Astrology Reading for: Leo – 7.23.1996 – Rising Sign: Taurus

sarah danielle







This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs and Houses



Taurus Ascendant


(The Steadfast)


There is a look of substance about you.  Others admire your thick hair, which may be curly or wavy.  Though slow to anger, you may use force to defend yourself when aroused.  You are resolutely stubborn, and generous beyond your means, to the point of being foolish.  Others value your friendship and you are a welcome guest.  You would rather be a “boss” than an employee, but will always give your best to a job, because you don’t know how to do anything “half-way.”




Sun in Leo


(Keynote: I WILL)


You are passionate, sincere, generous, courageous and loyal.  You may also be demanding, possessive, jealous and intolerant.  You are a champion of causes and defender of the helpless in time of need — the stuff of which heroes are made.  You resist accepting second-best of anything.  You are at your best when given dramatic license to take center-stage, with all eyes upon you.  Your word is your bond, but you can be unreasonable if things don’t go your way.  Try not to confuse the courage of your convictions with inordinate stubbornness, which is usually the source of your downfall.



Sun in the Fourth House


(The Favorite)


You will probably think of your childhood as a happy time and relate well to your parents. Part of your attitude is because you take responsibility for your siblings, who look to you for counseling, as well as creating the fun and games of which all children are fond.  Because of your closeness, you may rely too much upon one another and have few outside contacts, but you’ll regard close friends as family and entertain in your home.  If you need psychological counseling at some time, you’ll easily recall early experiences to which a therapist can relate and discover the root of your problems.




Moon in Libra


(The Dependent)


You have a burning desire to please and will go to great lengths to do so.  You cultivate an image of glamour and success, are probably a compulsive buyer and enjoy wearing distinctive and expensive clothes.  You attract easily, and are popular, but fickle.  You may be over-critical of your partners until you realize that, because you are easily-led, you need someone to help you make decisions.  You are either too lazy or insecure to try to develop much self-reliance.  A strong instinct that a special relationship is “fated” may lead you to the proper person to be your life-mate.



Moon in the Sixth House


(Les Miserables)


A devotion to duty, when coupled with the psychological impact of feeling “used”, can result in what can only be termed a “martyr complex.”  Because you are serious by nature, you will allow, and even insist on bearing the impositions of others; then fretting over your oppressions until you make yourself ill.  Learn to know what is your package, and then how to balance it so that it becomes not a BURDEN, but a steadying agent as you approach maturity.



Mercury in Leo


(The Dramatist)


You are highly emotional and speak forcefully; your words may not always be tactful, but they do have an impact.  You’re generous with advice, which is usually good and well-taken. Your gift of creativity may be shared and enjoyed by others who appreciate you.  No party is complete without you, but your famous negative qualities of conceit and arrogance may make you an unwelcome guest.  Listen to your keen intuition, which will tell you when it’s time to go home.



Mercury in the Fourth House


(The Librarian)


You are most comfortable in familiar surroundings.  Parental attachments may delay your “leaving the nest” to be on your own.  Your home may be your office, or you see your office as a “second home.”  Though an avid reader, you seldom share the wealth of your fine mind.  In games of strategy you have no peer.  You have much to offer.  Expand your horizons.  Let others begin to know you.  You can maintain privacy, but invite the world to beat a path to your door.



Venus in Gemini


(The Inconstant)


Your sense of humor is infectious and your charm undeniable.  You are a born traveler and appeal to a wide variety of people with whom you share your multiple talents. Commitment in relationships is as difficult as staying with one job, unless you are the “boss.”  Whether formally-educated or not, you have a wealth of knowledge to share and a way of expressing yourself that is entirely captivating.  One can almost forgive you for being a “world-class flirt!”



Venus in the Second House


(The Status-Seeker)


An innate dislike of ugliness makes the acquisition of beautiful things almost a necessity.  But, an obsession for accumulating expensive serendipity for the sake of creating an illusion of opulence can encourage acquiring money for money’s sake.  If there is an opportunity, you may marry for money at the expense of love.  True values need constant attention to rise above the temptation to worship at a golden idol’s feet.



Mars in Gemini


(The Lecturer)


You are a powerful speaker, able to influence others and sway them to your views.  As a teacher, you convince students to do things “your way,” though you may change your methods as often as you change your mind.  If you scatter your energies, you can fail to complete what you have started and accomplish nothing.  Learn early to think before you speak and hone your ability to concentrate.  Otherwise, your knowledge may appear superficial and your ideas not worth exploring.



