Astrology Reading for Cancer – 7.19.1950 – Aries/Taurus Rising

danna detrick







This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs and Houses



Aries Ascendant


(The Unswerving)


Your direct approach and military bearing are evident.  Your gaze is direct and you can use it to express the power you hold.  Physically, you give an appearance of strength and purpose with a determination to succeed at all costs.  It is difficult for you to hide anger, since your usually-soft eyes take on a steely-look and your complexion becomes beet-red. You pride yourself in meeting life “head on,” but must remember to avoid unnecessary collisions.




Sun in Cancer


(Keynote: I FEEL)


You are sensitive, nurturing, devoted and caring, but can be moody, petulant, over-emotional and unforgiving.  Your attachment to the home stems from an allegiance to a mother-figure.  Your interest in food may extend to gourmet cooking as a hobby or a career.  You are an excellent business person, with a shrewd and logical view, but tend to keep things to yourself, which is not always wise.  If you have no outlet for your feelings, you may make yourself the victim of digestive ills, or prolonged seclusion may cost you the friendship of those who represent security in your life.



Sun in the Fourth House


(The Favorite)


You will probably think of your childhood as a happy time and relate well to your parents. Part of your attitude is because you take responsibility for your siblings, who look to you for counseling, as well as creating the fun and games of which all children are fond.  Because of your closeness, you may rely too much upon one another and have few outside contacts, but you’ll regard close friends as family and entertain in your home.  If you need psychological counseling at some time, you’ll easily recall early experiences to which a therapist can relate and discover the root of your problems.




Moon in Virgo


(The Spartan)


Your outwardly-cool attitude may cause others to approach you with caution, and make friendship difficult.  You are capable of accomplishing a lot, with little to work with.  You are not particularly ambitious, but may over-emphasize your limitations.  A place in scientific research is possible, where your practical mind and attention to detail can be appreciated.  If you are too hard on yourself or others, you can destroy your chances for recognition of your excellent merits.  Digestive difficulties may occur if you fret obsessively with no outlet for your frustrations.



Moon in the Fifth House


(The Easy-Rider)


You enjoy a child-like lack of responsibility, so may not wish to leave childhood behind.  You are likable, but  sometimes irresponsible.  Theater is a good place to project your emotions.  Children identify with the child-in-you, so you are valuable as a teacher.  You may be having too much fun to commit to long-term relationships or a demanding career, and must overcome qualities of superficiality and self-indulgence to exercise your highest potential.



Mercury in Leo


(The Dramatist)


You are highly emotional and speak forcefully; your words may not always be tactful, but they do have an impact.  You’re generous with advice, which is usually good and well-taken. Your gift of creativity may be shared and enjoyed by others who appreciate you.  No party is complete without you, but your famous negative qualities of conceit and arrogance may make you an unwelcome guest.  Listen to your keen intuition, which will tell you when it’s time to go home.



Mercury in the Fourth House


(The Librarian)


You are most comfortable in familiar surroundings.  Parental attachments may delay your “leaving the nest” to be on your own.  Your home may be your office, or you see your office as a “second home.”  Though an avid reader, you seldom share the wealth of your fine mind.  In games of strategy you have no peer.  You have much to offer.  Expand your horizons.  Let others begin to know you.  You can maintain privacy, but invite the world to beat a path to your door.



Venus in Gemini


(The Inconstant)


Your sense of humor is infectious and your charm undeniable.  You are a born traveler and appeal to a wide variety of people with whom you share your multiple talents. Commitment in relationships is as difficult as staying with one job, unless you are the “boss.”  Whether formally-educated or not, you have a wealth of knowledge to share and a way of expressing yourself that is entirely captivating.  One can almost forgive you for being a “world-class flirt!”



Venus in the Second House


(The Status-Seeker)


An innate dislike of ugliness makes the acquisition of beautiful things almost a necessity.  But, an obsession for accumulating expensive serendipity for the sake of creating an illusion of opulence can encourage acquiring money for money’s sake.  If there is an opportunity, you may marry for money at the expense of love.  True values need constant attention to rise above the temptation to worship at a golden idol’s feet.



Mars in Libra


(The Captivator)


An intensive yen for romance may tempt you to marry early and in haste, which is inviting trouble.  You enjoy life as an “attention-getter” with good looks and a congenial manner to attract those with the same qualities.  You will also inevitably provoke the jealousy that goes with popularity.  You’re really too intelligent to indulge your penchant for changing partners each time you dance.  You have what it takes to recognize the “right” one, with all you need to be happy.



