Personal Path Reading for Cancer: 1989-07-12 – Rising Sign: Capricorn



The following pages contain a brief evaluation of key elements of your birth chart, although it is by no means complete. Astrology can reveal many things about a person’s life and personality, and you could study your chart for a lifetime without knowing the answers to all of your questions. The descriptions that follow will give you a “thumbnail” introduction to yourself through astrology.

In interpreting your chart, this report considers the sign of the planets and the north node in your chart, as well as their house placements. It also describes the sign of the Ascendant and the strongest aspects between the planets.

You may note that some of the following descriptions appear to contradict each other–and indeed we are all walking bundles of contradiction. If you examine yourself carefully, you will probably realize that you do in fact possess the qualities of both conflicting descriptions. Even though some parts of the reading may seem to clash, you will see that certain themes are repeated throughout the following pages. These are the ones that will become major issues in your life.

The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. The stars may indicate the hand you were dealt at birth, but it is up to you to play that hand well enough to achieve your goals. Also, bear in mind that every “bad” aspect of a chart also has a “good” side. How it is expressed is really up to you. We tend to work at expressing ourselves more positively most of the time and only lapse into the negative behavior described when depressed, angry or scared. Or it is possible that some aspects may better describe your personality or behavior earlier in life. They may seem alien now because you have already worked through them.

A “Strength” number precedes each aspect description; this number takes into account how exact the aspect is, whether the aspect is a major or minor one, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles. The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to act it out in your life.
Planets in Signs and Houses

Capricorn Ascendant

No matter what your Sun sign, Capricorn Rising adds a conservative tone to your personality, making you more serious, ambitious, efficient, practical and disciplined. Although you seem to be timid and non-assertive, you are actually very tenacious and patient. With these qualities, it is no accident that you often excel in the business world.

You value prestige, honor and accomplishment, and you have a strong sense of duty toward those with whom you deal. You have a healthy respect for law, order and authority, and you seek a position in authority for yourself. But before you can accomplish this, or even seriously consider it, you must first raise your own level of self-esteem and stop whipping yourself with so much self-criticism. Try counting your good points as well as your bad.

As a child, you probably seemed older than your years; then, as you aged, you seemed to get younger as the years passed by. Even as a child, work, accomplishment and responsibility were always important to you. You may have been weak or ill during your early years, and this was in part due to frustration over not being able to pursue your ambitious dreams.

Children with Capricorn Rising should be assigned duties and responsibilities at the appropriate level for them. This way they feel they have made a contribution. By the time you are an adult, you have developed tremendous survival skills. As a matter of fact, many people with this Ascendant live a century or more.

Physically, your problem areas are the knees and skin. You are also subject to illnesses induced by a negative outlook on life. Don’t worry so much about every little thing. It is also possible that you will have problems with your teeth, arthritis, and other illnesses characteristic of an unbending, rigid outlook on life.

Once you choose a lover, you will provide a stable influence for your partner. You would find a fiery, volatile lover very stimulating, and you could help balance out their impetuous nature with your own practicality and stability. You need a long-term relationship for true fulfillment; you would not last long on the one-night-stand circuit.
Sun in Cancer

Natives of this sign are known as “moonchildren,” and their wildly fluctuating moods seem to coincide with the phases of the moon. As with all water signs, there is a tremendous depth of emotion with Cancer. In times of sadness or despair, you may retreat into solitude just as a crab retreats into its shell. At other times, you can display another trait of your namesake–crabbiness.

Cancer has a natural desire to understand its emotional make- up. You engage in self-directed psychoanalysis, striving to feel every detail of life. This is Cancer’s purpose in life–to learn to love, trust and accept all that life offers. No sign feels so intensely as Cancer, although this may not be obvious to others. You may set up defenses against being hurt, such as shyness or reclusiveness.

You have a strong need for security, and a comfortable home environment is of utmost importance to you. The security you seek can be found in the knowledge that you are unconditionally loved. You also like to surround yourself with mementos and other reminders of your past. You use your resources wisely, knowing that to waste not is to want not. Like other water signs, Cancer can be manipulative. You never go directly for something (or someone) you want, but once you have it, you will never let it go. Cancer can exercise artful control of feelings–his or her own or those of others. The Moonchild truly needs to be needed, and can provide loads of nurturing and mothering in return.

The threat of becoming emotionally vulnerable in relationships can dissuade Cancers from falling in love. But once they make the big leap, they become very protective of their loved ones. But be careful not to become a “clinging vine” in relationships. Anyone who is strongly independent would feel smothered by your love and would try to break free.

You can be very secretive, and few people will ever witness an outpouring of your deepest, darkest feelings. Yet others will unload their secrets on you and seek your compassion and understanding. You may even have a talent for healing or a green thumb with plants.

Physically, Cancers are more vulnerable to injuries or illness in the chest region, the head and face, knees, and skin. Other trouble spots are the stomach, digestive system, kidneys, and bladder. A strong sense of optimism will do wonders for their health.
Sun in the Seventh House

You learned early to get along with others, and you feel that you function best in partnership with another person, whether it is for work or play. You are able to see both sides of a controversy and can even help others settle their disagreements. As a matter of fact, you may pursue this as an occupational goal and enter a profession in counseling or consulting.

With the Sun in this house you need to learn to be more independent. It is nice to have partners to work and play with, but you need not sacrifice your needs in order to please a friend. Sometimes you must be willing to let a loved one go in order to keep them. Social status and a good reputation are important to you, and you enjoy receiving recognition and public appreciation.

In relationships you must learn to let your partner take the lead sometimes and to not be too demanding. You tend to be dependent on your lovers, particularly during times of difficulty. Therefore you must choose your partner carefully, and unless he or she can also be a friend, close companion or business partner you may soon become bored with the association.

