Chinese Astrology Zodiac Signs and Their Western Counterparts

Not sure how accurate this is; but my girlfriend told me that the counterpart for the Dragon was Aries and she is a Dragon and an Aries 🙂 I am a Leo and a Tiger and I have always identified with both and so that was what made me believe in astrology in the first place. Then my Ex2012 was a Taurus and a Snake; they both pretty much had the same identity. In 2012 I learned that I have two Libras and the Libra and Tiger interpretation were very similar too, so I thought that that was why I identified to the Tiger because of my Libras.

So I was thinking that maybe the Tiger is the Libras counter part; my GF and I was just talking about that and she told me to Google it and so I did, here is what I found:

Does your Chinese Zodiac sign have a Western Zodiac equivalent sign? Yes, it does. Our staff here at have compile a list of Chinese Zodiac signs and their matching counterparts in the Western Zodiac.

The Rat Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Sagittarius.

The Ox Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Capricorn.

The Tiger  Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Aquarius.

The  Rabbit Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Pisces.

The  Dragon Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Aries.

The  Snake Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Taurus.

The  Horse Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Gemini.

The  Sheep Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Cancer.

The  Monkey Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Leo.

The Rooster Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Virgo.

The  Dog Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Libra.

The  Pig Chinese Zodiac sign is equivalent to Scorpio.


Now I have yet to take this as gospel, I will have to more research and you should too. Please let me know what you find as so will I. Thank you so much, CainO’