above the temptation to worship at a golden idol’s feet.



Mars in Gemini


(The Lecturer)


You are a powerful speaker, able to influence others and sway them to your views.  As a teacher, you convince students to do things “your way,” though you may change your methods as often as you change your mind.  If you scatter your energies, you can fail to complete what you have started and accomplish nothing.  Learn early to think before you speak and hone your ability to concentrate.  Otherwise, your knowledge may appear superficial and your ideas not worth exploring.



Mars in the First House


(The General)


You’ll be aware from the time you’re born of the tremendous power you hold.  No task is too great for your dynamic energy to challenge.  However, before congratulating yourself, you must recognize you are impulsive, and sometimes lack the patience to finish what you start.  Your enormous ego drive will demand you assume responsibility for the actions in your life.  Slow down long enough to ask: “How will my choices affect others?  Is the result worth the effort?”



Jupiter in Gemini


(The Ambivalent)


You have the highest ideals and are an inspiration to those who know your spiritual side.  Your flair for writing and creative pen blends the sadness and joys of life into a harmony that dreams are made of.  But, if you scatter your energies, you may never complete your work and receive the rewards of your talents.



Jupiter in the Second House


(The Big Spender)


You’ll let someone else take the dinner check, but if it’s haute cuisine, you don’t mind paying for it.  You may even spend to impress others, or talk them into investing, but your free-wheeling ways can squander their money.  And, you’re so cheerful about it, they may not even mind!  Your motto is, “If it’s there to enjoy, count the pleasure, not the cost!



Saturn in Leo


(The Haughty)


You may have trouble in sharing all the love you have to give or finding the love you crave, and so allow an “I don’t care” attitude to become a mask, under which you hide your true feelings.  You can also substitute imperiousness for emotional rapport and again deny your basic needs.  Try to go with the world instead of against it.  You may find a way to turn your negatives positive and enjoy the spin instead of just becoming dizzy and wanting to get off.



Saturn in the Fourth House


(The Disciplinarian)


You may feel “stuck in a rut” because of a childhood filled with responsibility.  Because of this, it is difficult for you to shed feelings you had when you were “stuck at home.”   At times, you may appear to be cold or too reserved.  Others may assume your spartan tastes are a reflection of your deprivation.  Upon leaving your family, try to put the past behind you and make a life of your own, unencumbered by the restraints of your formative years.



Uranus in Scorpio


(The Indomitable)


You are certain to achieve your goals, if willpower is the deciding issue.  But, choose a proper path or your destructive qualities will turn on you with catastrophic results.  Exercise caution when handling electricity or mechanical devices.  You have amazing recuperative powers, but can’t depend on them if you insist on challenging disaster. Your passionate nature instills instant confidence.  No one can doubt that you will complete anything you begin.



Uranus in the Sixth House


(The Job-hopper)


You may waste time jumping from job to job as you search for one compatible with your personality.  You resent subjugation by conditions or the will of others.  If you “make do” for the sake of a paycheck, nervous conditions may result because of repressed energy.  You will be happiest with work that allows you flexibility and an opportunity to do things your way.   If that is impossible, at least try to “get away from it all” when away from your work environment.



Neptune in Sagittarius


(The Sage)


You have a talent for understanding human nature and an uncanny ability to know what makes people “tick.”  You are a perpetual student, and a gifted teacher.  Your thirst for knowledge will prompt you to travel extensively.  Try to remember that you must accept the customs of another country before they will accept you.  Your beliefs are unconventional.  You will continue to learn by experience and teach in love as did Plato, Socrates and their descendants in spirit.



Neptune in the Seventh House


(The Idolater)


You find it difficult to define the “whys” and “wherefores” of relationships and may question why you have come together.  It is usually “something” inside that tells you a partner is your soul-mate — that you were fated to be together, and are on the same spiritual level, which may or may not be true.  You may go into business with or marry your best friend, which is not a bad idea.  It is important that you know someone well before making a commitment.



Pluto in Libra


(The Rational)


As peacemaker, it is second-nature to act as liaison in fostering partnerships that contribute to world-harmony.  Your high intellect and demand for justice may place you in public service where you can aid worthy causes by your involvement. Your love of truth may influence big business, where deceit will be overcome with honor.  On an individual level, all this may be accomplished by setting an example through the simple amenities you practice every day.



Pluto in the Fifth House


(The Extremist)


You season your life with a heavy hand and tend to exaggerate conditions.  In your many love affairs, you will feel that each is “the one” and may cling to an ideal past the time when reality should govern your actions.  You may also invite power struggles by insisting that your way is the only way and your truth the only truth.  But, one thing must be said:  Your enthusiasm for living is unquestioned and you get the most out of every emotion-charged moment.