You are happiest in an egalitarian relationship, where both partners exercise a sense of fairness with the other. Your relationships will be very important to you, and you are proud of your talent for getting along with others. Just be sure that your love life does not dominate your life to the detriment of other aspects, such as your career and social life. Your partner may be the perfect match for you, but everyone requires stimulation from other areas of life as well. Be sure to allow room for your partner to have friendships and activities in which you do not share.
Moon in Scorpio

Your emotions are very intense, and you often fluctuate between extremes–love and hate, sadness and happiness, etc. It is difficult for you to totally understand your own emotional make-up because of its depth and complexity. As a matter of fact, those friends, lovers and family members who are closest to you probably know you better than you know yourself.

In your relationships with others you can be very possessive and jealous, and you can become very cruel and vindictive if you are hurt. You never forget a wrong that someone has done to you, and you will plot and plan–for years or decades, if necessary–to seek your revenge. You often carry many such memories from childhood, and your entire life can be devoted to avenging the scars on your psyche from the many wounds you suffered during your early years.

Although you are intensely emotional, you project a perfectly cool exterior at all times. It is difficult, though not impossible, for you to undergo emotional growth with Moon in Scorpio. The strength of your emotions is too overwhelming to you, so that you are afraid to face the intensity within you. So you live a life of secrecy and mystery, which makes it hard to establish many meaningful relationships.

People with this Moon placement often achieve success in life, but often success brings more problems than failure. The issue of power over others (or others’ power over you) is a strong one in your life, and it is probably rooted in your relationship with your mother. Although you may realize your dreams in this lifetime, you will also lose everything unless you learn the proper use of power. Do not use others to achieve your own selfish ends. If you do, you will live to regret it.

In your personal life, you have an ability to see through others’ pretenses and find the truth underneath. You can use this talent in your relationships to identify and correct problems; just be sure to do it benevolently instead as a manipulation. Sex is a very intense experience for you, and it is a valuable method of communication with your lover. Just be sure your lover is looking for the same intensity that you are; some people may find it too much to handle.
Moon in the Eleventh House

Your friends mean a lot to you, and you rely on them for support and encouragement. It is important that your friends be trustworthy, and you often become friends with your friends’ friends, keeping to the circle that you feel comfortable with. Your closest friends are likely to be women, no matter which sex you are.

At times those around you may feel that you are being aloof and even cool. You are actually just being objective, and whether you are attentive or detached may depend largely on your mood. Try to be more consistent for your friends’ sake, at least until they get to know and understand you.

Many of your attitudes and values were heavily influenced by your parents and other authority figures from your youth. As you grow and mature you must strive to adapt your belief system and your ideals to a new reality. Otherwise you will always be a child emotionally.

You are most attracted to a lover who has class and is of fine breeding, and you will do all you can to assist your lover in the climb to the top. This may seem like a selfish motivation on your part, but in reality you do want the very best for your loved ones. You thrive on an active social life, so it is important that your partner not be selfish and allow you your emotional freedom.
Mercury in Cancer

You have an intuitive mind and at times can pick up other people’s feelings psychically. You are very sympathetic to the needs of others and will find yourself worrying about the problems of loved ones or of the world in general. Mercury in Cancer also gives you an appreciation for your home and family, and especially for children.

It is difficult for you to separate your thoughts from your emotions, and this is one of the challenges you face in life. You spend a good deal of time thinking and talking about yourself. Don’t allow yourself to get so caught up in depression and despair in a seemingly hopeless situation that you are unable to take appropriate action to solve your problems.

You are easily impressed by everything you pick up through your senses (sights, sounds and smells) and overreact to great ugliness or beauty. This extreme sensitivity to the world around you can be creatively channeled through art or other creative activities. Since you have such a strong need to be needed, you depend on compliments and praise from others to raise your spirits.

You value your privacy and share your innermost feelings with very few people. Once you choose a lover, you are very devoted and loyal. You need little more in life than someone to love and a comfortable home. Indeed, you tend to be more of a “home body” than a socialite, and you need a partner who has similar preferences.
Mercury in the Seventh House

Traditionally, this placement of Mercury indicates that you are attracted to partners much younger than yourself. You get along well with others because you are a natural peacemaker. You seek the company of those you consider your intellectual equals, and you enjoy lively discussion. On challenging projects, you work best with others. You’ll gain maturity by lessons learned through relationships.
Venus in Leo

You are a kind, compassionate, generous and loyal lover, and you will lavish your loved ones with affection and gifts. As a host you are attentive and feel that nothing is too good for your guests. You are often disappointed, however, when others are not as gracious a host as you are. Learn not to take it personally; not everyone has such a grand flair for drama.

Physical appearances are important to you, both in yourself and in those around you. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived by false pretenses and taken advantage of by a pretty face. Learn to look deeper than skin level for the beauty in everyone. This is where you will find a person’s true quality.

As a lover you are very sensual and enjoy lovemaking which stimulates the entire body rather than just isolated erogenous zones. Tickling and body massage (especially foot massage) are some of your favorite sensual treats. You will insist on the very finest surroundings for your courting and lovemaking. Second best is not good enough.

You enjoy lavishing your partner with love and affection, and you want the same treatment in return. You require excitement and adventure in your love life. An affair which becomes too predictable or tame will not endure. If you decide that your lover is not earning your loyalty, you can quickly retract it.
Venus in the Eighth House

You seek intensity in your relationships, and for this reason you have few casual affairs. You enjoy indulging in the pleasurable senses with gusto, and you are a passionate lover. Although you have a strong desire for success and prosperity, you often lack the self-discipline to achieve your goals. Avoid a tendency to be jealous or possessive of friends and lovers. You may benefit from inheritances.
Mars in Leo

With Mars in Leo, you are highly creative and artistically talented. You also have the enthusiasm, dedication and ambition required to put these gifts to good use. And, unlike some other Mars placements, you will not be modest or shy about it.

You are impulsive and passionate about most everything in life, no matter what age you may be. The only danger of this Mars placement is that pride may make you stubborn and quarrelsome. Don’t let your pride get you into difficult situations. Know when to say you’re not physically up to an impossible challenge. Otherwise, you could strain your body, and specifically your heart.

