The StarMatch(tm) astrological compatibility report helps you compare two charts by 1) identifying each partner’s emotional needs by describing their Descendant (7th house cusp), Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars; and 2) examining the way their two charts interact. After describing what each partner needs in their love life, the report assesses their interaction by describing the significant aspects between their charts. These aspects identify areas of attraction, harmony, and conflict. The “Strength” noted for each aspect shows its degree of influence on the relationship. The Strength combines the aspect’s closeness of exactitude with its positive or negative value for compatibility purposes. The higher the Strength is, the more strongly the aspect is likely to be felt and acted out in the relationship.
Planets in Signs
July 17’s Sun in Cancer
You are very much like the crab in your relationships– soft on the inside and hard on the outside. Only those close to you know how vulnerable you truly are. You are very private about your love life, and you don’t appreciate others prying into your personal affairs or spreading gossip about you.
As a lover, you tend to lavish your partner with love and affection. You are generous to a fault, and you can engulf your lover with your all-consuming love. For this reason, you would do better with a partner who is not overly independent, or else they may see your constant attentiveness as clinging. You would do best with a partner who enjoys staring into your eyes for hours, and who wants to not only love you, but to merge souls with you.
May 21’s Sun in Gemini
Communication is very important in your relationships, and you can learn a great deal through your partners–that is, if you are willing to undergo a little self-examination. You don’t like others to probe your deeper secrets and feel embarrassed at displays of emotion (yours or others’).
It is important to you that your lover be your friend. Sex alone is not going to make you happy in a relationship, no matter how good it is. You have a light-hearted attitude toward sex and need a partner who shares your need for variety and stimulation. You have a knack for sexual experimentation and can become bored with a partner who is not of similar temperament.
July 17’s Moon in Virgo
You have specific requirements for a lover and will be very cautious in selecting one. You are also particular about the environment and circumstances in which you make love and are not likely to engage in sex just anywhere or with just anyone. Unless you can feel comfortable, you will not relax and let go in a romantic situation.
It is important to you that your lover be faithful, and you should let them know this. There is nothing wrong with letting your needs be known–as a matter of fact, it is important. Just don’t overdo it and become compulsively possessive. You can be of great assistance to your partner in times of need; just be sure your advice is welcomed before you give it, otherwise it will not be heard.
May 21’s Moon in Aries
You tend to live for the moment and make lightning-quick decisions in your love life. For this reason, you may rush into love affairs too quickly before you have had a chance to accurately assess the situation. You need a partner who is exciting and spontaneous. Otherwise, you may find that you often leave him or her behind when you dash off in pursuit of new adventures.
Be careful not to let the affair become so intense that it burns itself out quickly. Look before you leap into an intimate committed relationship. You need a partner who can help keep the feeling of newness and excitement alive in your relationship.
July 17’s Mercury in Cancer
You value privacy and share your innermost feelings with very few people. Once you choose a lover, you are very devoted and loyal. You need little more in life than someone to love and a comfortable home. Indeed, you tend to be more of a “home body” than a socialite, and you need a partner who has similar preferences.
You want to share everything with your lover, and to you the perfect mate is one with whom you can blend souls completely, so that you become one person. While this sounds blissful and ideal, attempting to bond so tightly with some people will cause them to feel crowded and pull away. Whether you are a male or a female, this placement can be a sign of someone who is prone to “love too much.” You need a partner who will not take advantage of your complete devotion.
May 21’s Mercury in Taurus
You are a romantic at heart and pay careful attention to detail and the physical setting for lovemaking. In order to heighten enjoyment, you will make sure the surroundings are sensual and lush. Whether it takes place on a thick growth of clover in a meadow or on a velvet bedspread in your bedroom, you want everything about sex to be enjoyable.
Just be sure you don’t miss some truly magical moments while you’re busy preparing for that perfect setting. Some things are most enjoyable when they are experienced spontaneously. Most people are not immediately aware of the level of your passion, since you are likely to repress it if you do not believe others will approve. You need a partner who will appreciate your direct, forceful approach to love.
