Shawn Hughes & Mary Schulz


Dear Shawn Hughes, and Mary:

“maybe you answer on here”

I’m not sure what this means or what you are referring to. But yes, I answer on here; if what it is that you expect me to answer to is worthy of a response. And yes, I will try and accommodate your need for an answer where I can.

“leave mary alone” 

Again, I’m not sure what you are referring to. I am done with the her and have been done with her for some time now; you sir are the one who is picking at a wound that is trying to heal. If you are referring to the evidence that I have of her lies, cheating, screwing me over and ripping me off, I will wipe the slate clean as soon as she repays her dept; so long as she and her people quit stirring up shit. If she wanted me to leave her alone, then why was she the one trying to get back with me in April 2013; one year after the affair started? I have already washed my hands of her and have let go and let God; she has to deal with Karma now, and you know what they say about her.

Mary was the one who whored around on me. If you are one of the guys she cheated on me with, then you can kiss my ass. I had my eye on your profile after I caught her cheating on me, but I didn’t find anything on you; so I blew you off. Now it appears your trying to be her knight in shinning armor, look pretty fishy… Maybe your the one she cheated on John with; John Rodriguez is the one I have proof she cheated on me with. Not Johnny, that’s her ex-husband. Either way, be advised that your next. She cheated on me, she cheated on her ex-husband (which I didn’t find out about till later); but he was cheating on her too so what’s the difference? She probably cheated before and she’ll probably do it again; leopards don’t change their spots. “Past predicts future”. I have more dirt on her then she will want you to dig up. I could have exposed her way more then I already did, but I chose not to. I have nothing to hide, so dig away if you may.

“disable the adult friend finder acct”

Again, I am not sure what you are talking about. I do not do Adult Friend Finder, that in my opinion is a whore site and I don’t do whores. If that’s your preference, that would be your prerogative; I don’t care. If she has an Adult Friend Finder account, maybe you should be taking that up with her? You can send me the link to this so called account and I will look in to it if I can; otherwise, take it up with Adult Friend Finder because I have nothing to do with it.

“remove kaitlins pics from facebook”

Any pictures I have of the kids is from our past and have nothing to do with you, so until I hear that from Katelin herself whom you don’t even know how to spell her name; I will do no such thing. As for our family photo’s, forget it.

“this will be the last nice request”

You call that a nice request??? It’s not even a request, not to mention it is the first and only time I have ever herd of this.

“next i will be seeing your business partner on stone for more info on you”

I don’t have a business partner on stone, so maybe you need to start getting your facts straight before making threats and allegations.

“I will also epose you for the pedophile you are”

Wow, at least you know how to spell that word. I wonder why??? Pedophile, where the hell do you come off accusing someone of something like that? I was better to Mary and the Girls then any man in Mary’s history and probably in her future. Andrew was the one who was supposedly messing around with one of the Girls, looks like someone doesn’t have his facts in order once again… What I do know is that a Skink smells it’s odor first; so maybe we should be taking a deeper look at you???

Last but not least:

If you can prove to me that I have in fact done anything wrong, I will do what I can to rectify it. Any evidence you have must be presented to me in writing so that I can document it. I want PROOF of any accusation against me. Also, did you check with Mary before opening this can of warms? I can guarantee you that she has WAY more to hide then I do, you better get with her before taking this action any further. If you don’t, I’m pretty sure it’s going to back fire.

On that note; if you wish to take legal action, you can contact my Lawyer “Ross Nigro”. His office is down town just outside of West Port and he is also the Prosecuting Attorney for Raytown, Mo. If you make any more threats or false allegations against me, you will be hearing from him. This is your only notice. I will be emailing my Lawyer a copy of this letter, he will be prepared for your call and/or to draw up charges against you.

BTW… I ran your astrology and though you are more astrologically compatible to her then John was, it still doesn’t look good. You are more like me then you are her, so you’ll more then likely have the same or similar problems with her as I did. Your Numerology is even worse… Good luck with that and good ridden, CainO’

David Michael Cain O’Dougherty

Foot Notes: “That was like sooo Age of Pisces” Sounds like I am not the one who needs to move on…

shawn hughes


mary e schulz


Now, in comparing their charts, ( you will see that they look much alike. That is because they were born approximately one month apart from one another. I don’t know his Ascendent or House placements yet; but if anyone can take a wild guess, I would like your opinion. I would say his Mercury is in the house of fire the way he pops off his mouth and shows off his Taurus. I don’t think his Mars is in the House of Taurus, I think he might appear like a Taurus.

mary and shawn

OK… Let break down their charts, shall we.

Sun in Aries and Sun in Taurus: Fare and Earth don’t mix, especially in your foundation. However, they do have Berlin Wall compatibility here. It will be a struggle, but it might work.

