Astrology Reading for: Sagittarius – 12.4.1958 – Rising Sign: Aries








This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs and Houses



Aries Ascendant


(The Unswerving)


Your direct approach and military bearing are evident.  Your gaze is direct and you can use it to express the power you hold.  Physically, you give an appearance of strength and purpose with a determination to succeed at all costs.  It is difficult for you to hide anger, since your usually-soft eyes take on a steely-look and your complexion becomes beet-red. You pride yourself in meeting life “head on,” but must remember to avoid unnecessary collisions.




Sun in Sagittarius


(Keynote: I ASPIRE)


You are self-reliant, ambitious, optimistic and friendly.  You may also be sarcastic, self-indulgent, impatient and tactless.   Others may see you as irresponsible, and a capricious flirt.  The truth is you are acutely aware of human values and enjoy improving potential.  You relate well to children, animals and the environment, and find them all fascinating.  You avoid commitment, which you feel restricts your freedom to expand.  Your bluntness often disguises a compassionate heart, deserving of rewards for your generous contributions to our planet.



Sun in the Ninth House


(The Professor)


Your thirst for learning extends beyond the classroom.  You acquire much of your knowledge from people of different cultures or in foreign lands.  You probably have a flair for languages, making you valuable as a translator.  It is possible you will earn more than one academic degree, and function as a teacher.  One of your most admirable qualities is that, by touching the lives of others, you will come to understand that all men are brothers, separated only by self-imposed restrictions.  Share your wisdom to overcome prejudice and the bigotry which impedes the spiritual growth of all.




Moon in Virgo


(The Spartan)


Your outwardly-cool attitude may cause others to approach you with caution, and make friendship difficult.  You are capable of accomplishing a lot, with little to work with.  You are not particularly ambitious, but may over-emphasize your limitations.  A place in scientific research is possible, where your practical mind and attention to detail can be appreciated.  If you are too hard on yourself or others, you can destroy your chances for recognition of your excellent merits.  Digestive difficulties may occur if you fret obsessively with no outlet for your frustrations.



Moon in the Sixth House


(Les Miserables)


A devotion to duty, when coupled with the psychological impact of feeling “used”, can result in what can only be termed a “martyr complex.”  Because you are serious by nature, you will allow, and even insist on bearing the impositions of others; then fretting over your oppressions until you make yourself ill.  Learn to know what is your package, and then how to balance it so that it becomes not a BURDEN, but a steadying agent as you approach maturity.



Mercury in Sagittarius


(The Motivator)


You may use your quick mind and powers of speech to uplift and support.  You enjoy the role of entrepreneur, but resent being relied on for solutions to problems that are not yours, since their weight impedes your progress.  You can lack the resolve it takes to stay on course, or spread yourself too thin, trying to grasp too much at once.  Beware that yours is not a life of “too much, too soon” or your later years will be empty of the challenge you love.



Mercury in the Ninth House


(The Traveler)


Life is an endlessly fascinating journey, which you explore as a true adventurer.  Your strong desire to advance your education gives you unique talents as a linguist, and you easily adapt to unfamiliar surroundings.  Your high ideals can inspire others to their own spiritual development.  You are a citizen of the universe. You may choose a career which employs your gifts for writing, lecturing or preaching so others may know what you have enjoyed and now value most.



Venus in Sagittarius


(The Escape-artist)


Your interests are so varied that it is hard for you to be content with “one” of anything.  You love to travel, so may have two places you call “home.”  You need challenge and are easily bored, so can hold two jobs at the same time.  You are capable of loving more than one person, also, and will devise excuses to delay a commitment.  If you do settle down, your partner must accept your continued need for freedom and your sometimes-careless handling of money!



Venus in the Ninth House


(The Idealist)


Your love of learning and sharing knowledge is almost certain to draw you to foreign lands.  You may even choose a career as a diplomat and live abroad.  Every man is your brother.  Every life you touch stimulates your desire to reach a higher level of spiritual being.  You benefit mankind by using your experience to educate the masses.  You are not a REVOLUTIONIST, but an EVOLUTIONIST, gathering means to feed a starving universe with fruits of your knowledge.