Mars in the Second House


(The Moneymaker)


Money, possessions and things you personally value will always be important to you.  The danger is that egoistic Mars can be obsessive and the acquisition of money may represent your only achievement.  While money is power, your life-values are a different kind of wealth.  At some time, you will need a partner to manage your assets.  It is only by sharing what you have earned OR learned that you receive full benefit of what you have achieved.



Jupiter in Capricorn


(The Traditionalist)


You may need to relax your conventionally-narrow views, to gamble now and then on human nature to prevail in the face of overwhelming obstacles.  Once you have decided to reveal yourself as the fine, understanding person you are, you should have no trouble taking your place successfully in public office, where you can lead the masses to enlightenment.



Jupiter in the Ninth House


(The Missionary)


You may feel you were born with a definite purpose in life to help others to elevate themselves to a position of higher learning.  Your ministerial bent may take you to foreign lands.  Whatever your message, you are firm in your beliefs and the authority you communicate in your writings or lectures will impress those who listen with your sincerity.



Saturn in Aries


(The Repressed)


You may fight against restrictions imposed upon you, but if you insist on doing things “your” way, you will find stumbling blocks in your path and doors that should open will close.  Patience and forbearance will enforce the discipline to climb to the heights you struggle to gain.  In later years, you will receive the rewards you desire now.  Your solid foundations will last long after you have passed the frustration it took to achieve your purpose.



Saturn in the Twelfth House


(The Shadow)


You may sense that “something” is following you–that things are left unfinished for you to complete.  It may be that you ARE responsible for some of your problems, but your attitude may account for much of your frustration.  Though you feel like isolating yourself, you are leaving a gap by doing so.  Fill it with a resolve to come out of yourself to view the world around you, as others see it.  It is indeed a beautiful place to live.



Uranus in Aquarius


(The Original)


You like yourself and are generally happy with who and what you are.  Even if there are some who think you eccentric instead of ingenious, you have a following of genuine friends who admire your distinctive ways.  Many of them are like you: open, kind, cultured, altruistic and social.  You probably share the same interests and concerns for the survival of the earth and the elevation of mankind.  In your competent hands, we might be closer to Utopia than most would believe.



Uranus in the Tenth House


(The Rebel)


You may change your mind more than once about a choice of career.  You’re impatient and dislike criticism, so may have problems with anyone who makes rules and expects you to conform.  Your mind is quick and innovative, but you often have so many irons in the fire, you can’t decide which to put on the front burner.  Your potential is obvious, but you must listen to those in authority and adapt your unique skills and ideas to their format, if you are to succeed.



Neptune in Capricorn


(The Mogul)


No matter what you put your hand to, it seems to come up gold.  This is no accident, but the result of keen insight, careful planning, and the persistence to ride over rough times and wait until fortune smiles.  You’re sometimes observed as a barometer for the stock market.  Even obscure plans take shape under your direction.  When you trust someone, you take his shortcomings as your own.  If betrayed, your confidence can only be rebuilt by time and testing.



Neptune in the Ninth House


(The Priest)


You are highly conscious of the spiritual side of life and may feel you are “called” to take your place as a theologian.  You need not become a minister in the orthodox sense, but can adopt and employ valuable philosophies.  Don’t be impatient to achieve your goals.  Allow opportunities to emerge as you grow in faith.  Recognize that the price of higher knowledge is often one of self-sacrifice that does not admit the ego as a constructive energy.



Pluto in Sagittarius


(The Kinsman)


Your high spiritual calling creates a restlessness that will not let you relax until others acknowledge what you know inherently:  That under the skin, all men are brothers.  Your mission is to discover a way of integrating concepts that are acceptable to all.  In your role as catalyst, you will learn patience to calm your strident condemnations of that which delays your plans or ideas you neither originate nor can grasp in the twinkling of an eye.



Pluto in the Seventh House


(The Autocrat)


You can expect to receive in kind whatever you devise, but may bite off more than you can chew.  In all partnerships you assume you will set the rules, but may find others have their own ideas and expect you to consider them.  If there are conflicts, you may face actions that are far from above-board, but if you are fair in your demands, you need not provoke destructive consequences.  You can use the powerful energies you project to strengthen your ties.