Now Sun wise; he is more astrologically compatible to her then I was, but the chemistry isn’t there. However, he is more astrologically compatible to me then her. In fact his birthday if he were born in the morning, was one of the birthdays I was looking for in a new woman after I caught her cheating on me. Isn’t that Ironic???

hotbabydoll420 at singleparentmeet

Moon in Scorpio and Moon in Aries: Not so good. The Moon is ones emotional and psychological needs. Now not knowing his Ascendent, his Moon could be in Libra like mine. If he was born before noon, he is Libra; if he was born after noon, then he is Scorpio.

In this position, he is also more compatible to me then her. My hypothesis by the way he shoots off his mouth is that his Moon is in Scorpio. His emotional and psychological needs is for control, dominance and power; that may also be why he has that bad boy look and he has an extensive criminal record. Moon in Water is also an addiction position, so he will either have addiction problems or he may struggle with them. Addictions can be good; the one she cheated on me with was also Moon in Water, but he was addicted to working out and being a body builder. – They are no longer friends; he was just using her anyway… That is what Philanderers do.
July 6th, 1958


If Shawn was born in the afternoon, Moon in Scorpio is Berlin Wall to my Libra. Now if he was born in the morning and is in fact Moon in Libra with influence of Aquarius just like me, then like me his Moon is Secondary compatible to hers. The issue with her Moon is that she is selfish. One Aries isn’t going to make someone too selfish, but she has four. All four of her Aries are either primary or secondary positions; this is not good. She is mostly all Aries and Taurus in her primaries with a Gemini Ascendent to boot, she has a lot of lessons to learn with that chart.

Ascendents: Again, we don’t know his; but my theory is that it could be Taurus. Why do I say this??? I think that with most people, we are attracted to people that appear like us; the Ascendent is how you appear. So he could have a Fire or Air Ascendent too, I don’t know. She is Taurus, so if he appears like one; they might think they are alike. Also; if he is Taurus Ascendent, that would be Inconjunct to hers and might work or give them the illusion that it might work.

She is a Gemini Ascendent, meaning diarrhea of the mouth. Gemini Ascendents according to my old astrology teacher is one of the worst positions one can have. Negative negative negative diarrhea of the mind and mouth, according to him. In her case, I would agree. I got soo annoyed with all her negativity and where I think we started having problems is, I simply just got tired of hearing it. That is when things went down hill and she eventually went behind my back with other men; which wasn’t surprising really, because she had been going behind my back with other things during the entire relationship. So that was where it all started, then I think I started loosing hope when she started reveling to me her true self.

With good aspects, Gemini Ascendent wouldn’t be so bad I am sure; I just see it as a red flag anymore even though it is compatible to my Libra Ascendent. Every sign and position has its pros and cons, just some aspects tend to lean more one way or another. Our mission is to know both side and try our best to stay away from the dark side. For some of us, this is easier said then done; but it must be done in order to find happiness and self worth.

Rahu and Katu: I am not going to go into the Rahu and Katu because it could change with the Moon pending time of birth. Rahu and Katu are the North and South Nodes of the Moon. It appears that their Rahu and Katu are the same, but the house placements are more important and we don;t know his. Out of the primaries and secondaries; most the planets you look at the signs first then the houses; Rahu and Katu are the opposite.

Mercury in Taurus: Now here is where it gets interesting. Her Mercury is in a strong Taurus and so is his. My Mercury is in Virgo with influence of Capricorn. What does this mean? You don’t want the same in you primaries; you want Trine or Sextile, the same would be a Conjunction.

The will both think and communicate dominance, power and control; eventually it will not work to their advantage. This is a fighting position, so they are going to fight and buck heads a lot. Here, I am Trine with them, so they are both more compatible with me then they are each other. Now her house placement is Aquarius like mine, so he may also think that a lot of what she says is crazy talk; from experience I would agree. If I would have known astrology before getting with her, I more then likely would have stayed far far way. I assume that because I have a lot of Aquarius influences in my chart like she does, we both may appear a bit crazy; so maybe that is why we worked together for as long as we did.

Venus in Aries: Here, they are both Venus in Aries with influence of Leo; where mine is a strong Leo. Venus is your Loves and Values. This is not a Primary position, so Conjunctions and Berlin Walls are OK. However, astrologically I am again more compatible to them then they are to each other. Her House placement is Aquarius and mine is Capricorn, we don’t know his.

Mars in Pisces and Mars in Aries: Now for the grand finally… Here is where I see the biggest problems. Mars is your energy and sexual needs. Mars in Pisces is a dreamer and a workaholic. Mars in Aries is Selfish and lazy. Aries in general is a go getter, but Mars in Aries will only get up and go for their own selfish wants. So if you want to motivate Mars in Aries or anyone with Mars in Fire, find out what they “want” and that is how to motivate them.

Mars in Air and Mars in Fire are the more laid back on the couch and hang out type of people, where Mars in Earth and Water are the more workaholics. Mars in Earth and Water will get the job done to get the job done. Mars in Fire and Air are like mules, you need to dangle a carrot in front of them in order to get them moving. Mars in Fire is like; “If it’s not fun, I’m not interested”.

