Personal Path Reading for Aquarius: 1965-02-16 – Rising Sign: Unknown



The following pages contain a brief evaluation of key elements of your birth chart, although it is by no means complete. Astrology can reveal many things about a person’s life and personality, and you could study your chart for a lifetime without knowing the answers to all of your questions. The descriptions that follow will give you a “thumbnail” introduction to yourself through astrology.

In interpreting your chart, this report considers the sign of the planets and the north node in your chart, as well as their house placements. It also describes the sign of the Ascendant and the strongest aspects between the planets.

You may note that some of the following descriptions appear to contradict each other–and indeed we are all walking bundles of contradiction. If you examine yourself carefully, you will probably realize that you do in fact possess the qualities of both conflicting descriptions. Even though some parts of the reading may seem to clash, you will see that certain themes are repeated throughout the following pages. These are the ones that will become major issues in your life.

The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. The stars may indicate the hand you were dealt at birth, but it is up to you to play that hand well enough to achieve your goals. Also, bear in mind that every “bad” aspect of a chart also has a “good” side. How it is expressed is really up to you. We tend to work at expressing ourselves more positively most of the time and only lapse into the negative behavior described when depressed, angry or scared. Or it is possible that some aspects may better describe your personality or behavior earlier in life. They may seem alien now because you have already worked through them.

A “Strength” number precedes each aspect description; this number takes into account how exact the aspect is, whether the aspect is a major or minor one, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles. The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to act it out in your life.
Planets in Signs

Sun in Aquarius

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars,
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius . . .

This is a song from the rock musical Hair. That play and the change in consciousness of that period reflect the qualities of Aquarius: individuality, humanitarianism, freedom and brotherly love. Indeed, Aquarians go through life with one foot in the future, and many have been inventors or futuristic writers. Often misunderstood by their peers, they may seem eccentric or spacey. They love to fly in the face of tradition (and maybe even authority), and are very impatient.

Aquarians believe in dealing with others truthfully. But this is a gray area with natives of this sign–not telling all the truth is much different from telling an outright lie. Whether they like you or not, Aquarians will deal with you fairly and honestly. They practice their belief that all beings are equal. Yet, being a fixed sign, they can be enormously stubborn and strongly opinionated. They may even become intellectual bigots, looking down upon those who are not highly developed intellectually. Even though Aquarians will denounce discrimination, they do indeed have their own special prejudices–but they will be different from society’s norm (in other words, based on something other than race, creed, sex, etc.).

Aquarians can seem distant and aloof to their loved ones, who may feel as though they are being examined under a microscope or dissected. This is only the Aquarian’s effort to achieve objectivity by constantly scrutinizing everything about life. Actually, Aquarians are very understanding lovers; they tolerate others’ imperfections, and to others may appear to be a pushover in relationships. But they do have a point beyond which they will not turn the other cheek. Once this line has been crossed, the partner will have a hard time making amends.

In sex, you enjoy variety and inventiveness. Under the right conditions, Aquarians are capable of sustaining open relationships, where both partners are allowed to maintain friends (or lovers) outside the main relationship. Aquarians of both sexes would be most satisfied with a relationship in which both partners have equal autonomy. Otherwise, Aquarius will feel trapped and want out.
Moon in Virgo

With the Moon in Virgo you are very conscious of keeping fit, both physically and mentally. You respect physical fitness and could even become obsessed with it, overindulging in exercise routines and far out diets. If this is the case with you, just be sure that you don’t push your obsession on others. Remember, to each their own.

Mentally, Virgo Moons love to criticize and analyze everything. They will not only freely express their own opinions, but will also criticize others’ opinions as well. Unless this leads to bigotry and single-mindedness, people with this Moon placement can be very intellectually stimulating. They also enjoy taking part in local, or even national, politics or social issues.

You make good, stable business partners and are willing to work hard toward your goals. Your ability to analyze and plan can make you a successful professional.