Aquarius Midheaven


You will flourish best in a career that takes advantage of your inventiveness and originality.  You have a need to be unconventional and different.  You see your career field from a refreshingly independent perspective and make original contributions.  You don’t like working in a highly structured environment, so you often work as an independent free-lancer.  Driven to follow your inner light, others can consider your interests eccentric; you may treat them rudely.  But at your healthiest, you are also a humanitarian who contributes to civic causes and whose many career contacts make you an effective networker.


Your career can be based on ideas or on service to society.  To achieve your greatest success, you must dare to be your true, unique self.  More than others, you understand Joseph Campbell’s advice, “follow your bliss.”  Working out your ideas on your own, you can produce results that will benefit humanity.  Pitfalls to be overcome include selfishness, pride, and the desire for power.  You may originate numerous ideas, but forget them soon after conception.  Scientific objectivity carried to the extreme could make you cold, impersonal, or arrogant.  Do not allow yourself to become isolated, but stay in touch with those on whose behalf you are laboring.


Occupations consistent with your unusual, independent style of work include entertainer, literary personality, athlete, educator, inventor, occultist, astrologer, social worker, social scientist, vocational counselor, personnel specialist, benevolent or fraternal society administrator, conference organizer, or strategist.  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Uranus, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.



North Node in Libra


(The Selfless)


You will not understand why others are promoted while you are passed by.  You must change an attitude that the world revolves around you.  Jealousy or resentment depletes your strength which should be used, not for your purposes alone, but to do for others what they cannot do.  You will acquire the stature you long for by balancing your needs with others.



North Node in the Fifth House


(The Princess)


Like the lady in the tower, awaiting rescue, all you need do is open your eyes to see a staircase.  You prefer fantasies to the workaday world.  Learn what is real and of lasting value.  Acquire self-discipline to become a “doer.”   You have the power to make your dreams come true, but cannot expect them to manifest before taking your first steps into reality.





Planets in Aspect


Sun trine Moon  (Strength:  6.42)


(The Composed)


You have a good understanding of who you are and what you can accomplish.  You often help your friends to make the decisions that will bring their lives into balance through needed adjustments.  You believe in paying attention to stress signals that threaten your equilibrium and correcting your problems through adapting to change.  You are exemplary of the blending of the Yin and Yang or the harmonious merging of spiritual needs and bodily expression.



Moon opposite Mars  (Strength:  3.54)


(The Untenable)


You ride an emotional see-saw which is difficult to control, particularly in personal relationships.  You may have trouble relating to women as a result of childhood programming by a mother-figure.  Your emotions can provoke involuntary tantrums that may prove embarrassing.  Try to develop a tolerance for others since you are not essentially a “loner.” You need people in your life who may help you to mature as a calmer individual, capable of leadership instead of tyranny.



Mercury sextile Jupiter  (Strength:  2.59)


(The Far-sighted)


Your attention is on your own desires and how to fulfill them.  You want to know your purpose in the scheme of things and will explore all possibilities. In acquiring self-understanding you recognize the importance of relationships.  While you are capable of standing on your own feet, you choose to interact with others, knowing that supportive friends can help attain your goals.  Your life can be one of learning, expansion and fulfillment.  You have only to choose the way.



Sun square Uranus  (Strength:  2.22)


(The Daredevil)


You are courageous, but may also be rebellious and reckless.  If expecting the unexpected appeals to you, your life should be as thrilling and exciting as you could wish. But, if you try to sail a smooth sea, you may invite upsets that continually disturb your plans.  Changes may damage your originality, if you plunge headlong into the unknown, but upon examination may provide you with the means to mold your life-direction until it accommodates your special cast.



Sun sextile Mars  (Strength:  2.12)


(The Expeditor)


Use your energies to accomplish your tasks in the most judicious manner.  You are not likely to go unnoticed.  Your object will be the successful completion of anything you undertake rather than satisfaction of your ego, so you work well with others and make use of their input.  Your self-confidence inspires respect of your judgment.  Should you find resistance, you will overcome it with logic and prudence rather than aggressiveness and domination.



Neptune sextile Pluto  (Strength:  2.12)


(The Self-aware)


It is important that you have the support of your family and friends.  You are extremely sensitive and subject yourself to self-criticism that can be destructive and depressing.  It may be that you need professional help to build your self-esteem.  Later, you may transfer your intense feelings into knowledge you share with others.  You may pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology, but will continue to investigate your own psyche for answers as to what “makes you tick.”



