1982-03-23 – 1983-02-16 @ 1232pm – StarMatch



Hi, I was wondering if you would be willing to do a comparability for a female born on 16-Feb-83 at 12:32pm in Dayton Ohio and a male born on 23-Mar-1982 in Idaho…sorry I don’t have his time or city.

I don’t normally do free readings much anymore, but since it is Valentines; here you go: Happy Valentines! Keep in mind this is not 100% accurate because you don’t have his time and location of birth. At the bottom, you will see: Synastry Aspect Numerical Totals

Communication Index (Harmonious): +2738
Communication Index (Inharmonious): -1415
Compatibility Index (Har./Inhar.): 1.94
Total Communication Index: 4153

1.94 is a good number, but this is not accurate either. Pending his time and location of birth, this number could go up or down. The higher the number, the less work the relationship will be.

My brother has found the best match I have found so far:

Communication Index (Harmonious): +4784
Communication Index (Inharmonious): -570
Compatibility Index (Har./Inhar.): 8.4
Total Communication Index: 5353

The best match I had been able to find for my birthday so far is:

1973-12-23 @ 4:04am Gemini Asc @24 degrees – 7.74 compatibility

But I had only found the match for myself only on paper, my best matches I have found in real life is in the 2’s. The one I am talking to right now is 2.11



1982-03-23 - 1983-02-16 1232 - starmatch






The StarMatch(tm) astrological compatibility report helps you compare two charts by 1) identifying each partner’s emotional needs by describing their Descendant (7th house cusp), Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars; and 2) examining the way their two charts interact. After describing what each partner needs in their love life, the report assesses their interaction by describing the significant aspects between their charts. These aspects identify areas of attraction, harmony, and conflict. The “Strength” noted for each aspect shows its degree of influence on the relationship. The Strength combines the aspect’s closeness of exactitude with its positive or negative value for compatibility purposes. The higher the Strength is, the more strongly the aspect is likely to be felt and acted out in the relationship.
Planets in Signs

1982-03-23’s Sun in Aries



While Arians generally enjoy the chase much more than actually catching their prey, it is possible for them to have a satisfactory relationship with a partner who, like them, thrives on constant change. You need a lover whose physical and sexual energies are as strong as yours and who is as enthusiastic about life as you are. You may enjoy engaging in competitive sports or wrestling matches with your partner.

You need a lover who is understanding and patient with your rashness and impulsiveness. Since you are somewhat naive in matters of love, you also need a partner whom you can trust not to deceive you.
Anastasia’s Sun in Aquarius



As a lover you are very understanding and sympathetic. You are usually able to accept your mate’s flaws and imperfections, but you do have a limit as to what you will tolerate in a relationship. Your personal freedom is very important to you, and if your partner can allow this you will reward him or her with ample love and devotion. It is essential that your mate also be one of your closest friends.

Communication is very important to you in matters of the heart. You feel that with open lines of communication any problems in a relationship can be solved. This is much more important to you, in fact, than sex–and you may find that one cannot exist without the other. You require variety in your sex life and therefore seek a partner who is inventive and open-minded about sex.
1982-03-23’s Moon in Pisces



It may appear to others that you are emotionally unsteady–since you are subject to mood swings in relationships. With time and maturity this will be resolved. A secure, long-term relationship is what you seek; this allows you to adjust to your mate and settle in as his/her partner. For this reason, you are attracted to lovers who are more stable than you. They will understand your emotional wavering and love you as you are.

Your emotions are intense and well-developed. When choosing a mate the inner person interests you much more than the outer trappings. You are able to see into your lover’s heart and detect qualities that others do not recognize. Your friends may even question your choice of partners.
Anastasia’s Moon in Aries



You tend to live for the moment and make lightning-quick decisions in your love life. For this reason, you may rush into love affairs too quickly before you have had a chance to accurately assess the situation. You need a partner who is exciting and spontaneous. Otherwise, you may find that you often leave him or her behind when you dash off in pursuit of new adventures.