One drawback of this placement is the tendency to suffer in silence through unsatisfying relationships. This only prolongs the misery and creates bitterness in the relationship. Don’t be afraid to speak up when you are feeling unhappy. It’s no fun being a martyr.
Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in the sign Aquarius has a reputation for being the sign of the genius, as many inventors and scientists have Mercury in this sign. You have a highly original and versatile mind, and you can put your ideas to work in a practical manner. It may be difficult for you to gain acceptance from your own generation for your ideas because with Mercury in Aquarius you are a futuristic thinker. In another 50 years, everyone else will catch up.

Although your friends are very special to you, it is important that you follow your own convictions no matter what others think. With your highly developed intuition, you also have the ability to see through the pretenses of others. You communicate your ideas very clearly so that others can easily understand even the most abstract concepts.

You have a well-balanced concept of human values and view life from the point of view of what is most helpful for the entire planet (or the Universe). You strive to remain detached and objective, so that your judgment can remain clear. This is a good idea, as long as your detachment does not become aloof coolness. You have a natural aptitude for science, both traditional and metaphysical. Since Aquarius rules astrology, Mercury in this sign indicates at least a curiosity about this subject.

Your friends will be your greatest source of mental stimulation, and you will choose friends from every walk of life. With your highly developed sense of intuition you may have psychic abilities, such as telepathy or premonitions. You have an excellent memory, and may be able to recall details of past lives with greater detail than others.
Venus in Aquarius

With this placement of Venus, you require a great deal of freedom in relationships and will resist being tied down. You are also willing to provide this freedom to your partner, and you are not jealous or possessive. You look at your feelings intellectually and can appear aloof or impersonal to others. This Aquarian detachment gives you the ability to stand back and look at the situation more clearly. Just don’t become so distant that you cannot empathize with your loved ones and offer them solace.

You may have felt that love was not freely expressed in your home when you were growing up. One challenge you face is to learn to be warm and understanding in love relationships. It is very important to you that your lover be a friend as well.

In your love relationships you prefer a partner who is unique and a little off-beat by society’s standards. You need a lover who can respect your need for personal freedom and your own individual identity. Because you are so afraid of being tied down, it is difficult for you to establish and maintain long-term love relationships.

You are rebellious and “negatively suggestible” in your love affairs. That is, the best way to get you to do something is to demand that you do just the opposite. You can be extremely stubborn at times and can turn ice cold when you are hurt. Once you have committed yourself to a partner, you are loyal and truthful and are willing to extend the same personal freedom to your lover that you demand.
Mars in Virgo

Your ability to assert yourself is often frustrated by your own incessant worrying and scrupulous attention to detail. While it is good to be organized and to have a plan of operation, you also need to learn to be a little more spontaneous and carefree.

In your career you are an energetic worker. Although you are ambitious, you find it hard to handle positions of high responsibility. You tend to take on everyone’s problems and end up with stomach upsets or skin rashes. Although you are practical and diplomatic with others, you are not prone to taking risks or to participating in cutthroat competition.

You are a very careful and meticulous lover and will make sure that the surroundings and atmosphere are perfect for yourself and your partner. Although you are somewhat slow to arouse sexually, you go out of your way to please your lover, employing superior technique, sensitivity and attention to detail.

Personal cleanliness is important to you, and you probably enjoy taking showers with your lovers. You can be somewhat picky and critical of your partner, although it is sincerely done with the intention of helping them. Sexual tools can be fun for you if you will allow yourself to be so bold and spontaneous.
Jupiter in Taurus

With Jupiter in Taurus, you have a natural ability to apply yourself practically to earn and accumulate money. You are loving and sympathetic toward others, and you probably like to contribute to a charity of your choice. With your appreciation for the finer arts, you collect only those objects of the highest quality. You make a point to enjoy the finer things in life. Avoid a tendency to over-emphasize material possessions.
Saturn in Pisces