You are a warm, loyal and open lover and are extremely generous with your partner. You don’t have much patience for elaborate courting rituals, but you are a very attentive lover once the ice has been broken. You will go to extreme lengths to make your lovemaking sessions perfect and to be creative in the bedroom. Be sure not to steal the show, though; let your partner come up with his or her own ideas.

Mars in Leo gives you the gift of being able to make any love affair or romantic situation a magical one. You treat your lover like royalty, and you are very pleased if they return the favor. Most of all, your partner must respect you and allow you to maintain your dignity (the famous Leo pride). You would not be happy, for instance, with someone who was obnoxious or otherwise embarrassed you in public.
Mars in the Eighth House

You have very strong desires, and once you decide to possess something, you usually succeed in doing so. You may experience shortages of love and money to encourage you to be less possessive in these areas of your life. You have the ability to see through the false pretenses of others. Karmically, you can make up for past lives of greed and abuse by sharing your resources with others in need.
Jupiter in Gemini

You have a keen sense of humor and are a witty conversationalist. An eternal optimist, you try to lend a helping held to others in need. You have high regard for education and travel as keys to building your mind and are well versed on the latest technological developments in the business world. You also have a skillful command of language and are an effective speaker. This placement of Jupiter indicates that you have more than your share of just plain good luck, although you are not overly concerned with acquiring material wealth.
Jupiter in the Sixth House

You gain satisfaction through helping others, and you would do well in a profession which would allow you to selflessly serve others. Because you are dependable and loyal, you inspire cooperation among your co-workers. Avoid a tendency to become a workaholic. You will enjoy good health, as long as you do not over-indulge in food or drink. Your job may bring you to faraway lands, or you may work with foreigners.
Saturn in Capricorn

You are highly ambitious and well-organized, and you are willing to work hard to achieve your goals. Since you have a natural ability to put abstract concepts into layperson’s terms, you would be an excellent writer or teacher. With your natural talent for finance and science, you would also do well in these fields. Having a good reputation in your community is very important to you. Avoid a tendency to work too hard and neglect your personal life.
Saturn in the First House

You are reserved and serious, and even as a child you seemed older than others your age. It is possible that you were forced to take on adult responsibilities as a child and did not have much time to play with other children. You will encounter much hardship in life, and through this adversity you will discover your own self-worth. Avoid a tendency to become pessimistic and depressed in difficult times.
Uranus in Capricorn


You are highly ambitious and well-organized. With your strong sense of self-discipline, you can achieve your goals through perseverance and hard work. You enjoy accumulating material possessions, and should avoid a tendency to become absorbed in these physical indicators of success. Unexpected problems related to your career force you to be less serious and to pay more attention to your personal relationships.
Uranus in the Twelfth House

You are highly intuitive and deeply interested in metaphysical matters. With your extreme sensitivity, you may have psychic experiences which you will keep secret for fear of ridicule. You are an eternal idealist and are constantly seeking the meaning of life and your role in the Universe. Avoid a tendency to escape to your private fantasy world rather than dealing with the harsh realities of life.
Neptune in Capricorn


You are highly ambitious and have a good head for business. With your strong intuition and practical common sense, you seek to build a more perfect world for the future. With your keen sense of social responsibility, you would be a good educator or spiritual teacher.
Neptune in the First House

You are hypersensitive, visionary and artistically creative. With your active imagination and strong desire to escape from the harshness of life, you must avoid getting lost in a world of fantasy. You have strong psychic abilities, which you will learn to trust with time. Because you absorb feelings from those around you, you tend to wear different personas depending on whom you are with, like a chameleon.
Pluto in Scorpio


Your generation has witnessed the development of revolutionary healing techniques. Many of you have strong psychic abilities and strong desires to bring about major social transformation. Avoid using your hypnotic influence on people to manipulate and control them.
Pluto in the Eleventh House

You will attract strong and powerful friends who will have a powerful influence on you, and your greatest transformation in life will come through your friendships. You are dedicated to principles which will benefit all mankind, and you will fight for humanitarian reform in society. Choose your friends carefully and avoid those who require you to act against your will to gain their approval.
Libra Midheaven

You will do best in a career which makes use of your social skills and which allows you to appeal to popular tastes. You have an in-born sense of beauty and proportion which could lead to a career in the arts. Friendliness and social poise are important to you, so that you would make a good diplomat or agent. A partner may play an important role in your career.

Not impulsive, you strive towards a fair assessment of every situation. You can help others to see the many different choices available, in such fields as communications, publishing, advertising, teaching, politics, or therapy. With your love of variety and social interaction, you have a wide picture, but not a deep picture. If you are not successful in your career, it will be because you use your charm to avoid work, or are too indecisive, superficial, or pleasure-loving. Have confidence in your own judgment and do not become overly dependent on other people.

Occupations consistent with your aesthetic style of work include public relations, architect, artist, musician, diplomat, designer, theatrical agent, builder, planner, strategist, arbitrator, or social commentator. For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Venus, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.
North Node in Aquarius

You are extremely self-confident and optimistic about life. During many lifetimes, you have occupied a position of success in society, perhaps even been a member of royalty. During this lifetime you will learn to put aside your substantial ego and to consider the needs of the larger society of which you are a member. In order to achieve your greatest happiness, your actions must be motivated by a desire to bring about humanitarian change rather than a desire to receive personal praise for your efforts.
North Node in the Second House

In past lives you have manipulated and controlled others; in this lifetime you will learn to share your resources with others. You would be happiest in an egalitarian relationship, where both partners equally contribute resources to the partnership. It is not right for you to do all the work, nor should you allow others to do all the work. Avoid a tendency to become possessive or jealous.
Chiron in Cancer

Your home and family are of utmost importance to you, and you will do everything in your power to ensure that your loved ones remain safe and secure. You are highly sensitive emotionally, and continual discord or disharmony on the home front can make you physically ill, especially with stomach ailments.

Being separated from loved ones is very difficult for you. As a child, you probably felt your parents (especially your mother) were unavailable at key times when you very much needed nurturing. As an adult, it may seem you can never get enough love and attention, and you may tend to attract partners who will “mother” you.
Chiron in the Seventh House

Your love life is very important to you, and you will learn your greatest (and sometimes most painful) lessons through your relationships. You seek perfection in romance and may demand the impossible from yourself or your partner. It’s possible you may over-idealize your mate and then feel betrayed when you find out they actually do have faults.

