Astrology Reading for Leo – 8.4.1961 – Rising Sign: Unknown

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This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs



Sun in Leo


(Keynote: I WILL)


You are passionate, sincere, generous, courageous and loyal.  You may also be demanding, possessive, jealous and intolerant.  You are a champion of causes and defender of the helpless in time of need — the stuff of which heroes are made.  You resist accepting second-best of anything.  You are at your best when given dramatic license to take center-stage, with all eyes upon you.  Your word is your bond, but you can be unreasonable if things don’t go your way.  Try not to confuse the courage of your convictions with inordinate stubbornness, which is usually the source of your downfall.




Moon in Taurus


(The Conservative)


Your emotions are stable, giving you a positive outlook and a belief that you are responsible for your own happiness.  You are ambitiously-materialistic and like to associate with successful people.  You have a good rapport with most women.  You probably have a pleasant speaking or singing voice, which you may utilize in a career, but must be careful of infections or tensions which can produce serious throat problems.  This is particularly true if you encounter rebuffs, since you tend to be possessive and do not take rejection well.  You may express suppressed frustrations on a physical plane.



Mercury in Leo


(The Dramatist)


You are highly emotional and speak forcefully; your words may not always be tactful, but they do have an impact.  You’re generous with advice, which is usually good and well-taken. Your gift of creativity may be shared and enjoyed by others who appreciate you.  No party is complete without you, but your famous negative qualities of conceit and arrogance may make you an unwelcome guest.  Listen to your keen intuition, which will tell you when it’s time to go home.



Venus in Cancer


(The Protector)


You must be careful of “smothering” instead of “mothering” loved ones or, with the best of intentions, you may alienate them from you.  You attract those who need your help, but your own sense of security needs bolstering.   Emotional demands may draw you into studies of mysticism.  You can depend on your parents, and may be involved in a family business.  Your love of kin is paramount and will give you strength to do whatever is necessary to keep them together.



Mars in Virgo


(The Indispensable)


You perform “to the letter” and often to an “nth” degree that is unnecessary.  You seem to have unlimited physical resources, take orders well and respect regimen, but may have difficulty in relating to co-workers.  In arguments, you express quickly, accurately, and, too often, sarcastically. You are a valuable helpmate in personal relationships, though a need to avoid expressing yourself in a superior manner should be recognized and modified to an acceptable level.



Jupiter in Aquarius


(The Cosmopolitan)


You are truly liberal in your humanitarian views.  What some call “idealistic,” you practice as a way of life.  You sympathize with minority needs and work with the majority to improve mankind.  Visionary gifts allow you a glimpse of the future. If you succeed in your efforts to enrich the world, it will be a far better place in which to live.



Saturn in Capricorn


(The Controller)


Ambition motivates you to achieve your goals “no matter what!”  It is your belief in your executive qualities of perseverance and discipline that will get you to the top and determination that will keep you there.  Your relationships often take a back seat to your achievements, but man cannot live by bread, alone.  Do not take yourself so seriously that you fail to permit the sweetness of the outside world to intrude, however briefly, in your somewhat solitary life.



Uranus in Leo


(The Trend-setter)


You are first to volunteer, to explore, to introduce, to accept and to BE first in everything.  You enjoy standing in the limelight as someone creatively innovative.  But, you will not be content to perform; you are driven to take your place in an executive position that will distinguish you from your peers.  You attract off-beat people and situations.  Be sure to know who you are inviting into your life to avoid the unhappy pitfalls of impulsively-formed alliances.



Neptune in Scorpio


(The Initiator)


You take great delight in other people’s secrets and may use them to advantage. If you have information that needs disclosure for the benefit of others, you may expose it in a subtle, but effective way.  You may also use your knowledge to promote a principle or public figures while working behind the scenes.  A leaning towards self-indulgence needs careful monitoring so that your strength is not used in abusive ways, but as a benefactor who prefers to remain anonymous.