Capricorn Midheaven


You should find a career that takes advantage of your organizational ability.  You work pragmatically and consistently, and pay attention to the little things that make a difference.  You are very responsible in your career, displaying a high sense of duty.  You are ambitious, but are willing to carry a large share of the load on your way to the top.  Furthermore, you are not just a maintainer of the status quo or a reactor to events, but see in a clear-eyed way what needs to be done and will initiate action on your own.


Your choice of career typically displays an acknowledgement of financial and material realities.  It may not be flashy, but it is secure and worthwhile.  During your life, your patience may be tested by periods of loneliness, poor health, hard work, poverty, or problems with your marriage, children or aged dependents.  You may feel that your road has been a lonely one without much assistance.  If you give way to melancholy, you may become passive about your lot and suspiciously distrustful even of your friends.  Alternately, stress can cause you to become cynical and ruthless.  However, your greatest success will come in those areas where through long, hard work you complete tasks that others do not even attempt.


Occupations consistent with your material, ambitious style of work include executive, builder, real estate or agriculture worker, stockbroker, administrator, civil servant, computer scientist, academic, engineer, photographer, doctor, biologist, chemist, miner, metallurgist, or prolific author .  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Saturn, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.



North Node in Libra


(The Selfless)


You will not understand why others are promoted while you are passed by.  You must change an attitude that the world revolves around you.  Jealousy or resentment depletes your strength which should be used, not for your purposes alone, but to do for others what they cannot do.  You will acquire the stature you long for by balancing your needs with others.



North Node in the Sixth House


(The Healer)


You must overcome your fear of the unknown before your restorative powers become evident.  At times, your own physical ailments and surprising recoveries will call attention to your gifts until you are confident to explore and refine them.  Acknowledgment of your own self-worth is repayment for the years granted to serve your fellow man.





Planets in Aspect


Sun trine Pluto  (Strength:  9.34)


(The Success)


Your determination to succeed impresses others and attracts those who may help you.  You will define your goals and examine the changes required to accomplish them at each stage of your progress. If it means becoming a “new” person, you will undergo necessary reforms and transformation.  Good health accompanies your positive attitude.  At one with perfect spiritual harmony, you achieve the balance necessary to realize, accept and maintain a position of prominence.



Sun opposite Uranus  (Strength:  7.22)


(The Destroyer)


Outside influences may lead you to believe that upsets are inevitable.  In reality, unexpressed feelings result in tensions you find it difficult to acknowledge.  You may not recognize any pace but “fast-forward,” and ignore a need to “relax and enjoy.”  Running away is not an answer to problems.  Interactions with partners can indicate how you relate to the universe.  You are a unique individual who can invent the ways and means necessary to align yourself with the cosmos.



Sun opposite Neptune  (Strength:  4.54)


(The Faddist)


You are vulnerable to the input of others and may unwisely adopt diets in vogue or even “popular” illnesses, such as the “vapors” of turn-of-the-century belles or hallucinatory drugs of the ’60’s.  As your own worst enemy, you deceive yourself that you are like everyone else instead of a uniquely-sensitive individual.  If you have doubts about people or circumstances, ask for advice from a wiser head, since yours is often in the clouds.



Neptune conjunct Midheaven  (Strength:  4.44)


(The Lotus)


You may be confused as to what your life is about and how to direct it.  You are a dreamer, inclined to mystical, rather than physical practices.  You may examine eastern philosophies where the elevation of the soul is valued above bodily needs, or minister, selflessly, to the unfortunates of the world, without acclaim or reward.  Your purpose must be to alleviate the suffering of mankind.  Like any pioneer dedicated to a cause, you may give your life for it.



Moon trine Venus  (Strength:  4.16)


(The Lover)


You live for love and instinctively know how to have your love returned.  You enjoy socializing with friends, and like to make or give little mementos that have personal meaning.  You may work or be employed in a manner that provides an outlet for your artistic gifts.  When you fall in love, your partner will be fortunate as you find a thousand ways to express your love unselfishly without jealousy, possessiveness or other destructive qualities to spoil your idyll.



Moon square Neptune  (Strength:  3.00)


(The Self-deluder)


You may daydream and not understand mood swings that come upon you suddenly.  Others may think you “peculiar” if you express yourself as a psychic when you follow hunches that are generally undependable.  If you become absorbed with your “powers,” you may choose illusion over reality or become part of sects that use drugs in unhealthy rituals to increase awareness.  You must learn to develop concentration and the ability to distinguish fact from fiction.