Saturn trine Neptune  (Strength:  2.08)


(The Opening)


You apply yourself with persistence, determination and a conviction that, with hard work, you will succeed.  You are realistic in your expectations and willing to overcome pessimism and self-doubt.  At your lowest ebb, “something” will encourage you to press on.  You believe you are joined by a higher force in selecting and achieving your goals and when the time is right, you will be fulfilled.  It may be later than sooner, but have patience.  Such faith must be rewarded.



Venus conjunct Jupiter  (Strength:  2.06)


(Lady Luck)


Because of your ability to see beauty in all things, your life is generally harmonious.  You are concerned with meaningful values and do not waste time with unproductive trivia.  Your intuition, while somewhat optimistic, is not unrealistic and can guide you into circumstances which others may interpret as “lucky.”  Your luck is in being prepared to take advantage of chances that come your way with a positive outlook and confidence that you have what it takes to succeed.



Venus sextile Saturn  (Strength:  1.32)


(The Worthwhile)


You will investigate practical ways to assure that your relationships are rewarding.  You easily express what you are willing to give and what you expect to receive before strains are put on a partnership because of “who owes what to who.” You always try to “get it right the first time,” by attending to details and eliminating mistakes.  You are realistic rather than idealistic, and conventional rather than radical, so your foundations seldom crumble and your investments pay off.



Moon square Mercury  (Strength:  1.23)


(The Misunderstood)


You can encounter considerable frustration in getting your point across.  It is not that others are ignorant, but that you are too emotionally involved with what you are trying to say to use a logical approach.  If you express your feelings, it may be a good way to relieve tension and invite new insight to “clear the air.”  It is not necessarily compromise but mutual rapport that often resolves any lack of communication that exists between you and your opposition.



Mars inconjunct Uranus  (Strength:  1.10)


(Head of the Class)


You may depend on your above-average mind for success.  If you could kick your ego out of the way, and impress others that you are a “know-a-lot,” rather than a “know-it-all,” you might avoid the anger you feel when your ideas are not accepted, or you are seen as disruptive rather than “quick” or “bright.”  If you attempt to accomplish too much too fast, you may suffer nervous disorders.  Earn an image of practical innovation, rather than one of bloated self-importance.



Mars trine Pluto  (Strength:  0.09)


(The Renewer)


As an instrument in the progress of mankind, you may taste fame, and even fortune, depending on where and how you direct your powerful energies.  If you know yourself well, you can identify with the needs of others and use your formidable drive to benefit society as a leader.  If motivated by selfishness, you may receive some satisfaction from personal gain but will sacrifice the true distinction of contributing to the universe on the altar of prideful self-esteem.


Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Fire


You are an active, future-oriented person who is not weighed down by past commitments.  You take advantage of new opportunities better than most.  Life for you can be a vibrant affair in which you passionately pursue causes, lovers, and experiences.  You have the self-confidence to be a leader.  Competitive and flamboyant, you have little patience for slow people or unexciting work.  When an activity interests you, you can be very generous with your time, energy, and money.  Find outlets for your gifts of creativity and intuition.


Watch out for a tendency to exaggerate or to be insensitive to others’ feelings.  More cautious types may envy and resent your free spirit and competitive nature.  You get bored easily and may depend on others to finish the projects that you start.  When your warmth is guided by love, wisdom, and positive goals you have the ability to heal and inspire others, but when you focus on your self or lack direction, your short-lived passions can affect others in destructive ways.



Abundant Air


You seem to live for mental exploration.  Discovering and communicating the connections between ideas, people, and places is your function in life.  Your active mind is good at identifying new frontiers whose basics you quickly master, so that you end up knowing something about almost everything.  You have a dispassionate nature that cooly considers the pros and cons of a situation, able to place logic above personal emotion.  From your mental viewpoint, emotions look irrational.  You make a good negotiator, sales person, communicator, arbitrator, analyst, and information processor.  Ideas flow quickly for you.  While impersonal and dispassionate, you nonetheless thrive on communication and social interaction.  At your best, you strive to understand and accept people, not to change them.  Courageously, you adhere to principles.  You appreciate culture, structure, and systems.


Your greatest strength is also your weakness, namely too much coolness from placing head above heart.  Leaders must be able to follow their hearts without being indecisive or equivocating.  And you ignore your real connection to others if you use your mental gifts to coldly manipulate them.  Try to avoid isolation by functioning as part of a team in which your logic, analysis, and communication skills are put to good use.  Work with others who may be more practical, sensitive, or passionate than are you. Don’t keep your good ideas inside, but write them down and communicate them to others.



Lack of Water


For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita.  Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others’ feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you.  You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to feel what they feel.  You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way.  People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you.  Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness.  It’s not that you don’t have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships.  If you are an artist, they may come out in your art.  You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity.  Your best companions would be those who are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings.  They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people’s feelings.