Be careful not to let the affair become so intense that it burns itself out quickly. Look before you leap into an intimate committed relationship. You need a partner who can help keep the feeling of newness and excitement alive in your relationship.
1982-03-23’s Mercury in Pisces



You love your partner deeply and compassionately, and sex is clearly your most complete way of giving yourself to your lover. As a sexual partner you are very tender and loving, and the emotional satisfaction you achieve from the sexual union is often stronger than the physical sensations you experience. You surrender yourself totally to your partner, so that the two of you become one. Since you can become very vulnerable emotionally, you need a lover who will not take advantage of your loving nature.

Be sure not to become self-sacrificial in your sexual affairs. Don’t agree to a sexual relationship if you really don’t want one. It won’t work if you do it out of obligation or because you are feeling unloved at the moment. Later you’ll just end up feeling like a martyr to your partner’s sexual satisfaction. With the right person, sex can be the beautiful blending of souls which you envision.
Anastasia’s Mercury in Aquarius



You have a very sharp and inventive mind, and your ideas may seem outrageous to others. You find scientific and metaphysical studies to be intellectually invigorating, and you would prefer a partner who shares these interests (or at least doesn’t criticize your beliefs).

Sexual experimentation comes naturally to you, and you will approach it carefully and cautiously, almost scientifically. Stimulation of your mind is at least as important as arousal of your body, and you need a partner who can turn you on intellectually. You are very eclectic in your approach to lovemaking and offer your partner a constantly changing sexual repertoire. For this reason you are usually an excellent lover.
1982-03-23’s Venus in Aquarius



In your love relationships you prefer a partner who is unique and a little off-beat by society’s standards. You need a lover who can respect your need for personal freedom and your own individual identity. Because you are so afraid of being tied down, it is difficult for you to establish and maintain long-term love relationships.

You are rebellious and “negatively suggestible” in your love affairs. That is, the best way to get you to do something is to demand that you do just the opposite. You can be extremely stubborn at times and can turn ice cold when you are hurt. Once you have committed yourself to a partner, you are loyal and truthful and are willing to extend the same personal freedom to your lover that you desire.
Anastasia’s Venus in Pisces



Sensitivity and compassion are qualities that you appreciate in a lover. You especially would like to have a lover who can intuit your needs psychically so that you don’t even have to articulate them. But be realistic–your partner doesn’t have a crystal ball. Be willing to communicate directly at least part of the time.

You may carry karmic baggage from other lives, and this placement has produced many martyrs and sacrificial lambs. Your partner should be someone you feel you can truly trust, because you are prone to becoming a victim in matters of the heart. You are a tender and sensitive lover, and you seek spiritual rather than just sexual union with your mate.
1982-03-23’s Mars in Libra



You seek a certain amount of refinement and social grace in your partner. Appearances are important to you, and you are concerned about what others think of you. It is likely that your partner will be physically attractive as well as poised and tactful. You are very attentive and will go to extreme lengths to please your partner.

You often instigate change in your relationships and become bored quickly with any that become static. Just be sure that you do not provoke change just for the sake of change; learn to recognize which elements of your relationship should be preserved and which should be thrown out. It is important to you that any relationship you have maintain a quality of fairness.
Anastasia’s Mars in Pisces



Although to others you may appear weak and indecisive, you are actually very compassionate and sensitive. You find it very satisfying to deny your own ego in order to gratify the one you love. In this way you learn the secret of strength through self-sacrifice. Just be sure your partner deserves such unselfish devotion. Don’t be deceived by others because you are so anxious to see your ideal in them.

You are a very tender and sensitive lover. Your innate intuition and psychic abilities lead you to seek a higher meaning to sex–some spiritual connection beyond the mere physical act. Be careful to remain strong within yourself. Resist the temptation to become dependent on your partner.
Planets in Aspect

1982-03-23’s Sun sextile Anastasia’s Mercury (Strength: +682.5 )