Since you seek a flawless union, you may not marry at all because you never find Mr. or Mrs. Right. Once you’ve been deeply hurt by love, you will find it difficult to open up and trust someone again. Be sure to express your feelings, even if they are not pleasant. The only harmful emotion is one that is suppressed.
Planets in Aspect

Saturn conjunct Neptune (Strength: 6.46)

You prefer to use extreme caution in your professional and social life. Because of this, you are not easy to deceive — for long. You are somewhat skeptical of spiritual and occult matters, and you ask for rational explanations of such phenomena. You are yourself quite psychic, and you should learn to trust your intuition.

This intuition can be especially valuable in your career, for you can make important decisions with a high degree of success. You are good at seeing through dishonesty and insist on proof to support allegations.

You have a healthy attitude about religion. You could be called a practical idealist. Even in emotional relationships, you seek solid evidence of love before making a commitment.

You do not casually form close relationships. You would not long be satisfied in a superficial relationship, however, because you instinctively seek one of substance and stability. Once you have formed such a relationship, you are intensely loyal. But you must remember to allow your mate to be different from yourself, and do not criticize him or her for human failures.

Be careful with medication. Never take any that is not directly prescribed for you. You may suffer unpleasant side effects from artificial drugs or even vitamins.
Venus conjunct Mars (Strength: 6.00)

You are a free spirit who will not tolerate anyone placing restrictions on you. You are not quick to make concessions, but you instead expect the other person to give in. Loving you can be difficult since you tend to make many demands (sometimes unreasonable) on your partner.

You have a very strong sexual desire nature. You may tend to be promiscuous and therefore scare off any potential serious lovers. You should attempt to express your strong sexual nature through your relationships. It cannot be bottled up. If you cannot engage in sexual reckless abandon, direct the energy into artistic or social functions.

As a matter of fact, you may find social functions a good place to meet lovers and friends. You are sexually attractive to others–as a matter of fact, you seem to exude sex. This acts as a magnet to attract many potential sexual partners. You must develop discrimination in this area of your life.

You are emotionally warm and generous and so attract many friends. Some may see you as pushy because you often make the first move in establishing a social contact. You would actually do well in jobs dealing with the public if you can avoid becoming over-zealous. You would become bored, however, if you were completely cut off from the public and made to work alone. You are a natural-born socialite.
Uranus conjunct Ascendant (Strength: 5.78)

You project your personality freely and honestly, and others are stimulated by your individuality. Although most people admire you, others are intimidated by your complete self-awareness and feel overshadowed by you. You are not trying to overwhelm others, you are only being yourself.

You are warm and friendly to everyone, regardless of their race, sex, clothes or social status. In fact, you encourage others to resist the barriers of worn out customs or traditions and to be their own unique self. Customs of the past are there to teach us something and do not determine the future.

You understand that any group or society as a whole can be only as good as its parts, and you recognize everyone’s role in contributing to the whole. You seek a higher consciousness beyond the material world and are eager to participate in projects designed to encourage growth in consciousness in others. You refuse to judge any situation merely by the material facts.

During your life you will undergo a great deal of change, often suddenly and radically. While the situations prompting these changes may come upon you like bolts out of the blue and may seem quite unpleasant, they can also spur you into using your resourcefulness to find a solution. In the end, you may find that these “disruptions” in your life have been blessings in disguise.

Others see you as different and unique, even unusual. This is especially true in your love life. Avoid ultra-conservative types and others who would not appreciate your inventiveness and creativity. While you would benefit from a partner who could offer stability and guidance for your originality, you could not tolerate anyone who would hold you back from expressing yourself freely.
Moon sextile Saturn (Strength: 4.78)

As a child you were hesitant to express emotion and probably appeared rather serious most of the time. Perhaps you felt you were always “older” than other children your age. What others thought of you was very important, and you often sought others’ approval. As you grew older you learned to rely more on your own approval of yourself and less on outside reassurance.

In your relationships with others you often play the advisor or confidante for your loved ones. You probably played this role for siblings or peers even as a child. Over the years you developed a talent for listening to the problems of others and understanding their plight. You learned early to talk out problems when they arise rather than allow emotional conflicts to develop.

It is important to you that you be able to trust all those who are close to you. You must have truthfulness as a basis for your dealings with others. Superficial pleasantries will not work. You take communication too seriously and want sincerity from others.

Your intelligence and integrity should open many doors for you occupationally. You would do well in politics, public relations, management, law, medicine, or education. You have the patience required to excel in any endeavor you undertake. You are ambitious, but are willing to work hard and wait for true success.

It would be a pleasure to you to help your mate achieve success, even though this might mean their attention would be distracted from the relationship with you. Sex in itself is not so important to you as the deeper mental and spiritual connections between you.
Mercury trine Pluto (Strength: 4.78)

Even as a child you were a deep thinker, and you may have felt that your interests were entirely different from those of your peers. At a young age you began to question the larger plan of the Universe and to understand its mysteries. Adults may have been surprised that a child so young could have such profound thoughts.

As you mature you develop an incredible ability to concentrate and to do in-depth research. Your mind explores the deepest realms of the unknown, and you are particularly fascinated with the mystical or mysterious. Your bounty of creativity could be the secret to your success, if you will dare develop it.

You would do well in such professions as medicine (especially surgery), research and development, chemistry, criminology or counseling. You also have a talent for handling the assets of others and therefore could do well as an accountant or other financial expert. Since your research skills are impressive, you could be a writer of technical papers or political/social analysis (or you could write mystery novels).

It is usually easy for you to look beyond the outside pretenses of others and to see their inner motivations. In this same way, you are able to size up another’s potential and to encourage and support them in developing it. As a role model you will not be pushy, but rather will only give others as much guidance as they can handle–no more, no less.