July 17’s Venus in Gemini
You are highly sensuous and enjoy the finer techniques of courting and lovemaking. Verbal affection and communication are important ingredients in any major relationship, and you don’t mind being “sweet-talked.” Sexually, your touch is soft and gentle, and your sexual curiosity is unlimited.
Your love nature constantly changes, and you are very unpredictable in this area. It is necessary that your partner interest and excite you, and it would be helpful if they have a healthy sense of humor. If you get bored with the affair, you may be tempted to move on to more stimulating options.
May 21’s Venus in Aries
Your desire nature is very intense, and you desire a direct and impulsive lover. Although you are romantic, you are not necessarily subtle. You seek immediate gratification of your needs–in effect, move in for the kill. If a potential lover shows no interest, you will not wait around until they do. You approach each new love with enthusiasm and joy, enjoying every moment for itself.
Because you are harder to “tie down” than the average person, you would be better off with a lover who is more stable and patient than you. They would serve as an anchor to keep you still long enough to appreciate being grounded in a love relationship. They must be able to see that you are not really fickle, but rather childishly enthusiastic about life.
July 17’s Mars in Libra
You seek a certain amount of refinement and social grace in your partner. Appearances are important to you, and you are concerned about what others think of you. It is likely that your partner will be physically attractive as well as poised and tactful. You are very attentive and will go to extreme lengths to please your partner.
You often instigate change in your relationships and become bored quickly with any that become static. Just be sure that you do not provoke change just for the sake of change; learn to recognize which elements of your relationship should be preserved and which should be thrown out. It is important to you that any relationship you have maintain a quality of fairness.
May 21’s Mars in Pisces
Although to others you may appear weak and indecisive, you are actually very compassionate and sensitive. You find it very satisfying to deny your own ego in order to gratify the one you love. In this way you learn the secret of strength through self-sacrifice. Just be sure your partner deserves such unselfish devotion. Don’t be deceived by others because you are so anxious to see your ideal in them.
You are a very tender and sensitive lover. Your innate intuition and psychic abilities lead you to seek a higher meaning to sex–some spiritual connection beyond the mere physical act. Be careful to remain strong within yourself. Resist the temptation to become dependent on your partner.
Planets in Aspect
July 17’s Sun opposite May 21’s Saturn (Strength: -480.0 )
July 17 feels limited or restricted by May 21 and resists being held back. May 21 is likely to become demanding and uncompromising. July 17 will feel that May 21 is too conservative, while May 21 will consider July 17 to be too risque. May 21 seeks security in the relationship; July 17 seeks excitement.
May 21’s Mercury trine July 17’s Jupiter (Strength: +477.7 )
This aspect indicates mutual inspiration and trust. July 17’s optimism can inspire and bring out the best in May 21. This is an excellent aspect between partners in a project of creative self-expression, as well as between romantic partners. It is also a wonderful aspect between the charts of parents and children, teachers and students, and business partners. May 21’s logical reasoning keeps the ideals and expansive visions of July 17 down to earth. In turn, July 17 inspires intellectual, spiritual and ethical growth in May 21. July 17 is very tolerant of May 21’s ideas and will protect, inspire and encourage May 21 in May 21’s pursuit of higher education. Generally, there is good will between you and you can appreciate each other’s humor and wit.
May 21’s Venus trine July 17’s Neptune (Strength: +336.0 )
This aspect indicates that you share mutual sympathy, generosity, kindness, tenderness, compassion and consideration. You are quite affectionate and devoted to one another and have a strong spiritual connection. You enjoy many mutual interests, especially in art, music, dance, poetry, etc. There is also a mutual interest in spirituality or occult matters, and you are able to help each other develop on this level. In fact, this mutual interest may be what brought you together originally.
July 17’s Jupiter trine May 21’s Uranus (Strength: +315.0 )
You respect each other’s need for freedom and individuality of expression. July 17 will encourage May 21’s originality and inventiveness and can tolerate May 21’s displays of Uranian independence. This is a good contact between the charts of business partners, in which case May 21 would supply the creative originality and July 17 the capital to finance development of the ideas. There is much mutual inspiration and often a shared interest in metaphysics or occult matters.