You are very intuitive and highly imaginative. You are tolerant of the shortcomings of others. Peace and quiet are necessary for your peace of mind, and you may prefer to spend much of your time alone. You may vacillate between emotional overreaction and cold rationalism, or you may encounter these extremes in your relations with others. One of your greatest challenges is to avoid a gloomy, depressed disposition. You cannot save the world and must learn to tell the difference between your problems and those of your loved ones.
Uranus in Virgo


You have a sharp, analytical mind, and you will use it to find workable solutions to the many ills of society. You are interested in alternative forms of healing, such as psychic healing and herbal treatments. Since you are cautious by nature, you will think through all your ideas thoroughly to be sure no details are overlooked. One of your challenges is to learn to listen to your intuition rather than just your rational mind.
Neptune in Scorpio


You are driven to uncover the deepest secrets within society, and you have a keen interest in metaphysical sciences. With your strong desire for physical pleasures, you must avoid overindulging in food, drink, sex or drugs in an attempt to escape the tension of daily life.
Pluto in Virgo


Your generation saw the birth of social reforms, such as free medical clinics and food banks. Chemicals also became popular, and many miracle drugs were discovered. There was also renewed interest in organic health foods, vitamins and herbal remedies. You have a strong desire to achieve perfection. Avoid being too critical of yourself or others.
North Node in Gemini

You have spent many lifetimes seeking knowledge and freedom, and have developed definite philosophies about life. You lived these lifetimes seeking personal liberty, with little interest or involvement in the society around you. During this lifetime you will learn to recognize the benefits of interaction with others. With your broader understanding of the universe, it is time for you to learn to communicate your beliefs and bring them into concrete form. Remember, you have to stop seeking something in order to find it.
Chiron in Pisces

You are highly sensitive and intuitive, and probably have keen psychic abilities. With your strong sense of compassion, healing comes naturally to you, and you may enter a career in the healing arts. In your personal and professional lives, you tend to take on the feelings of those around you, and at times it may be necessary for you to get away and find alone time to “find yourself” again.

You are highly idealistic, and you have a sincere desire to somehow help make the world a better place. You truly want to see the best in everyone and everything, and for this reason you can sometimes be misled or deceived. Be willing to question the truth of what someone tells you if your intuition tells you something is not right. Listen to your inner guidance, and you will always appreciate the underlying lessons in life’s daily events.
Planets in Aspect

Moon opposite Saturn (Strength: 4.88)

You are a deep person and tend to develop fear and anxiety around people and events in your life. In other words, you take life too seriously and what involvements you have are merely casual or superficial. As a child you were expected to live up to rather rigid responsibilities. You were not prepared to emotionally deal with this pressure, and you felt unloved and rejected.

Throughout your life you may find that you relate more easily to persons who are older than you, especially during your youth. This can cause you to become a loner when those who are older than you reject you as not being part of their group. You may develop a pessimistic and depressed viewpoint toward life, feeling that you are fated to suffer emotionally.

Professionally, you would do well in scientific research, medicine, education, law, government work, or as a social worker. You accept your responsibilities well, although you may not be very happy doing so. Find a career which is emotionally satisfying–one which helps others and which you enjoy. Be willing to continually learn from others rather than pretend you know all there is to know on a particular subject.

In your love life you will seek a strong and self-disciplined partner. Truthfully, a more ideal partner for you would be one who didn’t take life as seriously as you do yet who could be patient with your moodiness and stuffiness. A more liberal-minded mate would force you to look at potentials you hadn’t known you possessed.

Allow your children more freedom and flexibility than your parents granted you. This will enable them to grow to be secure, independent adults. Watch your health, particularly digestive problems, which could result from emotional stress and tension.
Mercury square Neptune (Strength: 4.40)

You tend to be an escapist, and your fear of facing responsibility can cause problems, both emotionally and materially. Your imagination often interferes with your logical mental processes, and you have difficulty seeing the world realistically. This problem was at least partly caused by early parental conditioning.