This is an excellent aspect for communication. It is easy for you to agree and cooperate, and you have many common interests. 1982-03-23 is a willing listener and encourages Anastasia to express ideas, so that Anastasia feels thoroughly understood. Anastasia would be wise to heed 1982-03-23’s advice, and 1982-03-23 may be able to provide Anastasia with opportunities for learning and study. This is a good aspect in any comparison, particularly between the charts of parent/child, teacher/student, employer/employee.
Anastasia’s Sun sextile 1982-03-23’s Neptune (Strength: +300.0 )



This aspect indicates a spiritual tie. There is a strong attraction between you and you encourage self-confidence in each other. You also provide each other with much inspiration, understanding, compassion, sympathy and sensitivity. You may enjoy psychic communication; at the least there is a mutual interest in the occult or metaphysics. There is much romance and devotion between you, and you are patient and tolerant of each other’s shortcomings. 1982-03-23 stimulates Anastasia’s imagination, while Anastasia may provide 1982-03-23 with guidance and a greater sense of direction and purpose.
1982-03-23’s Uranus opposite Anastasia’s Ascendant (Strength: +293.7 )



At the very least, your partnership will be unusual. At its best, you can have a harmonious union in which you both respect and admire the freedom and individuality of the other. You share many interests, including occult and metaphysical subjects. Sometimes this combination indicates a sudden impulsive marriage, but your chances for longevity will only be increased if you take it slowly. If 1982-03-23’s Uranus is afflicted, this combination often indicates an eventual breakup.
Anastasia’s Sun trine 1982-03-23’s Pluto (Strength: +286.6 )



Conversation between you is stimulating, and you enjoy exchanging ideas. You encourage ambitious pursuits in each other and can be good business partners, especially in the fields of research or promotional activities. 1982-03-23 can reinforce Anastasia’s self-confidence, and Anastasia can provide 1982-03-23 with an outlet for 1982-03-23’s subconscious drives and creativity. There is an element of destiny in this combination, and in a romantic relationship there is also great physical attraction.
Anastasia’s Moon trine 1982-03-23’s Uranus (Strength: +251.2 )



Your relationship has an unusual quality about it, which you both find very stimulating. 1982-03-23 can help Anastasia in unexpected ways by awakening and inspiring new ideas in Anastasia. Anastasia’s imagination can stimulate 1982-03-23’s originality and versatility. There is certainly a very strong attraction between you, although you may find that circumstances dictate that you be separated from time to time. This is actually the healthiest thing for your relationship–constant excitement and stimulation can itself become boring.
1982-03-23’s Moon square Anastasia’s Uranus (Strength: -199.8 )



This aspect is a source of irritation in your relationship. Anastasia appears to be constantly changing and unpredictable, which confuses 1982-03-23 and causes emotional upset. Anastasia also appears to be inconsiderate or even unaware of 1982-03-23’s feelings. Your individual career goals may be a source of friction. There is much attraction between you, but oftentimes this aspect indicates that your relationship will be short-lived. In the alternative, you could ease the tension between you by planning voluntary times of separation. If you do not do so, circumstances will arrange them for you.
1982-03-23’s Sun conjunct Anastasia’s Moon (Strength: +168.8 )



Your personalities are harmonious and you share a mutual affection and understanding. Each of you possesses something of the other’s nature in yourself. There is also a very powerful sexual attraction between you. Anastasia is intuitive and very sensitive when dealing with 1982-03-23. 1982-03-23 is protective of Anastasia. In any relationship, this aspect indicates compatibility and harmony.
1982-03-23’s Sun square Anastasia’s North Node (Strength: -152.2 )



1982-03-23’s strong will and desire for self-expression can conflict with the sense of timing and propriety of Anastasia. Anastasia may feel that 1982-03-23 is on an ego trip and is ignoring social traditions and standards, while 1982-03-23 may feel that Anastasia lacks the ability to stand up and be heard as an individual rather than blindly following the social norms. This is not usually a serious problem unless the comparison is a negative one overall.
Anastasia’s Mercury sextile 1982-03-23’s Uranus (Strength: +128.0 )