Others may at times be intimidated by your wisdom and depth of thought and may even consider you to be a “know-it-all.” Pluto brings much power into your mental processes; you must learn to control the intensity of it so that others can also have their moments of glory.
Moon sextile Neptune (Strength: 3.52)

You are highly creative and have a vivid imagination. Since you are psychic and very emotionally sensitive, you feel a need to serve the needs of society in some way. You are impatient with social injustice or unacceptable living conditions and are quick to let others know how you feel. You want to help bring about changes for the less fortunate members of society.

In terms of a career, your highly developed intellect and creative abilities combine to increase your chances for success in the business world. You would do well in any profession that allows you to write (especially if it involves creativity). You are also very good at doing research and compiling the information gathered.

Any occupation which allows you to make a contribution to society would be very satisfactory for you. You could do this through social work or as an investigative reporter who checks up on the lives and actions of public officials who may not be truly living up to their roles as public servants. Or you could become a doctor or therapist. It gives you great joy to help solve the problems of others.

In your relationships you are patient and understanding and tolerant of others’ imperfections. You seek to help others realize their full potential and will give freely of your time to this end. Just be wary of those who would take advantage of your good graces and seek to deceive you.

Be sure to take some time away from your crusade to serve society in order that you may recharge your own psychic batteries and replenish your physical energy. And remember, your obligations to your family are at least as important as those you feel to society as a whole.
Moon conjunct Pluto (Strength: 3.50)

Your love nature is a deep and intense one, and you will seek a committed relationship rather than waste your time on superficial ones. Since your feelings are so deep, you seek someone who can respond on the same level. This may present problems at times when others who are not so strong emotionally are threatened by the intensity of your feelings. Once you are in love, you are prone to become possessive and demanding. If you should be rejected, you will respond with vindictiveness.

It is not easy to live with you in a domestic situation because you can be somewhat of a tyrant in the home. Be careful not to create your own loneliness by alienating loved ones. You are not always in control of your emotions, and are forever searching for the ideal love who will fulfill you.

Your sex drive is quite high, and you may find yourself held captive in emotionally unfulfilling relationships which have a hot sexual component. Even if the sex is wonderful, you will not be satisfied until you also possess your partner’s heart and soul. You want complete and total commitment and will settle for nothing less. If you don’t find your perfect mate, you will wait and suffer, feeling that you probably don’t deserve it anyway.

Your emotions fluctuate from one extreme to the other– always hot or cold, with little in between. Superficiality is not your bag, and in time you will learn to concentrate most of your energy on those relationships which provide the depth you crave. If you are lucky enough for you to find the ideal mate, you will reach depths of emotional and spiritual growth that are rarely known by others. It is common with this aspect for you to search most of your life for the perfect love only to discover one day that it is someone you have known for years. Often this realization comes too late.

You will do anything in the name of love, and for this reason others may take advantage of you. Because you are aware of this weakness, you become defensive in your personal relationships. At times you may also have to resist the urge to take advantage of others.
Mercury opposite Neptune (Strength: 3.43)

You are very idealistic, and you are often disappointed in your relationships with others because you expect them to live up to your unrealistic expectations. You are naturally suspicious and will not tolerate dishonesty in others. Once you have decided to let down your defenses and trust someone, you take it very harshly if they let you down.

Because you are highly sensitive, it is best if you work behind the scenes and allow someone else to do the negotiating and public relations work. If you perform these tasks yourself, others will detect your suspicion and will be antagonized by you. You should choose a career which allows you to express your powerful creative and artistic abilities. Allow yourself to express your ideas creatively without trying to compare your work with anyone else’s. Develop your own skills to the max; you are quite unique.

In your love life your suspicious nature can work against you. You fall into love rather easily and become fascinated with your partner, so that you must learn to distinguish between love and infatuation. In order to improve communication in your relationships, always speak your mind when something is bothering you. Otherwise, your partner will find it difficult to understand and meet your needs.

You will be happiest with a lover whose judgment you respect, who can offer you a “reality check” when you are in doubt. A practical partner would also help to put some of your many creative ideas into practice.
Uranus square Midheaven (Strength: 3.40)

You are a very independent thinker, and you will vigorously rebel against anyone who tells you what to do. In fact, if someone pushes you to the right, you are determined to go to the left just to show them they can’t push you around. For this reason, you’ve had continuing problems with authority figures in your life (beginning with your parents and teachers).

You are highly intolerant of power abusers, and you’re very quick to let them know it. Just remember, there are some people in positions of authority who are not on a power trip. Be careful not to alienate those who could be of assistance to you. It will surely hurt you more than it hurts them.

In your discussions with others, be willing to believe that they may know something you don’t. Remember, only the most foolish person believes they know everything. Keep an open mind, and you might learn something.
Neptune sextile Pluto (Strength: 2.69)

This is the only aspect Neptune has made to Pluto during this century, and the planets will remain in sextile to each other for another hundred years, although the signs the planets occupy will continue to change as time passes.

For those born between 1942 and 1956, Neptune was in Libra and Pluto in Leo. These people were born at a time of global war. Governments rose and fell; kings were ousted from their castles. There were breakthroughs in air power (Neptune in Libra) which helped establish the balance of power between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. This time was filled with meetings and peace conferences between global leaders. Those born during this time know that compromise is not enough to achieve peace; you are naturally suspicious of your leaders, and this will help to promote greater honesty and accountability on the part of political figures.

If you were born between 1957 and 1970, Neptune was in Scorpio and Pluto in Virgo. There were new advances in health and medicine, as well as rapid spread of illegal drugs. Our long- held conservative attitude about sex began to dissolve, and we began to realize that marriage was not essential to maintain a committed relationship. Those born during this time seek to serve and improve society. You are also angry about the current state of our environment and natural resources.

If you were born between 1971 and 1983, Neptune was in Sagittarius and Pluto in Libra. Your attitudes about religion, education and human interactions are most likely different from those of your parents. Your religious beliefs, or spiritual practices, are important to you, and you are deeply concerned for the fate of your planet and the race of man. You will insist that your leaders be straight with you and will not accept excuses or manipulation. You are also interested in occult sciences, and many advances in this area will be made by members of your generation.