Pluto in Virgo


(The Restorers)


You have a rare opportunity of renovating the world in carefully-structured channels when the environment seems at its lowest ebb.  Drugs, disease, addictions and crime will no longer be tolerated.  You will have a major part in seeing that justice is done.  Law-makers, and those who execute the law will be among your peers, as well as some who are willing to educate those who truly desire self-improvement as their contribution to elevate mankind.



North Node in Leo


(The Nonchalant)


You yearn for success, but your carefree attitude requires discipline to channel your energies.  You need support, but give the impression of being self-sufficient, so seldom receive it.  Curb your independence.  Work with others to acquire necessary skills to exploit your unquestionable talents, when desire is not enough to accomplish your purpose.





Planets in Aspect


Mercury opposite Jupiter  (Strength:  5.95)


(The Grandiose)


You attract opportunities which exploit your enthusiasm and positive attitude, and accept learning challenges without doubting your ability to achieve.  Others may call you “cocky” or complaisant if you brag about your success.  You may have a yen to travel to expand your understanding of the universe by exploring the beliefs of others.  If you balance what you desire with realistic thinking, you should have no trouble in setting and reaching your goals with energy to spare.



Moon square Uranus  (Strength:  5.86)


(The Dissenter)


You are likely to go against the crowd.  In a way, this is expressing your individuality, but you can gain a reputation for being “difficult” instead of “liberated.” An inherent restlessness may spur you to take chances just to see what will “happen” to relationships if you jar their foundations.  On the other hand, you may suddenly feel your needs are not in synch with partners and will look for unusual ways of cementing or dissolving commitments.



Moon trine Saturn  (Strength:  5.69)


(The Grounded)


You have a mature outlook and a knack of balancing needs and desires.  You permit yourself latitude to plan ahead and prepare yourself for success.  An image of what is worthwhile in relationships causes you to seriously examine potentials before involving yourself in commitment.  Your excellent discipline may appear as deprivation to others, but the durable results you achieve prove any personal sacrifice rewarding and suit your pragmatic lifestyle to a “T.”



Moon trine Mars  (Strength:  5.03)


(The Spearhead)


Your high physical energy propels you to the head of the crowd.  Whatever you do will be aggressively active, and sometimes competitive, but not necessarily combative. Relationships with others are intense, as are your feelings.  You have the strength of your convictions at all times, but rather than force them on others, will convince them to see things your way because of your inherent enthusiasm.  You are a lover of life, and life, in turn, loves you back!



Sun square Neptune  (Strength:  3.75)


(The Disoriented)


You may feel “lost.”  Misdirection in your life can result in repeated defeats and feelings of inadequacy.   Energy drops may be frequent so that you “never really feel good.”  You are at the center of your problems, so you, alone, hold the solutions.  It is not easy to reprogram for success, but begin by building resources in both body and mind.  Your idealism will encourage you to continue to believe that “life is what you make it” and can be beautiful, indeed.



Uranus conjunct North Node  (Strength:  3.29)


(The Innovator)


You make it your business to know “everyone,” but few know you, intimately.  Your streamlined good looks, coupled with a mesmerizing personality and gift of “gab,” gain you entry to “inaccessible” people and places.  You know how to promote yourself and exploit others successfully.  Avoid being eccentric and rebellious instead of original and strong in your resolves.  Others may not understand, but will never forget you, once you have touched their lives.



Venus inconjunct Jupiter  (Strength:  2.98)


(The Spendthrift)


You may depend too much on appearances to attract what you think are the “right” crowd and circumstances.  Your self-delusion is apparent when you spend emotionally without an idea of how you will “pay the rent.”  To compensate for frustrated dreams of grandeur, you may indulge your sweet tooth, which can result in unwanted pounds and inches, or even in allergies.  By curbing your appetites and employing a practical outlook, you may find the very successes you desire.



Saturn inconjunct Uranus  (Strength:  2.83)


(The Prisoner)


Your constant struggle for freedom convinces you that you could go far if you did not have so many responsibilities. However, you are sometimes overburdened by putting more emphasis on detail than is warranted.  Your fastidiousness can make simplicity complicated, and your ways seem quirky to others, when you demand the “impossible.”  Upheavals which destroy your plans should remind you that sometimes too much attention is worse than no attention at all!