May 21’s Mars opposite July 17’s Saturn (Strength: -302.4 )
May 21 may find July 17 frustrating and may become angry and impatient. May 21 irritates and disrupts the constructive plans and efforts of July 17, thus causing July 17 to feel insecure. There are many problems with adjustment with this aspect. However, if May 21 can learn to listen to the counsel of July 17, May 21 may be saved from the consequences of rash and reckless actions, although May 21 may not appreciate this at the time.
May 21’s Mars trine July 17’s Uranus (Strength: +258.2 )
You stimulate creativity, inventiveness, independence and a sense of adventure in each other. In this way you bring out the best in each other by inspiring confidence and growth. Both of you will benefit from knowing each other. This is also a good combination in business partnerships. May 21 may have the opportunity to put July 17’s ideas into motion.
July 17’s Sun trine May 21’s Mars (Strength: +228.7 )
This combination is frequently found between the charts of marriage partners. In other relationships it indicates that the parties will at least have warm feelings for each other. In romance, May 21’s desire nature is stimulated by July 17’s most inner self. When a woman’s Mars is involved, she sees her partner as virile and Adonis-like. It is a strong aspect of sexual attraction and compatibility. Both partners stimulate self-confidence, ambition, enthusiasm, courage, initiative and an enterprising spirit in the other. People with this aspect between them often join forces in working toward a common goal.
July 17’s Mercury trine May 21’s Pluto (Strength: +220.5 )
Your experiences together will transform both your lives and will especially stimulate July 17’s mind. May 21’s influence on July 17 is stronger than July 17’s on May 21. May 21 can help July 17 to deepen perceptions of the occult and psychic realms. July 17 can help May 21 verbalize and communicate these deep insights. You can teach each other a great deal and will broaden each other’s view of the world.
May 21’s Moon square July 17’s Mercury (Strength: -204.3 )
May 21 can be hypersensitive to the viewpoints and feelings of July 17. July 17 may sometimes misinterpret words or deeds of May 21. Communication and understanding are difficult, and you may get caught up in petty arguments. July 17 may become irritated and impatient if May 21 is not able to follow July 17’s line of thinking. July 17 may be critical of May 21 and may not understand (or may totally disregard) the moods and emotions of May 21. Misunderstandings are common. Positive aspects between your Sun, Moon, Mercury or Venus can provide the cooperation needed to resolve differences.
May 21’s Moon sextile July 17’s Venus (Strength: +199.8 )
There is mutual sympathy, consideration and helpfulness between you. You share a deep affection and devotion, and this aspect is an indication of a lasting attachment. You are soothing, calming and encouraging with each other and have many similar tastes and interests. This is a highly favorable aspect in love and marriage and can help smooth over other unfavorable aspects between you.
May 21’s Venus opposite July 17’s Pluto (Strength: -176.4 )
This can be a difficult aspect in close relationships, although it is not impossible to resolve. July 17 can become jealous, possessive, demanding or imposing in some way. This can upset the emotions of May 21, who may become insecure. Often there is a great difference in the sociocultural background or interests of the partners, or there may be the occurrence of unrequited love. One partner or the other will find that they are forced to reconstruct their value system in order to resolve conflicts.
May 21’s Venus trine July 17’s North Node (Strength: +168.0 )
You can cooperate well and combine your talents and efforts for your mutual benefit. July 17’s keen sense of current trends and fads can help May 21 to gain greater public acceptance for May 21’s creative expression. With May 21’s charm and diplomacy and July 17’s finger on the pulse of society, you would work well together in advertising and promotion.
July 17’s Venus sextile May 21’s Venus (Strength: +165.2 )
You share many interests and attitudes toward relationships and have a deep appreciation for each other. You provide a steady source of mutual encouragement and support and enjoy each other’s companionship. Because you are highly considerate of each other’s needs, this aspect does a great deal to smooth over rougher aspects in your comparison.