If you were born between 1984 and 1998, Neptune was in Capricorn and Pluto in Scorpio. You are part of a generation which will make great progress in dealing with power responsibly, both in terms of interpersonal relationships and as protectors of our Mother Earth. You will seek to transform society and replace rampant injustice with compassionate guidance.
Mercury opposite Saturn (Strength: 2.63)

You are very defensive and hold strongly to your opinion when it is challenged. Your intellectual capabilities are well developed, and you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. Be careful not to “bend” the truth and deceive others in your efforts to succeed. If you do, you will lose friends and end up being alone and depressed.

Since you are a loner, you often overlook the importance of your friendships. You alienate others with your criticism and strategies and seem to be unwilling to just mind your own business and let them be who they are. If people don’t hold the same opinions as you, allow them the freedom to express their own individuality.

Your greatest feelings of security will arise from a job well done. You could succeed in such fields as science, research, education, government, politics, architecture, conservation of natural resources, or accounting. If you can apply yourself to your career, you will become known as an expert in your field. Don’t expect such recognition from co-workers but rather from the general public. Be careful that you don’t become so engrossed in your work that you are not aware of what the competition is doing or miss opportunities that come your way.

Be sure to exercise caution in entering into contracts. Don’t overlook the important details that can boomerang against you later. It may be best to hire an attorney or other advisor to help you with these tasks. Your reputation is very important to you, and you don’t want to muddy it through misunderstandings and oversights.
Saturn square Midheaven (Strength: 2.52)

Relationships often seem too complicated and troublesome to you, and you may prefer to spend much time alone. You find it difficult to meet all of the expectations that others have of you, and you consider it a personal failure whenever you let someone down. Remember that you can’t please everyone all the time, and try not to be so hard on yourself. Otherwise, you could become lonely and depressed.

Because you expect others to criticize or reject you, you tend to withdraw emotionally or reject them first. It may seem that they are cold and distant toward you, but in reality they are reacting to the wall of protection that you’ve built around yourself. If you try taking down the wall, you’ll find some wonderful people on the other side.

Although no one enjoys being rejected, very few people have died from it. It’s said that “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” How will you ever know whether you can succeed unless you risk it?

Saturn conjunct Ascendant (Strength: 2.52)

No matter what sign is on your Ascendant, this contact with Saturn indicates that you are conservative in taste and in behavior. Others see you as being self-disciplined and modest. Those who work with you may find it hard to believe that you are so shy and self-effacing when you obviously are quite competent. You are always the last to see your worth in any area. This lack of confidence in yourself causes you to shy away from competition.

Although you may be slow to build up steam, once you get started you have an excellent chance of attaining the goals you set for yourself. You are willing to work hard for what you want, and you are willing to be patient in order to get it. You are highly responsible, and those close to you know that they can always depend on you. The more experience you gain, the more confidence you will develop in your own abilities. This aspect (as with many Saturn contacts) mellows with age, as you grow to meet the challenges it presents.

Watch your own speech patterns to filter out self-criticism and doubt. Instead, you should learn to love and appreciate yourself more–everyone else does. Even though it is good to be cautious in making decisions in life, it is not good to allow caution to turn to immobilizing fear. Some good advice for you would be: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Moon trine Mercury (Strength: 2.28)

Your emotions are well integrated with your intellect, and you are able to evaluate your reactions to people and situations quickly. You learn easily from your day-to-day experiences, and you use them to enrich your consciousness. You are warm and sympathetic, and others appreciate your good nature and eagerness to help. You also have an amazing memory which allows you to recall past events in detail.

You know what your talents are and how to make use of them through creative expression. You also know how to apply yourself and get the best results on the job, and you are able to see problems objectively. If you know you don’t have the answer, you are not afraid to ask for help. It is not in your nature to dwell on negative thoughts, and you could even be of help to others who have this tendency. Yet you will not easily reveal your own personal problems to anyone other than your most trusted friends and relatives.

It is most likely that your home life will be happy, your friendships close, and your social life pleasant. You have the ability to cope with the obstacles life presents to you. And you are compassionate enough to understand and forgive the shortcomings in others.

In your love life you can express your feelings quite clearly and can help your partner do so as well. This will prevent resentments from building over misunderstandings between you. You will probably be more aware of your partner’s problems than he or she is. Be patient with them and remember that they may not be so comfortable expressing their emotions as you are.

Mars square Pluto (Strength: 2.12)

You have a tendency to be overly aggressive and forceful in your dealings with others, and others often consider you to be reckless. When you impose your will upon others you can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to physical violence when upset. At the very least, you become verbally abusive.

Learn to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions. If you have a hard time being objective, seek someone else’s opinion and be willing to take their advice. You would do well to have someone act on your behalf rather than exacerbating an already difficult situation.

In your professional life be careful not to be too demanding of superiors. This could jeopardize not only your job but your financial situation as well. Learn to compromise and to hold your tongue (and your temper) when it would be in your best interest to do so. Once you accomplish this, you will be able to channel your tremendous energy resource into productive areas and will demonstrate courage, persistence and ambition.

It is easy for you to find something negative to say about anyone or anything. Try to turn this around. Learn to support others with the same vigor that you criticize them. The power of love is much greater than you think. Don’t be so quick to issue ultimatums when you meet an obstacle. Instead, find a way to convince others to work with you of their own free will.

In your love life you do not take rejection well. You have a highly developed sex drive, but you must learn to rein in your aggressiveness in this area. Be sure that your relationships have other things going for them besides sex.

Venus square Pluto (Strength: 2.12)

Your emotional life is filled with turmoil, and you sometimes feel that everything good you experience always has a negative side. You pursue goals that are not necessarily right for you, and therefore you encounter obstacles along the way. Learn to listen to your inner voice which directs you along certain paths. Fighting it will only cause you more trouble.

You give of yourself only when there’s something in it for you, and you are even likely to use love or sex to get what you want. Financial security and social comfort are important to you, and you will do what is necessary to achieve them. It is likely that you will experience at least one major upheaval in your life which will transform your attitude. You will learn to value spiritual and intellectual companions–not just those from whom you benefit materially.