Unless you can learn to operate in the real world, your progress in life will be limited at best. You are extremely sensitive, and little problems seem like big ones to you. Although you have a great deal of creative talent, you shy away from competition. You need to learn to build up your own self-confidence and to exercise greater self-discipline. All the problems you encounter must be dealt with; they will not go away by themselves. Just don’t take on more than you can handle; realize your limitations and don’t exceed them.

In a career you could do well in writing, education, art, acting, or in social programs that are designed to help others. By helping others solve their problems, you learn to solve your own. Don’t “spread yourself too thin”; rather, concentrate on one project at a time, focusing your energy in that area.

In your love life you should be careful not to let your imagination run away with you. Don’t misinterpret someone’s casual interest in you to mean that they are madly in love with you; this only sets you up for disappointment. Be sure that your lover is genuinely sincere before making a strong commitment. You are a person who is easily deceived and taken advantage of. You don’t like being lonely and will take on a less than satisfactory partner to avoid it. Instead, try getting into your creative talents when you are alone.
Jupiter opposite Neptune (Strength: 4.36)

You are quick to make promises which you later realize you can’t or don’t want to fulfill. It’s not that you try to deceive anyone, for your intentions are always the best at the time the promise is made. You believe that others expect a lot from you and that you should be willing to serve their needs. You rebel against this pressure to perform and resent being continually asked for favors.

In your relationships with others you expect loved ones to live up to unreasonable expectations. Learn to accept everyone else’s human flaws and imperfections and you will find that they are more accepting of yours. Be cautious that others don’t deceive you, but don’t be overly suspicious or overreact to apparent wrongs too impulsively. Learn to wait and hear both sides of any story.

One appropriate area of caution is in your career. Be careful not to accept tasks for which you are not compensated. Learn to recognize your own limitations and not take on more than you can handle. You would also work well with groups who are seeking social change. You are brave enough to confront authority when you feel it is unjust or corrupt.

In affairs of the heart you are very likely to look at your partner through rose-colored glasses. Learn to see others as they are (imperfections and all) and love them that way, instead of imagining them to be your perfect image of a mate. When you are disappointed, you become resentful and even vindictive. You do not deal well with rejection.
Uranus conjunct Pluto (Strength: 3.96)

Freedom is very important to you, and you will go to great lengths to preserve it. This is true not only of personal freedom, but also includes freedom from corrupt power, disease, pollution, unemployment, etc. You are not afraid to work toward causes you believe in and enjoy the feeling that you are contributing something to the betterment of mankind. You know that this takes hard work by everyone and are willing to do your share.

This aspect appears in the charts of persons born during the 1960s. This period in time was one where great attention was being paid to health and environmental issues. You and others born during this time feel a responsibility to work toward improvement in these areas. It is important to you that the legacy you leave for the next generation be a better one.

Although you have a strong need to “do your own thing,” you are not selfish in your pursuit of freedom. You believe that everyone is entitled to the liberty you seek and will work to help others realize their own power. The issue of social responsibility will be a prominent one for you. It is up to you whether you will shirk your duties in this area or work to bring about a reversal in the decaying quality of life.
Jupiter trine Pluto (Strength: 3.12)

You are highly optimistic and firmly believe that you can contribute to a beneficial change in society and the world in general. This bright outlook inspires those around you and encourages hope for the future. You can prompt others into action and act as their leader in bringing about needed changes.

Others usually listen when you talk because you speak with such conviction and deep wisdom. You always seek the larger meaning behind everything that happens to you and have a natural understanding for psychic and metaphysical matters. This draws others to you, and they respect your depth of knowledge and understanding.

In your occupation, it would be wise to select a career which serves the public as a whole. You would be an excellent teacher (whether in a classroom or not) and would encourage your students to expand their limited awareness of the universe.