Jupiter square Saturn  (Strength:  2.92)


(The Wary)


You are much like the old song that complains: “You have a feeling that you wanna go — then, you wanna stay — but you gotta go!”  You have an urge to expand or break away from restrictions, but may be overly careful — as if you never feel you have what it takes to succeed, so are a perpetual student instead of a graduate in the school of life.  You may set modest goals, unworthy of your higher potential.  Faith in yourself will prepare you for the success you can achieve.



Uranus conjunct Midheaven  (Strength:  2.67)


(The Exceptional)


You were not cut in a conventional mold and may lead an unusual life.  Your main problems are instability, indecision, and a sometimes-rebellious attitude.  You are also inventive and optimistic.  You thrive on the excitement of a new adventure.  Sudden chances pave your way to success.  Do not depend on, but learn to be aware of them.   Like lightning, opportunities may come only once.  You must take advantage quickly before the moment is gone forever.



Uranus sextile Pluto  (Strength:  2.31)


(The Discoverer)


You are self-involved — not selfishly — but curious about what makes your world “tick.”  You will tackle nearly anything new with gusto.  Your own skills and talents amaze you as you uncover them.  You are not as analytical as mechanically-inclined.  You have the ability to take things apart and put them back together, embellished with your improvements.  Each success sparks you to take the next step in your evolvement.  You are excited about “tomorrow.”



Mars inconjunct Neptune  (Strength:  1.84)


(The Irrational)


You can let emotions get in the way of common sense.  You will attempt to deceive others or be deceived if you are too insecure to use good judgment.  Your sensitivity may add to a store of unresolved anger within.   Self-discipline is a preferable alternative to trying to escape problems through dwelling in a world of fantasy rather than reality.  If you need help to keep a focus, you may look for and accept it on a spiritual level, and grow past difficulties in the process.



Mars inconjunct Pluto  (Strength:  0.70)


(The Unyielding)


If you seem unwilling to acknowledge more than your own opinion, it can cost you the friends, jobs, and opportunities for leadership that you earnestly desire.  You may be obsessed with your personal interests, and openly show resentment of the mistakes of others, which you think spoil your chances. Or, you may learn a lesson in tolerance, if you are the victim of a martinet.  See yourself in another’s place before you act, to gain rewards instead of rebukes for your efforts.



Moon trine Mars  (Strength:  0.50)


(The Spearhead)


Your high physical energy propels you to the head of the crowd.  Whatever you do will be aggressively active, and sometimes competitive, but not necessarily combative. Relationships with others are intense, as are your feelings.  You have the strength of your convictions at all times, but rather than force them on others, will convince them to see things your way because of your inherent enthusiasm.  You are a lover of life, and life, in turn, loves you back!


Mercury inconjunct Jupiter  (Strength:  0.41)


(The Blind-spot)


You may be so intent on impressing others with your grandiose ideas that you fail to see your own shortcomings.  If you preach philosophical concepts, be sure that you adhere to the rules you set for others.  Or, you may be easily flattered and led to attempt more than you can handle.  It is unlikely that you will over-do periods of self-examination, or deal harshly with your faults.  Take an inward look before embarking on the outward leap that may lead to your downfall.


Mercury trine Saturn  (Strength:  0.34)


(The Wise)


You were born with a serious mind for business and a gift for organization.  Your patience gives you stick-to-itiveness to complete what you start with accuracy and perfection. While you are analytical, you are also fair and your constructive criticism will be accepted by those who respect your logic.  You may be conservative in relationships, but by holding high values will attract and maintain friends who are worthwhile, loyal, beneficial and permanent in your life.


Sun trine Saturn  (Strength:  0.03)


(The Mason)


You lay your foundations with an awareness that you are building for tomorrow.  Authority figures appreciate your dedication and ability to organize your work so that all runs smoothly.  Your needs and the needs of others are met in your relationships, though there may be a generation gap between you.  If you remain stable but flexible, you should enjoy the success you deserve for your patience and inherent understanding of yourself and those who care for you.


Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Fire


You are an active, future-oriented person who is not weighed down by past commitments.  You take advantage of new opportunities better than most.  Life for you can be a vibrant affair in which you passionately pursue causes, lovers, and experiences.  You have the self-confidence to be a leader.  Competitive and flamboyant, you have little patience for slow people or unexciting work.  When an activity interests you, you can be very generous with your time, energy, and money.  Find outlets for your gifts of creativity and intuition.