If you are unable to resolve this problem, you will certainly experience difficulty in both your domestic and professional relationships. Live up to your responsibilities without being forced to, whether you will reap any material benefit from it or not. Conduct yourself with honesty and integrity, and you will attract similar people to you.

Learn to hold back on making promises unless you are sure you can carry them out. Don’t be so quick to accuse others of wrongdoing, and learn to accept criticism from others. According to Universal Law, the best way to receive is to give away exactly what it is you want to get. It always comes back. Be warm, sincere and compassionate with others and they will respond in kind.

Health-wise, you are prone to illnesses relating to the generative organs. Be sure that you have periodic check-ups and watch your diet.

Saturn sextile Pluto (Strength: 1.84)

You are driven to succeed in life, probably because security is very important to you. Still, you will not let money dominate your life or accept it as a substitute for love and personal satisfaction. You can lay successful plans for success because you are willing to accept the new responsibilities that accompany such success. In your climb to the top, you leave nothing to chance. You do not feel threatened by anyone because you fully expect to succeed.

You have a high respect for education and realize that life itself is one of the best teachers. As a supervisor, you expect a great deal from your underlings. Yet in dealing with superiors you are humble enough to seek their advice and counsel.

In your personal relationships, do not harbor ill feelings or anger. Although it may seem the best thing to do at the time, these pent-up emotions will undergo a pressure cooker effect and the ultimate explosion will be all the more violent.

Neptune conjunct Ascendant (Strength: 1.48)

The conjunction of Neptune with your Ascendant makes you extremely sensitive and gives you natural psychic abilities. Because of your ultra-sensitivity, you often retreat from the harshness of life into a fantasy world of your own making. Daydreaming is nice, but you need to become more grounded in the real world–even though it contains pain and disappointment.

If friends fail you, you hide your bitter disappointment rather than giving them a piece of your mind. Then you become upset but feel powerless to correct the situation since you are incapable of expressing your resentment. On top of that, you will then feel guilty about having any resentment in the first place.

There is a special place in your heart for the downtrodden of society, and you will always lend an understanding ear to those who need you. You are even sympathetic for the oppressors, forgiving them their sins against humanity. You become depressed over social injustices and can even become physically ill as a result of your emotional upset. Be sure that your own surroundings are pleasant. A decaying or deteriorating environment would be physically unhealthy for you.

Avoid drugs and alcohol! These only increase your already risky emotional vulnerability. You seem to attract others to you who will take advantage of your generous and compassionate nature. While it is admirable to help those in need, you must learn to choose which deserve your time and energy. Otherwise, you will become completely drained.

Neptune square Midheaven (Strength: 1.45)

You are a highly sensitive person, and you tend to take on the feelings of those around you as though they were your own. For this reason, it is important that you surround yourself with positive, up-beat people. Otherwise, you could suffer feelings of anger, despair or depression, although you don’t understand why.

Because you lack self-confidence, you tend to shy away from projects that seem too difficult. It’s easier for you to avoid challenging situations altogether rather than to risk failure. The more skills you master, the more willing you will be to try new things. No one is born knowing everything, and we all make mistakes. Instead of seeing this as a failure, consider it a lesson and try to learn something from it.

In your profession, you admire others who seem to be more capable or accomplished than you. Instead of over-idealizing these people, use their example to inspire you to improve your own skills. If you ask them, they’ll surely tell you that they stumbled and fell many times on their way to the top. Like them, you must learn to get up, dust yourself off, and keep going.

Moon sextile Ascendant (Strength: 1.21)

You are very intuitive in your interactions with others, and you are very sensitive to the many messages (spoken and unspoken) which we all constantly transmit. As a child you were especially susceptible to peer pressure, and your friends’ opinions about you were of utmost importance to you. As you mature you realize that you truly can’t please everyone, so you might as well please yourself.

In your career you enjoy a never-ending stream of ideas. Don’t be afraid to pass the best of these on to your supervisor. Even though they might not agree with your idea, they may appreciate your inventiveness. Be prepared to promote yourself if you want to succeed, even if this means risking criticism from others. You are your own worst critic; others usually find you very competent.

You are probably well read and can speak intelligently on many subjects. With your easygoing approach, others are comfortable in your presence. Even without words, you can say a great deal through body language. You insist on being honest with those around you, even though it does not always work to your benefit.

Sun conjunct Mercury (Strength: 0.31)

You have very strong opinions and don’t hesitate to state them without being asked. This can be irritating to people, especially since you tend to dismiss their own opinions as unimportant. You usually have the first and last word in any discussion. In your haste to be first, you may make decisions prematurely. This means you may have to retract what you’ve said later, and this is not easy for you. You don’t like to admit you were wrong and can be very self-centered.

You are creative and could be a good leader if you would take the time to make good decisions. You need to take others’ needs into consideration and to learn a little humility. At times you can be something of a “know-it-all,” which can be very annoying to others. Try to cultivate some objectivity.

Communication comes naturally for you, and you can express yourself articulately. You love to give orders but may become frustrated if they are not followed. You are not above intimidating others to get their support. Express this aspect more positively by inspiring rather than threatening others. Your enthusiasm can be infectious, and you can work well with the public. You are good at making and carrying out plans.

In your love life, be careful of your tendency to misinterpret your partner’s signals. Try to see yourself through their eyes during times of misunderstanding. Your partner should be able to take your directness and lack of diplomacy. You speak straight from the heart.

Balance of Elements and Modalities

Abundant Water

In your case, the heart rules the head. Your emotional drives are strong and you act primarily on the basis of your feelings. Whether your feelings are purely personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal is up to you, but generally you are a life-oriented person who feels keenly and who acts to support your family, friends, and community. You are happiest when you are in a caring relationship with a significant other. That person should be comfortable with the emotional closeness that you bring to relationships, while providing the structure or inspiration that you need. Some of your friends will not be as comfortable with emotional closeness as you are, and you will have to respect their boundaries. You have probably learned over the years how to keep your sensitive nature from being hurt. Don’t permanently withdraw, but find the people with whom and the environment in which you can be yourself.