Mars in Taurus


(The Juggernaut)


You may disregard your instincts for harmony, patience and even the practicality for which you are known and stubbornly “bull” your way towards your ambitions.  You will work to capacity and, one way or another, gain all-important financial rewards; then find someone to share your affections as well as your success.  You are a “powerhouse” who can manifest what you dream, enjoy what you earn, and discover the symmetry necessary to maintain the stability you require.



Mars in the Second House


(The Moneymaker)


Money, possessions and things you personally value will always be important to you.  The danger is that egoistic Mars can be obsessive and the acquisition of money may represent your only achievement.  While money is power, your life-values are a different kind of wealth.  At some time, you will need a partner to manage your assets.  It is only by sharing what you have earned OR learned that you receive full benefit of what you have achieved.



Jupiter in Scorpio


(The Investor)


You may manage other people’s time and money successfully.  Your keen intuition and bent for speculation can help you create your own dynasty.  You’re apt to over-do or become self-indulgent.  Make “moderation” your watchword to avoid unfortunate side-effects which can impair your health and rob you of the rewards of the charmed life you lead.



Jupiter in the Eighth House


(The Negotiator)


Because you have an understanding of how the world views you and act accordingly, you have numerous chances for beneficial growth.  People respect your opinion, trust your judgment, and will offer the financial or spiritual support you need.  You welcome self-improvement, so accept change with the grace and ease it often takes to be truly successful.



Saturn in Sagittarius


(The Persuader)


You have the ability to influence others to join a crusade; as long as you adhere to your high principles, they will admire and probably follow you without question. However, you must be prepared to encounter those who disagree with your beliefs and oppose you.  Carefully guard your words and actions because they can be held against you.  The flames you ignite may become a holocaust out of your control.



Saturn in the Ninth House


(The Thinker)


You probably have the self-confidence usually born of long experience, no matter your age.  Your powers of concentration enable you to absorb the essentials of life in great chunks.  A career in law may satisfy your sense of justice.  However, inherent knowledge may preclude the experience to utilize it.  If your viewpoint seems narrow, look for ways to augment it.  Like the Bluebird, you may find them waiting in your own back yard.



Uranus in Leo


(The Trend-setter)


You are first to volunteer, to explore, to introduce, to accept and to BE first in everything.  You enjoy standing in the limelight as someone creatively innovative.  But, you will not be content to perform; you are driven to take your place in an executive position that will distinguish you from your peers.  You attract off-beat people and situations.  Be sure to know who you are inviting into your life to avoid the unhappy pitfalls of impulsively-formed alliances.



Uranus in the Fifth House


(The Child)


You are always in search of amusement of a “different” kind, and may originate innovative games.  No matter your age, children find you fascinating and accept you readily.  Your own children may be as full of surprises as you, yourself. Because of your many facets, you project whatever image you desire, with the skill of an actor.  You may fall in and out of love easily because of your lack of commitment.  A desire for too much freedom can result in a lonely future.



Neptune in Scorpio


(The Initiator)


You take great delight in other people’s secrets and may use them to advantage. If you have information that needs disclosure for the benefit of others, you may expose it in a subtle, but effective way.  You may also use your knowledge to promote a principle or public figures while working behind the scenes.  A leaning towards self-indulgence needs careful monitoring so that your strength is not used in abusive ways, but as a benefactor who prefers to remain anonymous.



Neptune in the Seventh House


(The Idolater)


You find it difficult to define the “whys” and “wherefores” of relationships and may question why you have come together.  It is usually “something” inside that tells you a partner is your soul-mate — that you were fated to be together, and are on the same spiritual level, which may or may not be true.  You may go into business with or marry your best friend, which is not a bad idea.  It is important that you know someone well before making a commitment.