July 17’s Moon trine May 21’s Saturn (Strength: +159.8 )
This aspect indicates a favorable give-and-take arrangement whereby May 21 provides stability and July 17 in turn enlarges the ideas of May 21. May 21 will be dependable and trustworthy and can counsel July 17. There is mutual trust and respect here. May 21 brings out the more conservative qualities in July 17. You have little difficulty managing money together and, if you have children, you will most likely agree on how to raise them.
May 21’s Sun trine July 17’s Mars (Strength: +108.3 )
This combination is frequently found between the charts of marriage partners. In other relationships it indicates that the parties will at least have warm feelings for each other. In romance, July 17’s desire nature is stimulated by May 21’s most inner self. When a woman’s Mars is involved, she sees her partner as virile and Adonis-like. It is a strong aspect of sexual attraction and compatibility. Both partners stimulate self-confidence, ambition, enthusiasm, courage, initiative and an enterprising spirit in the other. People with this aspect between them often join forces in working toward a common goal.
July 17’s Mercury opposite May 21’s Neptune (Strength: -97.8 )
This aspect indicates frequent misunderstandings and even possibly deception, especially by May 21. At the very least, there will be many secrets that May 21 will not share with July 17. It’s possible you may out and out lie to each other, or that more subtle forms of deception will be practiced. July 17 is often at a loss to understand May 21, and May 21 may seem distant or detached to July 17. This combination is more difficult on July 17 than May 21. In a business relationship there is a danger of fraud.
May 21’s Mars square July 17’s Neptune (Strength: -88.4 )
This aspect can be a source of emotional disruption between you. May 21 is abrupt and impatient; July 17 is elusive or deceptive in response to May 21’s pushiness. It is likely that there will be many misunderstandings and disagreements between you. If July 17 is very sensitive, May 21’s aggression could upset the health of July 17. This is not a favorable aspect between partners in a love relationship.
May 21’s Moon opposite July 17’s Pluto (Strength: -77.5 )
July 17 has a disrupting effect on May 21 and may seem contrary. There is more conflict than agreement with this combination. July 17 is aware of May 21’s most vulnerable areas and will use this knowledge negatively in times of disagreement. In love and marriage there may be serious misunderstandings, resulting in domestic problems. There also may be sexual problems, which would be more disruptive to May 21 than July 17.
July 17’s Moon opposite May 21’s Mars (Strength: -74.2 )
This aspect can produce a serious personality conflict. There is a strong attraction and mutual stimulation, but there is an equally strong adverse emotional reaction. May 21 can be rude or abrupt toward July 17, and July 17 tends to be hypersensitive to the impulsiveness of May 21’s actions. Some facets of May 21’s personality may irritate July 17, such as a lack of consideration and tolerance. May 21 needs to practice more self-restraint and patience with July 17, who in turn must try not to be so overly sensitive.
July 17’s Jupiter sextile May 21’s Jupiter (Strength: +54.1 )
This is a favorable aspect often found in the charts of marriage partners or among family members and can be quite beneficial in the charts of business partners. Whatever the relationship, you agree on matters of philosophy, ethics, morals and religious or spiritual concepts. There is mutual respect and an appreciation for each other’s best qualities. You will work for each other’s benefit, and you are mutually supportive; this combination encourages optimism, self-confidence, and humor between you.
July 17’s Saturn trine May 21’s Saturn (Strength: +46.0 )
You have similar needs for security in life, and you both are ambitious about achieving your goals. Therefore, you understand what makes each other tick emotionally. You can cooperate well in any tasks you undertake together. When you share a common goal you have a talent for agreeing on mutual duties and responsibilities and then carrying them out. As with other Saturn contacts, this one indicates longevity of the relationship.
May 21’s Moon trine July 17’s Neptune (Strength: +40.4 )
You are unusually sensitive to each other’s moods and feelings and have a strong psychic tie between you–even to the point of being able to telepathically communicate. This aspect indicates much mutual sympathy and inspiration; there is also the likelihood of spiritual and philosophical agreement. You are comforting and supportive of each other. This combination brings out any latent interest in the occult or psychic abilities in each of you.