Children are especially fond of you; in you they find someone who truly understands the difficulties of their lives. But even your elders will respect your sage advice, and you could inspire them to reclaim their inner youth. At times you may feel as though your mission is to serve and teach others, and perhaps this is the case.

You have a strong need to express yourself creatively and with great imagination; anyone who tries to stand in your way will meet with great resistance. It is not easy for others to deceive you, for you can see through the best of pretenses. To others you seem to have an incredible gift of foresight, and this allows you to better prepare for difficulties.

Because personal freedom of movement is important to you, your friends and lovers must allow you to come and go as you please. Have faith in your intuitive talents when “reading” other people; more often than not they are accurate.
Mercury square Jupiter (Strength: 2.76)

You are curious and eager to learn new things, but you often lose interest before you have studied anything in- depth. This can result in your becoming a “jack of all trades but master of none.” You look for an easy way out, a “quick fix,” but this is not the best solution to your problems.

It is necessary to climb any ladder from the bottom up, although you would prefer to be able to start out in life at the top. You are often impulsive with your judgment of people and things, and you do not plan your actions well. If you are going to achieve your goals in life, you must develop more self-discipline and patience. You have great dreams of success in life, but you are caught short when it comes to planning and carrying out the steps necessary to achieve them.

You have a tendency to bend the truth when it doesn’t quite fit your preferred reality. Probably, you are not even conscious of this tendency in yourself and are not aware of your “distortion” of facts. You also allow yourself to believe what you want when it comes to people. This can set you up for deception; a good salesperson could always win you over to believe in them and their product.

Education is of utmost importance to you, and once you have completed school you could do well in education, public relations, writing, or any profession involving travel. It would be wise for you to put off your education until you have earned your degree in the “school of life.” Attending school (or later working in education) helps you sharpen your judgment and develop self-discipline. If you ever hope to achieve success in this lifetime, you must learn these lessons first. Otherwise all your dreams and ambitions will get you nowhere.

You are particularly prone to nervous disorders and other maladies caused by anxiety and frustration. Be sure to give yourself leisure time to spend just for yourself, and get lots of rest. This will have to be a conscious effort on your part. No one else will be able to convince you to change your ways; you’ll have to do it for yourself.
Venus inconjunct Uranus (Strength: 2.47)

Often you neglect your own needs in order to please others, who are always eager to have you serve them. Because you react to the problems of those around you with abundant sympathy and understanding, they try to dump their problems on you to carry for them–and often you are all too willing to oblige.

In truth, you do not help anyone by trying to solve their problems for them. They never learn to stand on their own two feet as long as you let them lean on you. If you are unable to help someone in a time of crisis, you often suffer from guilt pains afterwards. But in this way you allow them to learn the lesson that their crisis situation brings without rescuing them. So learn to mind your own business and let others’ problems remain their problems.

By constantly trying to please others, you are effectively “buying” their friendship. Then later you will feel as if they took advantage of your good graces. Although others may attempt to exploit your generosity, they can only succeed in doing so if you allow it. Be sure that new friends are sincere before lavishing them with favors. You can also test this sincerity by asking favors of them now and then. This is especially true in love relationships. Since you tend to be impulsive, you need to trust your partner explicitly.

You are intelligent and sympathetic toward the needs of others, and this allows you to get out of difficult situations more easily than others. Just be sure that others don’t hand you all their knots in life to untie, such as co-workers who give you the hardest projects.

You would do well in a career in the arts. You may underemphasize the importance of your talent, but try seeking the opinion of a disinterested third party. Your level of competency may surprise you.
Sun inconjunct Mars (Strength: 2.17)

You have a great deal of energy and are eager to demonstrate your abilities to others. These are admirable qualities, but they usually work against you because you seem to choose the wrong people to devote your energy to. Therefore you are often disappointed when your diligent efforts are not appreciated by those you serve. This creates many problems in your life that are unnecessary.