Pluto in Virgo


(The Restorers)


You have a rare opportunity of renovating the world in carefully-structured channels when the environment seems at its lowest ebb.  Drugs, disease, addictions and crime will no longer be tolerated.  You will have a major part in seeing that justice is done.  Law-makers, and those who execute the law will be among your peers, as well as some who are willing to educate those who truly desire self-improvement as their contribution to elevate mankind.



Pluto in the Sixth House


(The Alarmist)


By developing a practical fitness regime early, you may allay your fears that your health will undermine your plans for the future.  Resist impulses to follow fads that promise much and deliver little.  Also, avoid the tension of seeing yourself at your job in the extreme, as either threatened or indispensable.  Otherwise, you may work unnecessarily hard to prevent losing what you have gained.  Moderation in all things should insure you a long and productive life.



Capricorn Midheaven


You should find a career that takes advantage of your organizational ability.  You work pragmatically and consistently, and pay attention to the little things that make a difference.  You are very responsible in your career, displaying a high sense of duty.  You are ambitious, but are willing to carry a large share of the load on your way to the top.  Furthermore, you are not just a maintainer of the status quo or a reactor to events, but see in a clear-eyed way what needs to be done and will initiate action on your own.


Your choice of career typically displays an acknowledgement of financial and material realities.  It may not be flashy, but it is secure and worthwhile.  During your life, your patience may be tested by periods of loneliness, poor health, hard work, poverty, or problems with your marriage, children or aged dependents.  You may feel that your road has been a lonely one without much assistance.  If you give way to melancholy, you may become passive about your lot and suspiciously distrustful even of your friends.  Alternately, stress can cause you to become cynical and ruthless.  However, your greatest success will come in those areas where through long, hard work you complete tasks that others do not even attempt.


Occupations consistent with your material, ambitious style of work include executive, builder, real estate or agriculture worker, stockbroker, administrator, civil servant, computer scientist, academic, engineer, photographer, doctor, biologist, chemist, miner, metallurgist, or prolific author .  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Saturn, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.



North Node in Libra


(The Selfless)


You will not understand why others are promoted while you are passed by.  You must change an attitude that the world revolves around you.  Jealousy or resentment depletes your strength which should be used, not for your purposes alone, but to do for others what they cannot do.  You will acquire the stature you long for by balancing your needs with others.



North Node in the Seventh House


(The Hero)


You may win every battle, and demand credit for all you do, but without admiration, your victories are hollow.  You are essentially self-sufficient, but to achieve happiness must learn to share your fortunes, no matter what they have cost you.  In sharing with those who are weaker in talent, effort and resolve, you will receive the honors you desire.





Planets in Aspect


Mars opposite Jupiter  (Strength:  5.60)


(The Affected)


You often try to impress others with your abilities, which can come off as idle boasting or narcissism.  Or, you may feel discriminated against, which can be the result of selfishly pursuing your aims over the feelings of others.  You sometimes respond to promises of extravagant rewards which may not materialize and tend to overreact emotionally, which is a sure way to lose a battle.  Utilize your positive energy and assert your independence to make things happen “your way.”



Moon square Mercury  (Strength:  5.18)


(The Misunderstood)


You can encounter considerable frustration in getting your point across.  It is not that others are ignorant, but that you are too emotionally involved with what you are trying to say to use a logical approach.  If you express your feelings, it may be a good way to relieve tension and invite new insight to “clear the air.”  It is not necessarily compromise but mutual rapport that often resolves any lack of communication that exists between you and your opposition.



Mercury conjunct Saturn  (Strength:  4.65)


(The Cautious)


You are apt to take a negative point of view so that you can be “prepared for the worst.”  If you are narrow in your opinions of people, you will criticize them out of your life, but you can also see through attempts to deceive you or correct imperfections in relationships, as long as you are open to change.  Learn not to project an attitude of gloom and if you have genuine complaints, air them before they are misinterpreted through your wary actions.