Watch out for a tendency to exaggerate or to be insensitive to others’ feelings.  More cautious types may envy and resent your free spirit and competitive nature.  You get bored easily and may depend on others to finish the projects that you start.  When your warmth is guided by love, wisdom, and positive goals you have the ability to heal and inspire others, but when you focus on your self or lack direction, your short-lived passions can affect others in destructive ways.



Abundant Air


You seem to live for mental exploration.  Discovering and communicating the connections between ideas, people, and places is your function in life.  Your active mind is good at identifying new frontiers whose basics you quickly master, so that you end up knowing something about almost everything.  You have a dispassionate nature that cooly considers the pros and cons of a situation, able to place logic above personal emotion.  From your mental viewpoint, emotions look irrational.  You make a good negotiator, sales person, communicator, arbitrator, analyst, and information processor.  Ideas flow quickly for you.  While impersonal and dispassionate, you nonetheless thrive on communication and social interaction.  At your best, you strive to understand and accept people, not to change them.  Courageously, you adhere to principles.  You appreciate culture, structure, and systems.


Your greatest strength is also your weakness, namely too much coolness from placing head above heart.  Leaders must be able to follow their hearts without being indecisive or equivocating.  And you ignore your real connection to others if you use your mental gifts to coldly manipulate them.  Try to avoid isolation by functioning as part of a team in which your logic, analysis, and communication skills are put to good use.  Work with others who may be more practical, sensitive, or passionate than are you. Don’t keep your good ideas inside, but write them down and communicate them to others.



Lack of Water


For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita.  Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others’ feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you.  You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to feel what they feel.  You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way.  People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you.  Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness.  It’s not that you don’t have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships.  If you are an artist, they may come out in your art.  You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity.  Your best companions would be those who are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings.  They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people’s feelings.


A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.



Abundant Substance


With abundant planets in the houses of substance, you know your place in the material world.  You know how to extract value and give value via your business, work, and career activities.  The rules of the world come easily to you.  Others admire and depend on your hard work and practical nature.  If you get depressed, make time for recreation and family.



Abundant Endings


With abundant planets in the houses of endings, you are probably sensitive, moody, and introspective.  You are not afraid to show your feelings and make an empathetic listener to the problems and feelings of others.  You have been around the track enough yourself to sense what others are going through and to show that you care.  You are not the most intellectual or practical person.  You can be easily swayed by an appeal to your emotions.



Lack of Relationships


Relating to other people probably plays a minor role in your life.  You could remain unmarried, be a loner, or even be an orphan.  Your thinking is probably subjective or personal, without the objectivity that comes from having communicated with many people.  Let others teach you by showing you and if they give you any feedback on your thinking, see if you can learn from it.


A lack of planets in the houses of Relationships can be offset by abundant planets in Air signs.



Lack of Life


You could have difficulty envisioning or planning for the future.  You are likely to accept the status quo, living in the past and present, but not actively striving to create the future.  Lacking your own passionate goals, you are more likely to be a follower than a leader.


A lack of planets in the houses of Life can be offset by abundant planets in Fire signs.



Balanced Sign Modalities


In your chart, the planets are distributed in a balanced manner between the Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable modalities.  Ability to act and survive in the world is balanced with inner insight.  You stick to your values and principles at the same time that you react quickly and adapt to changes.  You have the ability to listen as well as to lead.  You enjoy life, but also do not shrink from facing challenges.



Abundant Cadent


An abundance of planets in the cadent houses helps to make you versatile and adaptable.  You are flexible in your plans, adapting easily to changes or to the people whom you meet.  You may travel a lot or move frequently.  You are a good listener and communicator.  You will use your mind a lot or frequently spend time alone during your life.



Abundant Angular


An abundance of planets in the angular houses helps to give you drive and initiative.  It makes you active in the external world.  Expressing your individuality is important to you.  You are probably a leader who enjoys challenges and can get things moving.



Lack of Succedent


A lack of planets in succedent houses gives you a certain emotional detachment.  You do not pay much attention to the pleasures of the body or to cultivating a particular group of friends.  Enjoying life is not the most important thing to you.  You act not on the basis of feeling or principle, but from necessity.  You tend to be a restless wanderer of either the world or the mind.


A lack of planets in the Succedent houses can be offset by abundant planets in the Fixed signs.