Anastasia finds 1982-03-23 to be highly stimulating intellectually and very imaginative. Indeed Anastasia can learn a great deal from this relationship. Anastasia could help give the many ideas of 1982-03-23 substance in the real world by giving them practical application. You have a great deal of intuitive communication between you, and this allows you to share each other’s ideas more freely. 1982-03-23 may stimulate Anastasia’s interest in occult or spiritual matters. This is a good combination in an astrologer-client relationship.
1982-03-23’s Sun square Anastasia’s Neptune (Strength: -82.5 )



This can be a difficult aspect in a close relationship, as there is a natural power conflict. Anastasia will seem elusive, evasive and even deceptive to 1982-03-23, and 1982-03-23 is baffled by Anastasia. There is a mutual lack of trust and frequent misunderstandings. Anastasia can behave in a misleading manner, appearing to be submissive to 1982-03-23 but actually eluding the issue. The relationship may be marked by doubt, confusion, deception and infidelity.
1982-03-23’s Sun sextile Anastasia’s Ascendant (Strength: +61.2 )



You share mutual goals and can achieve a great deal if you combine your skills and talents in a cooperative effort. You build confidence in each other and encourage creative self-expression. In a romantic relationship, this aspect indicates a strong sexual attraction.
1982-03-23’s Moon square Anastasia’s Ascendant (Strength: -59.4 )



1982-03-23’s emotional habit patterns and family background conflict with those of Anastasia. You have very different ideas of what is acceptable and desirable in your partnerships. Anastasia seems to repeatedly hurt 1982-03-23’s feelings unintentionally. It is difficult for you to agree on how to handle family and business decisions.



1982-03-23’s Moon square Anastasia’s Jupiter (Strength: -50.0 )



In romance this aspect can indicate problems with one or both partner’s family, religious differences or other areas of tension. 1982-03-23 tends to overestimate the promises made by Anastasia and expects too much, therefore becoming set up for disappointment. Also, 1982-03-23 may be tempted to take advantage of Anastasia’s good nature and can make unreasonable demands upon Anastasia. On the other hand, Anastasia sometimes imposes on 1982-03-23. This aspect requires conscious cooperation between the partners.



Anastasia’s Mars square 1982-03-23’s Neptune (Strength: -42.2 )



This aspect can be a source of emotional disruption between you. Anastasia is abrupt and impatient; 1982-03-23 is elusive or deceptive in response to Anastasia’s pushiness. It is likely that there will be many misunderstandings and disagreements between you. If 1982-03-23 is very sensitive, Anastasia’s aggression could upset the health of 1982-03-23. This is not a favorable aspect between partners in a love relationship.



Anastasia’s Jupiter conjunct 1982-03-23’s Uranus (Strength: +32.8 )



You respect each other’s need for freedom and individuality of expression. Anastasia will encourage 1982-03-23’s originality and inventiveness and can tolerate 1982-03-23’s displays of Uranian independence. There is much mutual inspiration and often a shared interest in metaphysics or occult matters. This is a good contact between the charts of business partners, in which case 1982-03-23 would supply the creative originality and Anastasia the capital to finance development of the ideas. Unlike the sextile or trine, however, the conjunction can produce an out-of-control quality in money matters. If either partner is naturally a gambler, the association will magnify the tendency.



1982-03-23’s Sun trine Anastasia’s Jupiter (Strength: +31.1 )



Your relationship is based on mutual encouragement, sympathy, tolerance, generosity, trust, and loyalty. You could bring out the very best qualities in each other, especially if you make a conscious effort to do so. Your relationship will bring mutual growth, both materially and spiritually. No matter what goes wrong between you, the good will always remains. Although this combination is beneficial for both of you, 1982-03-23 will most likely derive the greatest benefit from the association.



Anastasia’s Venus trine 1982-03-23’s North Node (Strength: +27.7 )



You can cooperate well and combine your talents and efforts for your mutual benefit. 1982-03-23’s keen sense of current trends and fads can help Anastasia to gain greater public acceptance for Anastasia’s creative expression. With Anastasia’s charm and diplomacy and 1982-03-23’s finger on the pulse of society, you would work well together in advertising and promotion.