The key to success for you is to realize that you are indeed a very competent person. That way you no longer have to prove it to yourself by proving it to others. People will love and respect you whether or not you break your neck trying to please them. It would be best for you to put your enthusiasm and energy to good use by becoming an expert in your field. Then when others are willing to pay a premium price for your services (and of course you will deserve it), you will finally be convinced that you are worthy.

In a career you would do well as a professional researcher, physical therapist, or diagnostician. Or you may enter a specialized trade, such as carpenter or plumber. You take great pride in your work, so whatever you do will be well worth the price you will charge. You value the respect of others and will not offer anyone shoddy service. As long as you can feel your job has been done well, you are satisfied, even if it doesn’t pay real well.

Just be sure that you don’t allow yourself to be used by those who would exploit your talents and try to take credit for your ideas. In your love life you may underestimate your lovability and feel that you have to win the affection of your lover. You do not commit yourself to a relationship on a whim, but rather take such a decision very seriously. As a mate you are highly dependable and trustworthy.
Venus square Jupiter (Strength: 1.61)

Any Jupiter contacts to Venus indicate that you never have a shortage of possible love or sex partners in your life. With the square, you may wish at times that you did. You must learn to practice discrimination and keep high standards in your choice of a partner. Be yourself and you will attract those who are best for you.

You are generous when it gets you something in return. Don’t try to justify not helping someone by believing that they wouldn’t have appreciated it anyway. Learn to give unconditionally without expecting a return. It all comes back, you know, whether it’s from the same person or not. Helping others makes you feel good, which is important if you are to maintain a positive outlook in life.

Guard against any tendency to be careless about responsibilities. You like for things to go your way and can be hard to deal with when they don’t. In confrontations you may feel that if the other person only understood you, there would be no problem.

You would do well in any occupation which utilizes communication skills. Be careful not to be defensive on the job. People are not all out to take advantage of you. Give them a chance and you’ll find they are willing to meet you halfway. There’s no need to be suspicious of a sincerely extended helping hand.

Be careful that you can afford to indulge yourself in the finer things in life before you spend the money. Also, be careful not to over-indulge in food and develop a weight problem. The best diet for you would be one low in carbohydrates. Get lots of rest and take frequent breaks while working.
Venus inconjunct Pluto (Strength: 1.49)

You tend to overdo in your relationships with others, and may create a burden for yourself by giving to excess. Anyone with a sad story can persuade you to help them. Actually, it is your urge for acceptance and approval that causes you to overextend yourself in such cases. You would reap much satisfaction from working with social organizations or enterprises dedicated to creating a better world for all humankind.

On the job you may volunteer your services repeatedly or end up holding the bag by paying more than your share of expenses shared by your co-workers. For example, you may end up paying for lunches, etc. out of your own pocket when the expense should have been shared by others. Be careful not to let this happen to you repeatedly and to have others consider you a soft touch.

You are easily misled in love by partners who lavish affection on you. Or you may encounter loves who demand that you demonstrate your love for them physically. Don’t fall for this line; learn to protect your own interests. Watch for physical problems concerning the reproductive system.

You have tremendous sexual energies and are not often “wasted” following a sexual encounter. Although this may leave you feeling that something is missing, try to see your leftover sexual energy as a head start on future enjoyment. You need to practice patience in bed. In some situations you may try to use sex to manipulate or control others, and you would probably succeed. You should resist the temptation to use your power this way.
Jupiter trine Uranus (Strength: 1.08)

If you take full advantage of your creative talents, you can achieve whatever goals you set for yourself. You are quick to recognize opportunity when it knocks, and some people would consider you extremely “lucky.”

You could do well in a career in education, politics, law, and religion. You are a good leader and are especially good with children. People will often come to you with their problems.

It is essential that you have personal freedom, and you will fight anyone who tries to restrict you. Travel would be very mind-expanding for you, and you should take advantage of any opportunity to visit new lands.