Mars in the Sixth House


(The Team Captain)


You are impatient to achieve success.  You identify with any project personally, so always do your best.  As a team member, you may become frustrated if things don’t go your way. In charge, you expect your workers to share your enthusiasm and put forth the same effort you expend, but will demand the lion’s share of credit.  Add the respect of your followers to your laurels by sharing the rewards of your labor.  A demanding employer may also be a generous friend.



Jupiter in Pisces


(The Benevolent)


No sacrifice is too great for you to make to help someone in need.  But, you are extremely impressionable, and must be careful not to absorb and experience the ills of others as your own.  Whether you receive the same compassion you give is immaterial.  You serve cheerfully and derive your greatest satisfaction from seeing the positive results of your efforts.



Jupiter in the Eleventh House


(The Faithful Friend)


It is not by accident that you have many friends, for you are as loyal and supportive as they are.  You are active socially and many of the events you attend will be charitable in nature.  You extend your own expectations through contacts with others.  While you seldom ask for rewards, you often receive more than you give.



Saturn in Virgo


(The Precisionist)


It is hard for others to live up to your exacting standards.  Your sense of duty keeps you at your job tidying up details with or without financial rewards.  You are as critical of yourself as you are of others.  Justifying your actions by admitting your own shortcomings will not bring you the companionship you lack.  Try to overcome your tendency to look on the dark side and come into the light where your keen mind and unexcelled discipline can be appreciated.



Saturn in the Fifth House


(The Kill-joy)


The influence of an overly-strict father or lack of a sense-of-humor may feed your reputation as a “wet blanket,” or you may find others spoiling YOUR fun!  Instead of enjoying pleasures of the moment, you may regard them as distractions that keep you from shouldering your burdens.  Your ambitions may be beyond the reach of your children.  Don’t become the dull boy in the proverb: (“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!”)  Lighten up!  Live a little!



Uranus in Cancer


(The Whimsical)


You are an uncommon, often-disruptive influence in the home.  Overly-sensitive, you can brood over imagined wrongs, but may never voice your unhappiness or resentments.  Others may not comprehend your dour moods.  You can benefit by quiet times of self-analysis.  Try to include your loved ones in discussions that will strengthen your bonds and prevent the dissension associated with your eccentricities.  Much may be accomplished by mutual understanding.



Uranus in the Third House


(The Chameleon)


Your ingenious mind keeps you alert to pressures to adapt yourself to your surroundings and find ways of fitting in. Life is an adventure with new ways open at every turn of the road.  You are like an explorer, never denying that anything is possible and delighted to discover the unusual.  You may lack a basic security, but get the most out of staying flexible–a perpetual student, open to new experiences as part of your development, that keep you young at heart.



Neptune in Libra


(The Influenced)


You are subject to peer pressure which may not always serve your best interests.  Because you are an idealist, you may be drawn into causes that are without substance.  You seldom attempt anything alone, and prefer groups to a partner. If your dreams don’t interfere with the reality of a material world, you can inspire others to adopt altruistic ways of living.  It is your belief that what we have is not as important as our willingness to share it.



Neptune in the Sixth House


(The Sensitive)


You may suffer allergies or dietary problems that are difficult to diagnose from early childhood.  You must be careful about ingesting drugs, even if they are prescribed by a physician.  A tender heart may lead you to work for those less fortunate than yourself, either as a career, or an act of charity.  Those who oppose you as “too good to be true” are envious of the satisfaction derived from your unselfish service.  Ignore them and enjoy your good works.



Pluto in Leo


(The Agitated)


Your ability to keep things at a fever pitch needs careful regulating to avoid constant upheaval in your life and the lives of others.  Your senses are keen.  Use them to recognize a need for transforming human affairs.  Take your place in bettering your environment by helping others to better theirs.  It is preferable to accept the accolades of your peers for your good work than to indulge the self-aggrandizement negatively associated with your sign.



Pluto in the Fourth House


(The Martinet)


At best, you exemplify the iron fist in the velvet glove in your demands of your family and the structure of your home.  A Victorian father would best describe the image you present to your children, who may eventually find your edicts absurd. We are often victims of victims.  Practices of your parents may no longer be valid when you have outgrown childhood.  Try to break any ties that keep you bound to outmoded ideas or policies that are no longer practical.