1982-03-23’s Uranus square Anastasia’s Midheaven (Strength: -25.2 )



This is not a favorable aspect in either personal or professional relationships. 1982-03-23 will seek change and progressive movement in life; Anastasia has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. 1982-03-23 considers Anastasia overly conservative and boring. Anastasia thinks 1982-03-23 is radical and eccentric.



1982-03-23’s Sun trine Anastasia’s Uranus (Strength: +24.6 )



Both partners usually benefit from this combination, especially if they can allow each other plenty of freedom and respect each other’s right to independent expression. There is spiritual harmony, and your association awakens intellectual and creative powers in you both. You always find each other interesting, and life is never boring when you are together. Often this aspect indicates that the relationship will have frequent interruptions involving one party’s absence for long periods of time. But this too can serve to rekindle interest and excitement in the relationship. Remember that absence makes the heart grow fonder.



1982-03-23’s Neptune conjunct Anastasia’s Neptune (Strength: +22.8 )



This aspect indicates that you share common ideals and many mutual interests, such as in music, drama, poetry, mysticism or psychic phenomena, religion and politics. It can also indicate a mutual tendency toward escapism, especially through drugs. You share this aspect with everyone in your immediate age group.



1982-03-23’s Moon trine Anastasia’s Saturn (Strength: +22.5 )



This aspect indicates a favorable give-and-take arrangement whereby Anastasia provides stability and 1982-03-23 in turn enlarges the ideas of Anastasia. Anastasia will be dependable and trustworthy and can counsel 1982-03-23. There is mutual trust and respect here. Anastasia brings out the more conservative qualities in 1982-03-23. You have little difficulty managing money together and, if you have children, you will most likely agree on how to raise them.



Anastasia’s Moon opposite 1982-03-23’s Mars (Strength: -18.9 )



This aspect can produce a serious personality conflict. There is a strong attraction and mutual stimulation, but there is an equally strong adverse emotional reaction. 1982-03-23 can be rude or abrupt toward Anastasia, and Anastasia tends to be hypersensitive to the impulsiveness of 1982-03-23’s actions. Some facets of 1982-03-23’s personality may irritate Anastasia, such as a lack of consideration and tolerance. 1982-03-23 needs to practice more self-restraint and patience with Anastasia, who in turn must try not to be so overly sensitive.



Anastasia’s Venus square 1982-03-23’s Neptune (Strength: -17.8 )



This is considered an unfavorable aspect in romance and partnership. There usually is attraction, but it is often one-sided. 1982-03-23 may tend to promise more than can be delivered, and Anastasia ends up feeling disappointed. One or both of you can be insincere with the other, and there could be deception and fraud. 1982-03-23 will seem elusive and deceptive to Anastasia, and therefore this will have more adverse effects on the emotions of Anastasia than 1982-03-23. Traditionally, this aspect has indicated infidelity in one or both partners.



1982-03-23’s Neptune sextile Anastasia’s Pluto (Strength: +16.0 )



You encourage each other to remain versatile in life and to garner the greatest spiritual meaning out of life’s everyday activities that you can. You share this aspect with all people in your immediate age group.



Anastasia’s Neptune sextile 1982-03-23’s Pluto (Strength: +14.6 )



You encourage each other to remain versatile in life and to garner the greatest spiritual meaning out of life’s everyday activities that you can. You share this aspect with all people in your immediate age group.



1982-03-23’s Jupiter conjunct Anastasia’s Saturn (Strength: +14.1 )



This is a highly favorable aspect in all relationships, particularly in business. Anastasia’s prudence and conservatism blend well with the expansive ability and optimism of 1982-03-23. You can advise each other well and can join efforts with great results. If 1982-03-23 tends to be overconfident or reckless, Anastasia’s influence can be a help rather than a hindrance, as long as Anastasia is careful not to become too critical or cautious and thereby dampen 1982-03-23’s enthusiasm.



Anastasia’s Sun trine 1982-03-23’s Saturn (Strength: +11.4 )



You have no trouble agreeing on how to handle your problems and meet your responsibilities. This aspect encourages confidence, enthusiasm, ambition, organization and persistence in you both. This is a very good combination between romantic or business partners and is an indicator of a long-term relationship. 1982-03-23 stabilizes Anastasia, who returns absolute loyalty and reassurance. Anastasia encourages and stimulates 1982-03-23 to act on ideas. Any limitations or restraints that 1982-03-23 may place upon Anastasia usually work out for the ultimate good of both. It also indicates a karmic tie between you.