A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.



Lack of Earth


You may be so focused on the “bigger picture” that you have difficulty managing the many details of life.  Balancing your checkbook or leaving your bedroom clean may seem beyond your abilities.  Other tasks may be important, but you find it hard to concentrate long enough to complete them.  Knowing your own lack of concentration and self-discipline, you may cling to established routines because you know that you are able to do important things through force of habit.  If you do not flit from job to job, you could hold onto a job or a relationship for too long because you do not trust that you will be secure without it.  Your lack of real world perspective may make it hard for you to distinguish that which really matters from that which is unimportant, so that you sometimes focus on small things while leaving the really big things undone.  You may say that you care about money, but unless you have abundant planets in the houses of Substance, you will not execute a detailed plan to get it.  If you can avoid driving them crazy, enlist the help of those more grounded than yourself in order to turn your inspirations into reality.


A lack of planets in Earth signs can be offset by an Earth sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Substance.



Abundant Relationships


With abundant planets in these houses, relationships and communications with others are likely to be central to your life.  You can help others by exchanging ideas and making connections between people.  You will probably maintain active contact with a wide circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances.  You keep abreast of new information via various media and your friends.



Lack of Endings


You live on the surface of things, afraid to look within at what you really feel and want.  Perhaps your position is too precarious or the obligations too great to allow yourself this luxury.  You feel forced to maintain your personal status quo.  You come across to others as unfeeling.  Because personal feelings do not distract you, you might make a good scientist, though be aware that the greatest scientists let intuitive feelings be their guide.


A lack of planets in the houses of Endings can be offset by abundant planets in Water signs.



Lack of Life


You could have difficulty envisioning or planning for the future.  You are likely to accept the status quo, living in the past and present, but not actively striving to create the future.  Lacking your own passionate goals, you are more likely to be a follower than a leader.


A lack of planets in the houses of Life can be offset by abundant planets in Fire signs.



Abundant Mutable


With an abundance of planets in Mutable signs, you adapt easily to changing circumstances.  Mentally quick, you adapt like a chameleon to give each what they want, until you are on to the next friend or interest.  Life offers a succession of roles to play.  Skilled at diplomacy and compromise, you make a good negotiator and appear to be everyone’s friend.  You actually are other-oriented, rather than self-oriented, and can be so busy meeting others’ needs that you lack direction in your own life.  Concentrate on finding friends of true worth and value.  Be discriminating in your associations, in whom you choose to help.  The endless flow from your mind, tongue, and hands will then work to return real value to you, which is what you deserve.  You can probably only follow this advice just so far, though, because more than others the Universe sends you people in need, people for whom you are able to make a real difference.  The assistance that you provide to the powerless may actually be remembered long after your facile mental output is forgotten.  Your activities can also bring an end to institutions that have outlived their usefulness.



Abundant Fixed


With an abundance of planets in Fixed signs, you have the staying power to complete a project, grow a family, or expand a business.  Your strength is what friends notice most about you.  You have definite values; you focus your affections on the people and things that are part of your team.  Friendships formed over time are important to you.  You may be found at the center of a circle of friends, a large family, a government agency, or a business.  You understand the contribution that stability and security make to prosperity and growth.  It throws you off-balance when friends are not as reliable as you are or when love and ideals are not part of your life.  Concentrate on developing confidence in yourself, a wholesome world for your family or group, and binding others to you with love.  If you have a weakness, it is trouble changing or listening when people tell you a better way to do things.  You can handle this weakness by empowering your team, as among them will be individuals who are good at reacting to a constantly changing world.



Lack of Cardinal


With a lack of planets in Cardinal signs, you may have trouble starting things.  You may be timid about developing and carrying out plans.  You would prefer to let others break the first ground of a new venture, so that you can pitch in and help once the outlines of the venture are clear.  You probably lack confidence in your mastery of the real world and survival in it.  You may substitute a rich inner life for your lack of action in the outer world.  In its highest form, you may be unusually creative or spiritually committed.  Ideas filter up as you focus on ‘being’ instead of ‘doing’.  Watch out for the lower manifestations, which are delegating tasks to others and pitying yourself over the lot that befalls you in life as a result of your lack of direction and initiative.  Your different perspective on life gives you valuable insights that let you make real contributions wherever you are.


A lack of planets in the Cardinal signs can be offset by a Cardinal sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Angular houses.



Abundant Angular


An abundance of planets in the angular houses helps to give you drive and initiative.  It makes you active in the external world.  Expressing your individuality is important to you.  You are probably a leader who enjoys challenges and can get things moving.