Capricorn Midheaven


You should find a career that takes advantage of your organizational ability.  You work pragmatically and consistently, and pay attention to the little things that make a difference.  You are very responsible in your career, displaying a high sense of duty.  You are ambitious, but are willing to carry a large share of the load on your way to the top.  Furthermore, you are not just a maintainer of the status quo or a reactor to events, but see in a clear-eyed way what needs to be done and will initiate action on your own.


Your choice of career typically displays an acknowledgement of financial and material realities.  It may not be flashy, but it is secure and worthwhile.  During your life, your patience may be tested by periods of loneliness, poor health, hard work, poverty, or problems with your marriage, children or aged dependents.  You may feel that your road has been a lonely one without much assistance.  If you give way to melancholy, you may become passive about your lot and suspiciously distrustful even of your friends.  Alternately, stress can cause you to become cynical and ruthless.  However, your greatest success will come in those areas where through long, hard work you complete tasks that others do not even attempt.


Occupations consistent with your material, ambitious style of work include executive, builder, real estate or agriculture worker, stockbroker, administrator, civil servant, computer scientist, academic, engineer, photographer, doctor, biologist, chemist, miner, metallurgist, or prolific author .  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Saturn, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.



North Node in Aries


(The Uncertain)


You project confidence, but are plagued with doubt that you can produce all that you promise.  You dislike calling others for assistance because it means exposing your soft underbelly.  When you learn you have many supporters waiting to follow your lead, you may discover that “your own person” is the “you” you wanted to be all along.



North Node in the Twelfth House


(The Neglected)


You may feel your high ideals set you apart, but are often aware that you are part of struggling humanity.  If you are unappreciated, you look inward for answers, and may find a morsel of truth.  But, life requires full participation.  In nurturing others, you will realize that we are all one and when the bell tolls, it does, indeed, “toll for thee!”





Planets in Aspect


Jupiter trine Uranus  (Strength:  5.78)


(The Favored)


You are blessed with unexpected opportunities that seem to materialize from nowhere.  But, unless you are quick to take advantage, they may vanish like smoke from a Genie’s lamp.  Fortunately, you enjoy or will create the necessary freedom to accept any bounty that comes your way.  If it involves change, your pleasure is doubled.  You are ready to grow, expand and, when given the chance, develop the ability to fly towards your fortune with the wind at your back!



Mars sextile Pluto  (Strength:  3.92)


(The Resolved)


Your determination to succeed can take you to the top of the heap.  You tackle challenges, assured of necessary strength in surmounting obstacles.  Avoid a messianic complex that you are “the” person to bring about the salvation of others, regardless of their opinions or feelings.  You have the ability to dissect your own problems and settle them with practical solutions.  In the process, you may discover the transforming power of regeneration within you.



Mars conjunct Neptune  (Strength:  3.66)


(The Converse)


You are dealing with energies diametrically opposed, but can achieve balance if you notice or anticipate sudden bursts of or drops in endurance.  By using your intuition, you may be aware of those who try to involve you in nefarious activities or take advantage by appealing to your ego.  Gather your resources when you are discouraged or lack the drive to launch your dreams.  Objectivity instead of subjectivity may furnish answers otherwise unacceptable to your sensitive nature.



Moon conjunct Saturn  (Strength:  2.76)


(The Responsible)


You may have had to take on “too much too soon,” but find ways to lighten your load.  Taking duty seriously does not mean jeopardizing your health or even your sense of humor. You tend to be hard on yourself, over-critical and frustrated because you feel out of synch with others, but you will develop excellent discipline and become self-reliant and trustworthy.  You recognize your mortality, but take as your creed: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”



Moon opposite Jupiter  (Strength:  2.02)


(The Double Standard)


You are a sharing, caring person, but resist being led or forced to accept circumstances not of your choosing.  You may even feel partnerships should not limit your personal freedom. On the other hand, you may be demanding of others because they “owe” you, or just because they care for you.  Consider why you have these feelings.  You may solidify relationships by agreeing to a more equitable arrangement of “give and take” or drop commitments that are less than worthwhile.



Neptune sextile Pluto  (Strength:  1.58)


(The Self-aware)


It is important that you have the support of your family and friends.  You are extremely sensitive and subject yourself to self-criticism that can be destructive and depressing.  It may be that you need professional help to build your self-esteem.  Later, you may transfer your intense feelings into knowledge you share with others.  You may pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology, but will continue to investigate your own psyche for answers as to what “makes you tick.”