1982-03-23’s Uranus conjunct Anastasia’s Uranus (Strength: +10.4 )



With Uranus in the same sign, you were either born within seven years of each other or about 80-90 years apart. You react in the same way to new inventions, changes in government, music, etc. You have the same definitions of “freedom” and “independence” and have the same understanding of your generation’s urge to achieve self-expression. You also have similar interests and beliefs regarding metaphysics or nontraditional philosophies.



Anastasia’s Mars trine 1982-03-23’s North Node (Strength: +9.7 )



Cooperation comes easy for you, whether it’s in business or domestic affairs. Anastasia has a great deal of energy and motivation to initiate projects. 1982-03-23 has a finger on the pulse of society’s fads and trends and can help Anastasia’s projects gain wider public acceptance.



Anastasia’s Sun square 1982-03-23’s Uranus (Strength: -7.5 )



Freedom is a problem area in your relationship. Anastasia finds 1982-03-23 to be annoyingly unpredictable, and 1982-03-23 resents Anastasia’s attempts at control and will rebel against any display of power or authority by Anastasia. In extreme cases your conflicts may even become violent. It is difficult to achieve cooperation with this combination, and it often causes conflict and separations. Both of you are impatient with the other and find it difficult to see things from their perspective.



1982-03-23’s Neptune opposite Anastasia’s North Node (Strength: -7.3 )



You are both very opinionated about popular music, art and entertainment, and you will not always agree on these subjects. Anastasia may think 1982-03-23 is immature and naive; 1982-03-23 may consider Anastasia to be overly pessimistic and even paranoid.



1982-03-23’s Mars sextile Anastasia’s Uranus (Strength: +5.5 )



You stimulate creativity, inventiveness, independence and a sense of adventure in each other. In this way you bring out the best in each other by inspiring confidence and growth. Both of you will benefit from knowing each other. This is also a good combination in business partnerships. 1982-03-23 may have the opportunity to put Anastasia’s ideas into motion.



1982-03-23’s Mercury square Anastasia’s Uranus (Strength: -4.8 )



Anastasia is stimulating and intriguing to 1982-03-23, but also may at times be irritating and upsetting. 1982-03-23 may not wish to accept the ideas of Anastasia, who may seem unstable or erratic to 1982-03-23; at the same time 1982-03-23 seems elusive and superficial to Anastasia. This aspect can cause difficulty in relationships and requires considerable understanding and adjustment by both partners. To make things worse, they often share a mutual impatience with the other. There may be much disagreement on unimportant issues. At times 1982-03-23 finds it hard to depend on Anastasia, and this causes 1982-03-23 to become nervous and upset. In some cases disputes may lead to mutual loss of temper and even shouting matches.



1982-03-23’s Pluto conjunct Anastasia’s Pluto (Strength: +4.6 )



You are around the same age and have similar experiences of the world. Your ideas and viewpoints have been conditioned in similar directions. Since you share this aspect with everyone close to your age, it is not significant in analyzing compatibility.



1982-03-23’s Mars trine Anastasia’s Ascendant (Strength: +4.1 )



You could combine your skills and efforts and work effectively together in business. If you live together, your home life is harmonious and you each respond instantly to an expression of need from the other. There is also a strong sexual attraction between you.



Anastasia’s Mercury square 1982-03-23’s Pluto (Strength: -3.3 )



Your experiences together will transform both your lives and will especially stimulate Anastasia’s mind. During conversation Anastasia’s ideas may be transformed by 1982-03-23, and Anastasia may resent being “brainwashed.” You can teach each other a great deal and will broaden each other’s view of the world. The only real danger with this relationship is that the Pluto individual (in this case 1982-03-23) may try to dominate the Mercury individual (or Anastasia). 1982-03-23’s influence on Anastasia is much stronger than Anastasia’s on 1982-03-23, and 1982-03-23 could therefore be ruthless when angered.