Because of your sensitivity, you easily pick up others’ thoughts and feelings. You can anticipate others’ needs before they have expressed them. You can usually rely on your intuition when it comes to forecasting the outcome of personal and career decisions. If you decide to use your psychic abilities for healing, learn to let go of the negative feelings that you process from others. Since you are so sensitive, find quiet moments for private introspection in which you can reconnect with what you feel instead of what others feel. You also find it revitalizing to be around large bodies of water.

You do have a need to stop and think things through before acting. Make the effort to communicate with others who may have a more objective viewpoint or who could see solutions that elude you. You can sometimes be criticized for acting from a purely personal perspective, which you could avoid by learning and respecting society’s larger viewpoint. You can be very creative in finding paths to your personal goals. Keep the larger viewpoint in mind and later you will not have to try to rationalize to others why you chose those paths.
Abundant Earth

You are in touch with the real world. More than others, you know where the rubber meets the road; persistent study has shown you how to make things happen in a practical sort of way. Your nature is well-suited to the adult world of responsibilities, which you master at a young age. Not impulsive with your resources, you would only start a business after careful study, but you would manage it well. You enjoy the satisfaction that comes not just from starting projects, but from finishing them. Your steady, organized approach is actually more productive in the long-run than is that of the quick, flashy types. You know how to establish a pace and keep it.

Do not let your awareness of the material world make you unappreciative of the spiritual plane that underpins our life here — to which others may be more sensitive than you. Practicality is fine, but try to understand that dreams, feelings, and enthusiasms are also important and should not be squelched. Others might surprise you with what their optimistic risk-taking is able to achieve. You can be so cautious and reserved that some people find you conservative and dull. If you yourself become bored or depressed, admit that security isn’t everything and try to be more spontaneous. Open up to the new and follow your bliss (in a careful sort of way).
Lack of Air

Expressing yourself does not come easily to you. You distrust people who are fast, smooth talkers. It may be easier for you to express yourself nonverbally or in writing than it is through speaking. If you also lack planets in the houses of Relationships, you will find the normal avenues of communication and social learning blocked. Your thinking will be personal instead of detached or rational. With the mind’s normal communication channels blocked, you learn primarily from experience. Lacking in the ability to view yourself objectively, you gain self-understanding primarily through feedback from others.

Try to see life less personally, in a more objective way. Take classes and never stop educating yourself.

A lack of planets in Air signs can be offset by an Air sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Relationships.
Lack of Fire

You are willing to let flashier individuals take center-stage and lead the way. You are probably unenthusiastic about change and are passive when it comes to creating change through leadership. You may be aggressive in a defensive way, but lack the self-confidence to take the offensive. Lacking the impulsiveness of Fire, you are more likely to be a careful worker and a reliable mate, though you could stand to be less detached and more personally involved with your spouse and family.

A lack of planets in Fire signs can be offset by a Fire sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Life.
Abundant Relationships

With abundant planets in these houses, relationships and communications with others are likely to be central to your life. You can help others by exchanging ideas and making connections between people. You will probably maintain active contact with a wide circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances. You keep abreast of new information via various media and your friends.
Lack of Substance

You are not the most grounded or practical person. The rules of this material world are not well known to you. Others may admire your dreams, but they could be impossible dreams. You may find it difficult to choose, plan, and work towards a career or vocation.

A lack of planets in the houses of Substance can be offset by abundant planets in Earth signs.
Lack of Life

You could have difficulty envisioning or planning for the future. You are likely to accept the status quo, living in the past and present, but not actively striving to create the future. Lacking your own passionate goals, you are more likely to be a follower than a leader.

A lack of planets in the houses of Life can be offset by abundant planets in Fire signs.
Abundant Cardinal

With an abundance of planets in the Cardinal signs, you find it easy to function on your own as an autonomous individual. You have a pretty good grasp of how the real world works, which you may have acquired through your willingness to try new things. An active person, you find challenges stimulating. Success comes through big ventures that others are too intimidated to attempt. You would make a good entrepreneur, but look for other indications in your chart to see if you have the qualities needed to stay with a project or grow a business. You’re not really a team player. You are likely to encounter some problems in your life as a result of being so one-sidedly focused on your own goals and activities. But you are good at overcoming problems. Personal survival is important to you and you are capable of learning. You manifest your love through a lack of fear that makes the future happen.
Lack of Mutable

With a lack of planets in the Mutable signs, you probably go your own way in life without caring too much what other people think. You know what you want and see little need to compromise. You lack flexibility and adaptability. You do best when you can establish a pace and stick to it. Leave those sports and activities that require fast reactions and adaptability to others.

Sometimes you say things that offend others, because you are not especially concerned with the feelings or opinions of others. In fact, you sometimes appall your friends with your single-mindededness and lack of sensitivity. Because of your individuality, people who are attracted to change and variety may find you stimulating at first, but after a while might find your predictability to be boring. This is unlikely to keep you from pursuing your path. Your path involves being yourself and changing the world. Just don’t insist that others be like you.

A lack of planets in the Mutable signs can be offset by a Mutable sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Cadent houses.
Abundant Succedent

An abundance of planets in the succedent houses increases your ability to enjoy life. In turn, you can give others pleasure. You are a basically stable person with strong values, feelings, and attachments. You enoy working to build the structure of your life. As you gain confidence in your self, you bind others to you with love. You have a strong physical presence.
Abundant Angular

An abundance of planets in the angular houses helps to give you drive and initiative. It makes you active in the external world. Expressing your individuality is important to you. You are probably a leader who enjoys challenges and can get things moving.
Lack of Cadent

A lack of planets in the cadent houses tends to reduce the time that you have to yourself. You may feel that you are always in the limelight or somehow involved with others. This leaves you little time for solitary reflection. The life of a spiritual recluse is not for you. You don’t change quickly, but must gradually grow into changes.

A lack of planets in the Cadent houses can be offset by abundant planets in the Mutable signs.