May 21’s Sun trine July 17’s Moon (Strength: +34.2 )
Your personalities are harmonious and you share a mutual affection and understanding. Each of you possesses something of the other’s nature in yourself. July 17 is intuitive and very sensitive when dealing with May 21. May 21 is protective of July 17. In any relationship, this aspect indicates compatibility and harmony.
July 17’s Sun sextile May 21’s Sun (Strength: +25.3 )
Your temperaments adjust easily to each other, and your personalities naturally harmonize. There is much mutual sympathy and understanding, as well as support in achieving common ideals or goals. This is a positive aspect between any two charts, especially those of marriage partners. There is much compatibility and mutual respect.
July 17’s Mercury square May 21’s Venus (Strength: -23.2 )
Although this aspect does not present insurmountable problems, there will be many minor irritations between you, especially if you are very close friends or lovers. July 17 may be insensitive to the emotional needs of May 21 and may seem cold and calculating at times. If the comparison is basically a positive one, this aspect is not difficult to overcome.
July 17’s Mars square May 21’s Uranus (Strength: -23.0 )
This aspect indicates a conflict of wills between you and a difficulty in cooperating. July 17 resents the independence and impersonal side of May 21 and feels that May 21 is not always dependable. There is irritation between you, which can be upsetting to one or both partners. Romance between you could well end in separation unless you can develop mutual tolerance and patience. It may help if you undergo periodic separations.
May 21’s Moon trine July 17’s North Node (Strength: +20.6 )
July 17 can help May 21 make difficult social adjustments to fit in with the prevailing trends and social customs. May 21 will provide support for July 17 and benefit July 17’s social and economic status.
July 17’s Mercury conjunct May 21’s Jupiter (Strength: +16.1 )
You find each other to be mutually inspirational. May 21’s optimism and July 17’s mental qualities are a great combination for creative expression by both of you. This is a good aspect in all relationships, including parent-child, student-teacher, husband-wife, or in business partners. July 17 provides the reason and May 21 the ideals and visions, and this results in much spiritual growth for both of you. May 21 is tolerant of July 17’s most far out ideas and will inspire July 17’s interest in higher education.
July 17’s Sun square May 21’s Venus (Strength: -14.9 )
Although no aspects between the Sun and Venus are truly adverse, this one is less harmonious than most. You may have different backgrounds and cultural or social upbringing. Your interests may be very different, as well as your ideas of what constitutes good fun or recreation. There is much attraction between you, and possibly envy, jealousy and possessiveness as well. If you do not plan time away from each other, you will suffer temporary separations against your will which allow you to miss each other. For the two of you it is very true that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
July 17’s Venus square May 21’s Mars (Strength: -13.1 )
There is an intense physical attraction between you, but this may often result in emotional disturbances (such as when one is emotionally involved and the other is not). July 17 finds May 21 to be very impatient and demanding. Jealousy and emotional friction are common with this aspect, and this is considered a very undesirable combination between lovers and marriage partners (or even business partners). One traditional characteristic of this aspect is unfaithfulness on the part of one or both partners.
May 21’s Saturn sextile July 17’s Uranus (Strength: +12.5 )
This aspect, like most involving Saturn, indicates that the relationship will probably endure for a long time. The main determining factor will be the ability of each of you to allow the other to be independent. You can stimulate each other’s imagination and creativity. July 17 provides new ideas and May 21 provides the experience and practical application needed to put them into action. This is a good aspect between business partners.
May 21’s Neptune square July 17’s Pluto (Strength: -10.3 )
Since both of these planets move very slowly, you will each have this same combination with anyone else born around the same time as your partner. You may have disagreements as to your spiritual or religious beliefs, and this will serve as a test of conviction for you both. This is only a minor irritation in any worthwhile relationship.
July 17’s Jupiter trine May 21’s Neptune (Strength: +8.9 )
You share a spiritual and psychic tie, and there is mutual encouragement of idealism, intuitive development, spiritual or religious interests, and charitable instincts. You provide inspiration for mutual growth and expansion and will support each other in achieving your ambitions in life. In the case of business partners, this aspect indicates the accumulation of wealth.