Venus trine Uranus  (Strength:  4.40)


(The Evergreen)


You may make money in unusual ways and attract those who are very different from yourself or have something “new” to offer.  Your desire for excitement and change keeps your relationships forever young.  There is little danger of possessiveness or jealousy.  You may “reward” each other with unusual trinkets that you both enjoy or hold a special meaning for the two of you. If things get dull, you’ll find a way to liven them up and have a variety of friends to help you.



Mars square Uranus  (Strength:  4.11)


(The Unorthodox)


Because you are “different” from the norm, you need careful handling so that your liberal spirit is not squashed, but expressed in a positive manner.  You respond to action rather than words.  If unappreciated, you can be disruptive to get attention or you become narrow or small if your ego is bruised.  You may think a “slap” is better than being ignored. Fit your “square” peg in the “round” holes by gently filing abrasive edges that society finds unacceptable.



Jupiter square Uranus  (Strength:  3.71)


(The Obstacles)


Disruptions may suddenly crop up to spoil your best-laid plans.  Allowing a margin for error is not likely to resolve dilemmas as your stumbling blocks are usually from “left field” and are not only unexpected, but of a different nature than is readily anticipated.  Despite this, you have the confidence and optimism to pursue your goals.  Because of the uniqueness of your deterrents, you will, of necessity, find innovative solutions to resolve your problems.



Moon trine Mars  (Strength:  3.36)


(The Spearhead)


Your high physical energy propels you to the head of the crowd.  Whatever you do will be aggressively active, and sometimes competitive, but not necessarily combative. Relationships with others are intense, as are your feelings.  You have the strength of your convictions at all times, but rather than force them on others, will convince them to see things your way because of your inherent enthusiasm.  You are a lover of life, and life, in turn, loves you back!



Moon square Venus  (Strength:  3.07)


(The Impassioned)


You are intent on romance, but may be too fervent to realize you are over-protective or possessive of your loved-one.  If you do not have a relationship, you will feel out of balance until you attract a partner, and will make every effort to do so.  Your feelings may stem from a parent-child affinity if you are sentimental about the marriage of your parents.  Be sure you are acting from real love more than sentiment or need if you consider entering a commitment.



Moon square Saturn  (Strength:  3.04)


(The Lonely)


You may be depressed because you feel isolated and take the blame for your plight, but not know how to solve the problem. “Burying” yourself in work or other distractions is not going to satisfy you.  Relationships often mean chancing rejection, but if you hesitate to brave a possible loss of pride, you will also deny an opportunity for fulfillment.  By repressing feelings, you may find that you are denying expressions which can then emerge in a destructive way.



Sun trine Uranus  (Strength:  2.87)


(The Electrifier)


You are a motivating force, and often inspire others to follow your lead.  Never content with the “status quo,” a search for enlightenment can lead you to explore unusual ways of getting in touch with yourself.  Beware of “kooky” cults or schemes, but uplifting studies can be helpful.  One of these may be astrology.  If you are not productive, restless energy may appear as nervous disorders which can only be remedied by steps you take to restore your cosmic balance.



Venus inconjunct Mars  (Strength:  2.71)


(The Sensual)


Your desire for affection may cause you to confuse or substitute sex or material pleasures for true love.  You may depend on physical beauty or attraction to bargain for favors or to “get by.”  If you are indiscriminate in your companions, you may invite social illnesses.  At best, you fall in and out of love easily, as your romantic nature is a dominant part of your makeup.  You must value yourself before you can hope for others to respect as well as admire your charms.



Saturn conjunct Midheaven  (Strength:  2.71)


(The Award)


It may take you some time to get where you’re going, but your hard work and perseverance will pay off.  Lay your plans carefully.  Achievement of your goals has nothing to do with “luck.”  Do not alienate yourself from those who care for you and are willing to follow your lead.  You need their support. You tend to be inflexible, but be prepared to restructure your thinking.  As a realist, you should allow enough margin for error to absorb the revisions that assure your success.