1982-03-23’s Pluto trine Anastasia’s North Node (Strength: +3.1 )



You have mutual interests and concerns for the current state of society and the planet as a whole. You can help to broaden each other’s perspectives on the world’s problems and gain insight into possible solutions. Since you share common goals, you can also combine your talents to succeed in business together.



1982-03-23’s Moon conjunct Anastasia’s Midheaven (Strength: +2.8 )



Anastasia will provide financial security and perhaps social status for 1982-03-23. 1982-03-23 will provide domestic security and a home base of operations for Anastasia. You have similar family backgrounds, and your parents probably wholeheartedly support your union. This aspect is often found between business partners, especially in fields relating to food, farming, real estate, and household goods.



1982-03-23’s Mars sextile Anastasia’s Jupiter (Strength: +2.6 )



You have similar aspirations and ambitions and could accomplish a great deal together. You will be helpful and supportive toward each other and any association will result in your mutual benefit. You encourage optimism, ambition and growth in each other and share a love of nature and the outdoors. This aspect is often found between the charts of marriage or business partners.



1982-03-23’s Pluto trine Anastasia’s Midheaven (Strength: +2.0 )



You have mutual interests and concerns regarding the current state of society and may even join forces to bring about social reforms. You also share common spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. In surviving as a team you are able to cooperate and combine the best of both your talents and experience.
1982-03-23’s Moon trine Anastasia’s North Node (Strength: +1.8 )



Anastasia can help 1982-03-23 make difficult social adjustments to fit in with the prevailing trends and social customs. 1982-03-23 will provide support for Anastasia and benefit Anastasia’s social and economic status.



1982-03-23’s Mercury conjunct Anastasia’s Venus (Strength: +1.6 )



Your relationship is mutually beneficial and actually brings out the best in each of you. You have many interests in common and are close friends. This is a good aspect between love and marriage partners as well as between parent and child. It ensures mutual sympathy, understanding and affection. 1982-03-23 understands the emotions of Anastasia and is considerate of them. In fact, 1982-03-23 can help Anastasia gain mental insight into Anastasia’s own feelings and emotions. Anastasia in turn can help 1982-03-23 refine the rough edges of 1982-03-23’s writing and speech and therefore help improve 1982-03-23’s communication skills. Each of you supports the other in whatever goals they choose. In marriage, this aspect indicates ease of cooperation in financial matters.



Anastasia’s Mercury square 1982-03-23’s Jupiter (Strength: -0.9 )



You find each other to be mutually inspirational. 1982-03-23’s optimism and Anastasia’s mental qualities are a great combination for creative expression by both of you. However, there may be differences of opinion along religious or ethical lines which are irritating to both of you. Anastasia may seem petty at times to 1982-03-23, who in turn may seem to promise more than can be delivered. This is not a serious source of conflict if there are many other indications of compatibility in the comparison.



1982-03-23’s Mercury square Anastasia’s Jupiter (Strength: -0.7 )



You find each other to be mutually inspirational. Anastasia’s optimism and 1982-03-23’s mental qualities are a great combination for creative expression by both of you. However, there may be differences of opinion along religious or ethical lines which are irritating to both of you. 1982-03-23 may seem petty at times to Anastasia, who in turn may seem to promise more than can be delivered. This is not a serious source of conflict if there are many other indications of compatibility in the comparison.



1982-03-23’s Neptune sextile Anastasia’s Midheaven (Strength: +0.2 )



This aspect encourages cooperation in professional as well as family affairs. You have an intuitive understanding of and respect for each other’s values, and you agree on such subjects as religion and ethics. 1982-03-23’s intuition and imagination can benefit Anastasia’s career advancement, and Anastasia can provide 1982-03-23 with a secure home or base of operations for 1982-03-23’s own creative expression.



Synastry Aspect Numerical Totals

Communication Index (Harmonious): +2738
Communication Index (Inharmonious): -1415
Compatibility Index (Har./Inhar.): 1.94
Total Communication Index: 4153