Mercury inconjunct Jupiter  (Strength:  0.97)


(The Blind-spot)


You may be so intent on impressing others with your grandiose ideas that you fail to see your own shortcomings.  If you preach philosophical concepts, be sure that you adhere to the rules you set for others.  Or, you may be easily flattered and led to attempt more than you can handle.  It is unlikely that you will over-do periods of self-examination, or deal harshly with your faults.  Take an inward look before embarking on the outward leap that may lead to your downfall.





Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Water


In your case, the heart rules the head.  Your emotional drives are strong and you act primarily on the basis of your feelings.  Whether your feelings are purely personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal is up to you, but generally you are a life-oriented person who feels keenly and who acts to support your family, friends, and community.  You are happiest when you are in a caring relationship with a significant other.  That person should be comfortable with the emotional closeness that you bring to relationships, while providing the structure or inspiration that you need.  Some of your friends will not be as comfortable with emotional closeness as you are, and you will have to respect their boundaries.  You have probably learned over the years how to keep your sensitive nature from being hurt.  Don’t permanently withdraw, but find the people with whom and the environment in which you can be yourself.


Because of your sensitivity, you easily pick up others’ thoughts and feelings.  You can anticipate others’ needs before they have expressed them.  You can usually rely on your intuition when it comes to forecasting the outcome of personal and career decisions.  If you decide to use your psychic abilities for healing, learn to let go of the negative feelings that you process from others.  Since you are so sensitive, find quiet moments for private introspection in which you can reconnect with what you feel instead of what others feel.  You also find it revitalizing to be around large bodies of water.


You do have a need to stop and think things through before acting.  Make the effort to communicate with others who may have a more objective viewpoint or who could see solutions that elude you.  You can sometimes be criticized for acting from a purely personal perspective, which you could avoid by learning and respecting society’s larger viewpoint.  You can be very creative in finding paths to your personal goals.  Keep the larger viewpoint in mind and later you will not have to try to rationalize to others why you chose those paths.



Lack of Fire


You are willing to let flashier individuals take center-stage and lead the way.  You are probably unenthusiastic about change and are passive when it comes to creating change through leadership.  You may be aggressive in a defensive way, but lack the self-confidence to take the offensive.  Lacking the impulsiveness of Fire, you are more likely to be a careful worker and a reliable mate, though you could stand to be less detached and more personally involved with your spouse and family.


A lack of planets in Fire signs can be offset by a Fire sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Life.



Abundant Endings


With abundant planets in the houses of endings, you are probably sensitive, moody, and introspective.  You are not afraid to show your feelings and make an empathetic listener to the problems and feelings of others.  You have been around the track enough yourself to sense what others are going through and to show that you care.  You are not the most intellectual or practical person.  You can be easily swayed by an appeal to your emotions.



Lack of Relationships


Relating to other people probably plays a minor role in your life.  You could remain unmarried, be a loner, or even be an orphan.  Your thinking is probably subjective or personal, without the objectivity that comes from having communicated with many people.  Let others teach you by showing you and if they give you any feedback on your thinking, see if you can learn from it.


A lack of planets in the houses of Relationships can be offset by abundant planets in Air signs.



Abundant Cardinal


With an abundance of planets in the Cardinal signs, you find it easy to function on your own as an autonomous individual.  You have a pretty good grasp of how the real world works, which you may have acquired through your willingness to try new things.  An active person, you find challenges stimulating.  Success comes through big ventures that others are too intimidated to attempt.  You would make a good entrepreneur, but look for other indications in your chart to see if you have the qualities needed to stay with a project or grow a business.  You’re not really a team player.  You are likely to encounter some problems in your life as a result of being so one-sidedly focused on your own goals and activities.  But you are good at overcoming problems.  Personal survival is important to you and you are capable of learning.  You manifest your love through a lack of fear that makes the future happen.



Lack of Fixed


With a lack of planets in Fixed signs, you probably find it difficult to settle down or concentrate on one thing for a long time.  You tend to be all over the place.  The advantage is that you are able to do many things at once and can move forward with change and growth when desirable.  You are a free spirit, not overly weighed down by attachments.  You may be daring, brave, and filled with ideas, but you need individuals in your life who can provide the structure and stability that you lack.  If necessary, you can force yourself to finish projects through mental discipline and willpower.


A lack of planets in the Fixed signs can be offset by a Fixed sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Succedent houses.



Abundant Succedent


An abundance of planets in the succedent houses increases your ability to enjoy life.  In turn, you can give others pleasure.  You are a basically stable person with strong values, feelings, and attachments.  You enoy working to build the structure of your life.  As you gain confidence in your self, you bind others to you with love.  You have a strong physical presence.