July 17’s Mercury trine May 21’s Mars (Strength: +7.5 )
May 21 stimulates the intellect, ideas and self-expression of July 17. You share mutual interests and can help each other to achieve your highest goals in life. May 21 encourages July 17 to act on ideas and provides the incentive to pursue goals and ambitions. July 17 inspires greater awareness and learning in May 21. You could be successful in business projects you undertake together.
May 21’s Pluto square July 17’s North Node (Strength: -6.7 )
Your value systems and social beliefs are in conflict, and you have very different ideas about what constitutes socially acceptable behavior. May 21 considers July 17 to be a superficial conformist, while July 17 thinks May 21 is negative and selfish.
May 21’s Sun trine July 17’s Saturn (Strength: +6.3 )
You have no trouble agreeing on how to handle your problems and meet your responsibilities. This aspect encourages confidence, enthusiasm, ambition, organization and persistence in you both. This is a very good combination between romantic or business partners and is an indicator of a long-term relationship. July 17 stabilizes May 21, who returns absolute loyalty and reassurance. May 21 encourages and stimulates July 17 to act on ideas. Any limitations or restraints that July 17 may place upon May 21 usually work out for the ultimate good of both. It also indicates a karmic tie between you.
July 17’s Sun square May 21’s Moon (Strength: -5.1 )
This aspect indicates major differences in temperament. July 17 may sometimes be inconsiderate of, ignore or offend May 21, usually without intending to. May 21 should avoid being too sensitive and taking it all so seriously. This aspect does not present serious problems, but you each must adjust to the other’s temperament if you are to achieve harmony in your relationship. July 17 usually plays the leading role in your relationship, with May 21 adapting to July 17’s lead. July 17 needs to be more considerate of May 21’s emotional sensitivity and moodiness.
May 21’s Saturn square July 17’s Pluto (Strength: -3.6 )
July 17, as the reformer and transformer, challenges May 21’s attitudes toward life’s responsibilities. If the comparison is mostly positive, this will represent only a mild test. If there are many negative aspects, this aspect can increase resentment and even lead to hatefulness, which is especially troublesome between parents and children. July 17 may be tempted to play on May 21’s fears. May 21 may try to restrict July 17’s freedom.
July 17’s Uranus conjunct May 21’s Pluto (Strength: +2.6 )
This contact can be either positive or negative, depending on the overall balance of aspects in the relationship. If the comparison is positive overall, you are likely to use this aspect as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. In this case July 17 can provide May 21 with new insights and ways of thinking, while May 21 can help July 17 to assert July 17’s individuality more effectively in life. If the comparison is already a difficult one, this aspect will be expressed as power plays and manipulative “games.” In this case, the Pluto person, May 21, may attempt to control or manipulate the Uranus individual, July 17, who will resist such efforts vigorously. There may also be difficulty adjusting to each other sexually.
July 17’s Mars trine May 21’s North Node (Strength: +2.2 )
Cooperation comes easy for you, whether it’s in business or domestic affairs. July 17 has a great deal of energy and motivation to initiate projects. May 21 has a finger on the pulse of society’s fads and trends and can help July 17’s projects gain wider public acceptance.
July 17’s Mars square May 21’s Jupiter (Strength: -0.3 )
This aspect indicates a clash of ambitions, morals and ethics. You may compete with each other, or one of you will push the other against their will. There is a tendency to be impatient or demand too much of each other. May 21 may promise more to July 17 than is possible to fulfill, although May 21’s intentions are the best. At times it may seem you bring out the worst in each other. You must develop respect for one another and plan carefully together if you are to achieve harmony.
Synastry Aspect Numerical Totals
Communication Index (Harmonious): +3169
Communication Index (Inharmonious): -2177
Compatibility Index (Har./Inhar.): 1.46
Total Communication Index: 5346
For a further more deeper look, contact my mentor at:
Stillwaters Astrology
425-922-0279 (Cell)