Mars trine Saturn  (Strength:  2.73)


(The Pharaoh)


You are conscientious to a fault and put your energies into structures that will last.  No task seems too difficult.  You may set about early to build your monument, when your confidence is in the abilities of others rather than yourself. Take things slowly and without being overbearing or too forceful in your opinions or demands.  You may be pleased with quality rather than the size of your accomplishments and appreciative of experiences gathered in achieving your goals.



Neptune sextile Pluto  (Strength:  2.35)


(The Self-aware)


It is important that you have the support of your family and friends.  You are extremely sensitive and subject yourself to self-criticism that can be destructive and depressing.  It may be that you need professional help to build your self-esteem.  Later, you may transfer your intense feelings into knowledge you share with others.  You may pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology, but will continue to investigate your own psyche for answers as to what “makes you tick.”



Mercury opposite Saturn  (Strength:  0.50)


(The Despondent)


You are hard on yourself, and easily discouraged if you fail to live up to or are not rewarded by your high standards. Use your critical abilities constructively.  You have an unsurpassed eye for detail, accept responsibility and if you are not confident of your abilities will take steps to gain whatever is necessary to fulfill your obligations.  Avoid negative thoughts that lead to depression.  Your many fine attributes will receive the notice you deserve in time.



Jupiter conjunct Saturn  (Strength:  0.45)


(The Choices)


You may have trouble deciding when you have had enough of structure.  Staying in a rut too long can push you to the other extreme.  Then, you may discard caution to take needless chances in your determination to expand faster than is practical.  Develop your plans at a measured pace so that what you achieve will be of lasting value.  Time is on your side.  Testing your endeavors as you develop can save you the pain of destroying what you have built in your efforts to move on.


Moon trine Jupiter  (Strength:  0.14)


(The Popular)


Others may regard you as “lucky,” “optimistic, “cheerful” and “enthusiastic”, all of which accurately describes your sunny disposition and lively attitude.  You are not unrealistic, but believe in yourself and accept whatever challenges or blessings “fate” deals you as an interesting part of life.  Your many friends admire your ability to find a positive side to almost any problem.  You have no peer when the ballots are in for “the most likely to s



Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Earth


You are in touch with the real world.  More than others, you know where the rubber meets the road; persistent study has shown you how to make things happen in a practical sort of way.  Your nature is well-suited to the adult world of responsibilities, which you master at a young age.  Not impulsive with your resources, you would only start a business after careful study, but you would manage it well.  You enjoy the satisfaction that comes not just from starting projects, but from finishing them.  Your steady, organized approach is actually more productive in the long-run than is that of the quick, flashy types.  You know how to establish a pace and keep it.


Do not let your awareness of the material world make you unappreciative of the spiritual plane that underpins our life here — to which others may be more sensitive than you.  Practicality is fine, but try to understand that dreams, feelings, and enthusiasms are also important and should not be squelched.  Others might surprise you with what their optimistic risk-taking is able to achieve.  You can be so cautious and reserved that some people find you conservative and dull.  If you yourself become bored or depressed, admit that security isn’t everything and try to be more spontaneous.  Open up to the new and follow your bliss (in a careful sort of way).



Abundant Fire


You are an active, future-oriented person who is not weighed down by past commitments.  You take advantage of new opportunities better than most.  Life for you can be a vibrant affair in which you passionately pursue causes, lovers, and experiences.  You have the self-confidence to be a leader.  Competitive and flamboyant, you have little patience for slow people or unexciting work.  When an activity interests you, you can be very generous with your time, energy, and money.  Find outlets for your gifts of creativity and intuition.


Watch out for a tendency to exaggerate or to be insensitive to others’ feelings.  More cautious types may envy and resent your free spirit and competitive nature.  You get bored easily and may depend on others to finish the projects that you start.  When your warmth is guided by love, wisdom, and positive goals you have the ability to heal and inspire others, but when you focus on your self or lack direction, your short-lived passions can affect others in destructive ways.



