Birth Times!


Birth Times are a very important aspect! Make sure you get an ACCURATE birth time and location of birth. I made a mistake with my now recent Ex with her astrology, but that was also based on times that I was told. My Mercury is Virgo and hers is Aries. We knew going in that we we going to have Mercury issues; but my house placement is Aquarius and I thought her house was Libra where in fact, it is in the house of Scorpio 🙁 that made it worse, not better. Then the birth time moved her Moon, but it’s not so bad…

Mercury is apparently a very important aspect to have in your relationship! Mercury is you “Communication”. Our Venus was off too, but I think the Mercury is more important. Though Venus is your loves and values, so that is still important.

So make sure you get your times, dates and locations right; trust me!