He has Mars in Water and she has Mars in Fires; he like me, will end up realizing that she is lazy and wants someone to support and take care of her like welfare. She wants everything handed to her on a silver platter and it should be because she deserves it, that is how she thinks. He will want to dream of the possibilities and then work to make them happen. The bonus here is that if he can dream up ways to make her wants come true, it could work as long as he doesn’t expect her to do any work; he will have to do all or 90% of the work.

Mars in Water needs sex nearly every day, where Mars in Fire is good about maybe twice a week. As I said in a previous blog, Fare and Water don’t mix!

My Mars is Earth. He needs it more then I do and she needs it less. Then hers and mine are in the house of Aquarius which makes it even less… If he has Mars in anything stronger, they are going to have serious problems in the bedroom. Aquarius can be kinky, so he will love that, but it wont last. Air is as low of a sex drive as you can go. Now if this is so, then why did she cheat on me? It wasn’t about the sex, it was about her energy. She wants a Sugar Daddy to give her all her hearts desires but she doesn’t want to give much in return.

What I do know about her is that she can be a very service oriented person, only to get what she wants. She will give him what he seeks for now; but again, it wont last. They have known each other for about two years and now that she is tired of living in her parents basement, they will move in together; this is where things will go down hill like it did with us. The first year was OK, but it got worse as time went on.

The thing about astrological compatibility is: If you are not compatible; you tend to fall in love fast, then slowly fall out of love. If you are compatible; your not so much attracted to each other at first, but you slowly fall more and more in love. Which is better??? That is why in 2012 I started looking diligently for astrological compatibility. I wanted the next one to be for life as I did the one before and the one before that and the one before that and so forth… I found astrological compatibility, or at least better then I had before.

The only issue I have now is Mercury. Her Mercury is Aries and Mine is Virgo. That is a non compatible position in a primary position, so we are going to have communication issues. We knew that going into the relationship and we both chose to accept that challenge. My astrologer that wrote the astrology program which I use says you don’t have to be compatible, knowing astrology will help you work through the challenges and know why the other person is doing what they do. Their not trying to piss you off, that’s just who they are.

The good thing is that our Mercury house placements are Trine and this helps a lot 🙂 My Ex’s Mercury and mine was Trine with a conjunction on our houses, so that was better; but we had other things in our charts that were bad like our foundation and our energy. Shawn and my Ex could make it work. Like with me, they have foundation and energy issues. However; theirs is Berlin-Wall aka Inconjunct and so there is a slight possibility it could work.

My new GF and I have an excellent foundation, we appear alike, our emotional and psychological needs are similar, Our Venus’s and Mercury’s are off, but our energy is good and our business sighs are good too. We both know and understand astrology and are working through our past and what challenges we have in our charts right off the bat so that we can have a smoother road ahead. I cannot speak for the two of them, but you can see that it doesn’t look like they are headed in the right direction. I am friends with my GF’s Ex even though I don’t approve of the ways he treated her, Shawn and Mary are looking for a war with others and they are only going to end up with a war among themselves.

Jupiter and Saturn: They both have Jupiter in Gemini and they both have Saturn in Leo. You can look this up if you like ( 5.14.77 & 4.5.77 ), but they are more minor unless you are in business. Jupiter is your work and/or business sign. Jupiter in Gemini??? I would think they would be unstable, but they have their strengths and weaknesses just like everyone else.

mary and shawn and me

Numerology: I wont go too deep into their Numerology except to say it sucks. There isn’t much more I can say about it, it is in the low low low percentile. You can do the math, let me know what your results are?

3 thoughts on “Shawn Hughes & Mary Schulz

  1. Pingback: Transparency is a Good Thing! | CainO' 4 Congress – 888.322.1414

  2. Dear Shawn and Mary,

    My girlfriend created an account with Adult Friend Finder to try and find your profile because you can not see profiles on Adult Friend Finder unless you are an active member of the site. She found the profile using the username you gave her to verify that that was her. I tried looking at it to also verify, but I couldn’t see it unless I set up an account too. Against the advise of professional legal advisers, I tried hacking your Adult Friend Finder account for you; but was unsuccessful.

    So I talked to Adult Friend Finder and gave them the run down on the situation. They didn’t want to work with me at first, but they did verify that the email address on file is Mary’s Yahoo email address. So she needs to go and apply for a new password if she cannot remember her old one, then check her Yahoo email to access her Adult Friend Finder account. They said that if she wants to delete it, she can; in the mean time they made it invisible so that no one can see it but her when she logs in. After she logs into her Adult Friend Finder account; go to “My Account” and at the bottom of this page is a link to either delete it or make it visible once again.

    Legally, that is her account; it has little or nothing to do with you or me. This is the best I can do, the rest is up to you. Hope this helps, CainO’

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