You are always sincere (even with your enemies) and are warm toward your friends. You are very optimistic and have a good deal of faith in your abilities. You can become impatient with others who never seem to try to succeed but instead expect to fail before they begin.

You need total honesty from your love partner and will offer him or her much spiritual encouragement. You are well known among your friends for being unselfish and giving.
Sun conjunct Mercury (Strength: 1.00)

You have very strong opinions and don’t hesitate to state them without being asked. This can be irritating to people, especially since you tend to dismiss their own opinions as unimportant. You usually have the first and last word in any discussion. In your haste to be first, you may make decisions prematurely. This means you may have to retract what you’ve said later, and this is not easy for you. You don’t like to admit you were wrong and can be very self-centered.

You are creative and could be a good leader if you would take the time to make good decisions. You need to take others’ needs into consideration and to learn a little humility. At times you can be something of a “know-it-all,” which can be very annoying to others. Try to cultivate some objectivity.

Communication comes naturally for you, and you can express yourself articulately. You love to give orders but may become frustrated if they are not followed. You are not above intimidating others to get their support. Express this aspect more positively by inspiring rather than threatening others. Your enthusiasm can be infectious, and you can work well with the public. You are good at making and carrying out plans.

In your love life, be careful of your tendency to misinterpret your partner’s signals. Try to see yourself through their eyes during times of misunderstanding. Your partner should be able to take your directness and lack of diplomacy. You speak straight from the heart.

Sun opposite Moon (Strength: 0.35)

Your emotions (the Moon) and your ego (the Sun) are diametrically opposed to each other, and this results in a conflict between these two sides of yourself. This leads to difficulty in relating to others, as your inner conflict is projected into your relationships. You often act impulsively and then regret it later. It’s hard for you to accept life’s little failures at first, but you eventually learn that they are the essence of life and learning.

Often your need to assert your own individuality conflicts with your duties and obligations to loved ones. Although you would rather they support your individual expression, they somehow leave you feeling guilty–as though you have abandoned them for your own whimsical pursuits.

You must learn to “cut the cord” with your past and to live in the present. Take charge of defining and achieving your life’s goals. Don’t wait for opportunity to find its way to your door. Don’t pout when things don’t work out your way. And remember to take some time out for yourself– a constantly hectic pace is not healthy for you.

Relationships are very important to you, and you need a partner who understands you (and loves you anyway). Your mate must also be your friend, and he or she must love you deeply and support you in your goals in life. They must be able to inspire you to recognize and develop latent talents and bolster you in times of weakness. Of course, s
uch a person is rare; be willing to give what you need to receive.

Balance of Elements and Modalities

Abundant Earth

You are in touch with the real world. More than others, you know where the rubber meets the road; persistent study has shown you how to make things happen in a practical sort of way. Your nature is well-suited to the adult world of responsibilities, which you master at a young age. Not impulsive with your resources, you would only start a business after careful study, but you would manage it well. You enjoy the satisfaction that comes not just from starting projects, but from finishing them. Your steady, organized approach is actually more productive in the long-run than is that of the quick, flashy types. You know how to establish a pace and keep it.

Do not let your awareness of the material world make you unappreciative of the spiritual plane that underpins our life here — to which others may be more sensitive than you. Practicality is fine, but try to understand that dreams, feelings, and enthusiasms are also important and should not be squelched. Others might surprise you with what their optimistic risk-taking is able to achieve. You can be so cautious and reserved that some people find you conservative and dull. If you yourself become bored or depressed, admit that security isn’t everything and try to be more spontaneous. Open up to the new and follow your bliss (in a careful sort of way).
Abundant Air

You seem to live for mental exploration. Discovering and communicating the connections between ideas, people, and places is your function in life. Your active mind is good at identifying new frontiers whose basics you quickly master, so that you end up knowing something about almost everything. You have a dispassionate nature that cooly considers the pros and cons of a situation, able to place logic above personal emotion. From your mental viewpoint, emotions look irrational. You make a good negotiator, sales person, communicator, arbitrator, analyst, and information processor. Ideas flow quickly for you. While impersonal and dispassionate, you nonetheless thrive on communication and social interaction. At your best, you strive to understand and accept people, not to change them. Courageously, you adhere to principles. You appreciate culture, structure, and systems.