Neptune sextile Pluto  (Strength:  2.38)


(The Self-aware)


It is important that you have the support of your family and friends.  You are extremely sensitive and subject yourself to self-criticism that can be destructive and depressing.  It may be that you need professional help to build your self-esteem.  Later, you may transfer your intense feelings into knowledge you share with others.  You may pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology, but will continue to investigate your own psyche for answers as to what “makes you tick.”


Moon sextile Jupiter  (Strength:  1.76)


(The Helper)


As a student of life, you have a “live and let live” philosophy, that includes the hapless creatures of the world. While you believe in individual freedom, you often extend a willing hand in time of trouble, and receive relief in kind from your many friends.  Last-minute “windfalls” may extricate you from financial problems.  Generous with your purse, you exemplify “casting your bread upon the waters” where it multiplies and returns to you in time of need.


Sun conjunct Venus  (Strength:  1.27)


(The Socialite)


You are refined and cultured with a love of the arts and beautiful things.  Because a day without fun is depressing, you make yourself attractive and available and are usually where something entertaining is going on.  You can become self-indulgent and conceited, believing money and looks will take you farther than is reasonable, but when you see that “Pretty is as Pretty does,” will try to develop inner qualities to complement the glamorous image you project.


Mercury conjunct Venus  (Strength:  0.01)


(The Considerate)


Your mind and emotions are in harmony, so you express your feelings openly and sincerely.  Since you are people and service-oriented and may have artistic talents, you may blend them in business, i.e. you might produce scientific products for cosmetics or invent new ways of combining colors in art. You are sentimental about loved ones.  Beware of granting your love to those who don’t appreciate your fine, sensitive qualities, which would destroy your joy in giving.


Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Fire


You are an active, future-oriented person who is not weighed down by past commitments.  You take advantage of new opportunities better than most.  Life for you can be a vibrant affair in which you passionately pursue causes, lovers, and experiences.  You have the self-confidence to be a leader.  Competitive and flamboyant, you have little patience for slow people or unexciting work.  When an activity interests you, you can be very generous with your time, energy, and money.  Find outlets for your gifts of creativity and intuition.


Watch out for a tendency to exaggerate or to be insensitive to others’ feelings.  More cautious types may envy and resent your free spirit and competitive nature.  You get bored easily and may depend on others to finish the projects that you start.  When your warmth is guided by love, wisdom, and positive goals you have the ability to heal and inspire others, but when you focus on your self or lack direction, your short-lived passions can affect others in destructive ways.



Abundant Earth


You are in touch with the real world.  More than others, you know where the rubber meets the road; persistent study has shown you how to make things happen in a practical sort of way.  Your nature is well-suited to the adult world of responsibilities, which you master at a young age.  Not impulsive with your resources, you would only start a business after careful study, but you would manage it well.  You enjoy the satisfaction that comes not just from starting projects, but from finishing them.  Your steady, organized approach is actually more productive in the long-run than is that of the quick, flashy types.  You know how to establish a pace and keep it.


Do not let your awareness of the material world make you unappreciative of the spiritual plane that underpins our life here — to which others may be more sensitive than you.  Practicality is fine, but try to understand that dreams, feelings, and enthusiasms are also important and should not be squelched.  Others might surprise you with what their optimistic risk-taking is able to achieve.  You can be so cautious and reserved that some people find you conservative and dull.  If you yourself become bored or depressed, admit that security isn’t everything and try to be more spontaneous.  Open up to the new and follow your bliss (in a careful sort of way).



Lack of Air


Expressing yourself does not come easily to you.  You distrust people who are fast, smooth talkers.  It may be easier for you to express yourself nonverbally or in writing than it is through speaking.  If you also lack planets in the houses of Relationships, you will find the normal avenues of communication and social learning blocked.  Your thinking will be personal instead of detached or rational.  With the mind’s normal communication channels blocked, you learn primarily from experience.  Lacking in the ability to view yourself objectively, you gain self-understanding primarily through feedback from others.


Try to see life less personally, in a more objective way.  Take classes and never stop educating yourself.