Lack of Air


Expressing yourself does not come easily to you.  You distrust people who are fast, smooth talkers.  It may be easier for you to express yourself nonverbally or in writing than it is through speaking.  If you also lack planets in the houses of Relationships, you will find the normal avenues of communication and social learning blocked.  Your thinking will be personal instead of detached or rational.  With the mind’s normal communication channels blocked, you learn primarily from experience.  Lacking in the ability to view yourself objectively, you gain self-understanding primarily through feedback from others.


Try to see life less personally, in a more objective way.  Take classes and never stop educating yourself.


A lack of planets in Air signs can be offset by an Air sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Relationships.



Lack of Water


For you the world of feelings may be terra incognita.  Close interpersonal relations, which require the expression of feelings, and empathy for others’ feelings, do not come naturally or easily for you.  You have difficulty putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to feel what they feel.  You will learn how to deal with life in a tough, mental sort of way.  People looking for someone to empathize with them should not come to you.  Those people who are comfortable with you are not looking for emotional closeness.  It’s not that you don’t have emotions and feelings, but they do not come out easily in your relationships.  If you are an artist, they may come out in your art.  You probably take refuge from the difficulty of forming emotional connections by concentrating on intellectual, practical, or inspired activity.  Your best companions would be those who are able to inhabit these realms with you, but who are also in touch with their feelings.  They can help you to contact your own feelings and teach you to respect and honor other people’s feelings.


A lack of planets in Water signs can be offset by a Water sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Endings.



Abundant Fixed


With an abundance of planets in Fixed signs, you have the staying power to complete a project, grow a family, or expand a business.  Your strength is what friends notice most about you.  You have definite values; you focus your affections on the people and things that are part of your team.  Friendships formed over time are important to you.  You may be found at the center of a circle of friends, a large family, a government agency, or a business.  You understand the contribution that stability and security make to prosperity and growth.  It throws you off-balance when friends are not as reliable as you are or when love and ideals are not part of your life.  Concentrate on developing confidence in yourself, a wholesome world for your family or group, and binding others to you with love.  If you have a weakness, it is trouble changing or listening when people tell you a better way to do things.  You can handle this weakness by empowering your team, as among them will be individuals who are good at reacting to a constantly changing world.



Lack of Mutable


With a lack of planets in the Mutable signs, you probably go your own way in life without caring too much what other people think.  You know what you want and see little need to compromise.  You lack flexibility and adaptability.  You do best when you can establish a pace and stick to it.  Leave those sports and activities that require fast reactions and adaptability to others.


Sometimes you say things that offend others, because you are not especially concerned with the feelings or opinions of others.  In fact, you sometimes appall your friends with your single-mindededness and lack of sensitivity.  Because of your individuality,  people who are attracted to change and variety may find you stimulating at first, but after a while might find your predictability to be boring.  This is unlikely to keep you from pursuing your path.  Your path involves being yourself and changing the world.  Just don’t insist that others be like you.


A lack of planets in the Mutable signs can be offset by a Mutable sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Cadent houses.



Lack of Cardinal


With a lack of planets in Cardinal signs, you may have trouble starting things.  You may be timid about developing and carrying out plans.  You would prefer to let others break the first ground of a new venture, so that you can pitch in and help once the outlines of the venture are clear.  You probably lack confidence in your mastery of the real world and survival in it.  You may substitute a rich inner life for your lack of action in the outer world.  In its highest form, you may be unusually creative or spiritually committed.  Ideas filter up as you focus on ‘being’ instead of ‘doing’.  Watch out for the lower manifestations, which are delegating tasks to others and pitying yourself over the lot that befalls you in life as a result of your lack of direction and initiative.  Your different perspective on life gives you valuable insights that let you make real contributions wherever you are.


A lack of planets in the Cardinal signs can be offset by a Cardinal sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the Angular houses.