Your greatest strength is also your weakness, namely too much coolness from placing head above heart. Leaders must be able to follow their hearts without being indecisive or equivocating. And you ignore your real connection to others if you use your mental gifts to coldly manipulate them. Try to avoid isolation by functioning as part of a team in which your logic, analysis, and communication skills are put to good use. Work with others who may be more practical, sensitive, or passionate than are you. Don’t keep your good ideas inside, but write them down and communicate them to others.
Lack of Fire

You are willing to let flashier individuals take center-stage and lead the way. You are probably unenthusiastic about change and are passive when it comes to creating change through leadership. You may be aggressive in a defensive way, but lack the self-confidence to take the offensive. Lacking the impulsiveness of Fire, you are more likely to be a careful worker and a reliable mate, though you could stand to be less detached and more personally involved with your spouse and family.

A lack of planets in Fire signs can be offset by a Fire sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Life.
Lack of Water

For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita. Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others’ feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you. You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to feel what they feel. You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way. People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you. Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness. It’s not that you don’t have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships. If you are an artist, they may come out in your art. You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity. Your best companions would be those who are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings. They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people’s feelings.

A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.
Abundant Mutable

With an abundance of planets in Mutable signs, you adapt easily to changing circumstances. Mentally quick, you adapt like a chameleon to give each what they want, until you are on to the next friend or interest. Life offers a succession of roles to play. Skilled at diplomacy and compromise, you make a good negotiator and appear to be everyone’s friend. You actually are other-oriented, rather than self-oriented, and can be so busy meeting others’ needs that you lack direction in your own life. Concentrate on finding friends of true worth and value. Be discriminating in your associations, in whom you choose to help. The endless flow from your mind, tongue, and hands will then work to return real value to you, which is what you deserve. You can probably only follow this advice just so far, though, because more than others the Universe sends you people in need, people for whom you are able to make a real difference. The assistance that you provide to the powerless may actually be remembered long after your facile mental output is forgotten. Your activities can also bring an end to institutions that have outlived their usefulness.
Abundant Fixed

With an abundance of planets in Fixed signs, you have the staying power to complete a project, grow a family, or expand a business. Your strength is what friends notice most about you. You have definite values; you focus your affections on the people and things that are part of your team. Friendships formed over time are important to you. You may be found at the center of a circle of friends, a large family, a government agency, or a business. You understand the contribution that stability and security make to prosperity and growth. It throws you off-balance when friends are not as reliable as you are or when love and ideals are not part of your life. Concentrate on developing confidence in yourself, a wholesome world for your family or group, and binding others to you with love. If you have a weakness, it is trouble changing or listening when people tell you a better way to do things. You can handle this weakness by empowering your team, as among them will be individuals who are good at reacting to a constantly changing world.
Lack of Cardinal

With a lack of planets in Cardinal signs, you may have trouble starting things. You may be timid about developing and carrying out plans. You would prefer to let others break the first ground of a new venture, so that you can pitch in and help once the outlines of the venture are clear. You probably lack confidence in your mastery of the real world and survival in it. You may substitute a rich inner life for your lack of action in the outer world. In its highest form, you may be unusually creative or spiritually committed. Ideas filter up as you focus on ‘being’ instead of ‘doing’. Watch out for the lower manifestations, which are delegating tasks to others and pitying yourself over the lot that befalls you in life as a result of your lack of direction and initiative. Your different perspective on life gives you valuable insights that let you make real contributions wherever you are.

A lack of planets in the Cardinal signs can be offset by a Cardinal sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Angular houses.