A lack of planets in Air signs can be offset by an Air sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Relationships.



Lack of Water


For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita.  Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others’ feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you.  You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to feel what they feel.  You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way.  People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you.  Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness.  It’s not that you don’t have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships.  If you are an artist, they may come out in your art.  You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity.  Your best companions would be those who are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings.  They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people’s feelings.


A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.



Abundant Life


Abundant planets in the houses of life gives you both the energy and the urge to create the future.  By your activities, you make the world a better place. You may be somewhat self-centered, but with your crusading spirit you move the world towards the ideals that you envision.



Abundant Substance


With abundant planets in the houses of substance, you know your place in the material world.  You know how to extract value and give value via your business, work, and career activities.  The rules of the world come easily to you.  Others admire and depend on your hard work and practical nature.  If you get depressed, make time for recreation and family.



Lack of Endings


You live on the surface of things, afraid to look within at what you really feel and want.  Perhaps your position is too precarious or the obligations too great to allow yourself this luxury.  You feel forced to maintain your personal status quo.  You come across to others as unfeeling.  Because personal feelings do not distract you, you might make a good scientist, though be aware that the greatest scientists let intuitive feelings be their guide.


A lack of planets in the houses of Endings can be offset by abundant planets in Water signs.



Lack of Relationships


Relating to other people probably plays a minor role in your life.  You could remain unmarried, be a loner, or even be an orphan.  Your thinking is probably subjective or personal, without the objectivity that comes from having communicated with many people.  Let others teach you by showing you and if they give you any feedback on your thinking, see if you can learn from it.


A lack of planets in the houses of Relationships can be offset by abundant planets in Air signs.



Abundant Mutable


With an abundance of planets in Mutable signs, you adapt easily to changing circumstances.  Mentally quick, you adapt like a chameleon to give each what they want, until you are on to the next friend or interest.  Life offers a succession of roles to play.  Skilled at diplomacy and compromise, you make a good negotiator and appear to be everyone’s friend.  You actually are other-oriented, rather than self-oriented, and can be so busy meeting others’ needs that you lack direction in your own life.  Concentrate on finding friends of true worth and value.  Be discriminating in your associations, in whom you choose to help.  The endless flow from your mind, tongue, and hands will then work to return real value to you, which is what you deserve.  You can probably only follow this advice just so far, though, because more than others the Universe sends you people in need, people for whom you are able to make a real difference.  The assistance that you provide to the powerless may actually be remembered long after your facile mental output is forgotten.  Your activities can also bring an end to institutions that have outlived their usefulness.



Lack of Cardinal


With a lack of planets in Cardinal signs, you may have trouble starting things.  You may be timid about developing and carrying out plans.  You would prefer to let others break the first ground of a new venture, so that you can pitch in and help once the outlines of the venture are clear.  You probably lack confidence in your mastery of the real world and survival in it.  You may substitute a rich inner life for your lack of action in the outer world.  In its highest form, you may be unusually creative or spiritually committed.  Ideas filter up as you focus on ‘being’ instead of ‘doing’.  Watch out for the lower manifestations, which are delegating tasks to others and pitying yourself over the lot that befalls you in life as a result of your lack of direction and initiative.  Your different perspective on life gives you valuable insights that let you make real contributions wherever you are.


A lack of planets in the Cardinal signs can be offset by a Cardinal sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Angular houses.



Abundant Cadent


An abundance of planets in the cadent houses helps to make you versatile and adaptable.  You are flexible in your plans, adapting easily to changes or to the people whom you meet.  You may travel a lot or move frequently.  You are a good listener and communicator.  You will use your mind a lot or frequently spend time alone during your life.



Lack of Angular


A lack of planets in the angular houses indicates little desire or drive for recognition.  You adapt to the world instead of trying to change it or make your mark upon it.  You concentrate on enjoying life and find ways to help others that do not call attention to yourself.


A lack of planets in the Angular houses can be offset by abundant planets in the Cardinal signs.