Astrology Reading for Virgo – 8.26.1994 – Rising Sign: Taurus

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This Spirit Success Report from Halloran Software’s AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter program draws upon 576 paragraphs which interpret the places of the planets at the time of your birth, describing your personal houses, sign placements, and planetary aspects.


These astrological delineations depict your potential and how to make the most of it, or the challenges you will continue to face and how to confront and benefit from them.  Though you may change through experience, your inherent characteristics will still motivate how you act and react to circumstances.  How you handle yourself is really a clue to your success, and it is up to you to make the “right” choices.


Here are the parts which make up your chart:


HOUSES:  Govern sections of your life, e.g., your money, your health, your partners, etc.  They are also meaningful as to where your early interests lie and if they are worth pursuing.


SIGNS:  Contribute feelings or vibrations to “color” planets, e.g., MERCURY rules GEMINI and VIRGO and emphasizes their qualities of thought, travel, health, and work.  JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS and higher education, spiritual growth, and law.


ASPECTS:  Are angles combining the planets in the SIGNS/HOUSES that trigger the manner in which you will be influenced or can handle your qualities to advantage, e.g., MERCURY (thought) TRINE (in good aspect to) JUPITER (education and law) may indicate that you can succeed as a counselor in legal matters.


A “Strength” number precedes each ASPECT interpretation towards the end of the reading.  This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four chart angles.  The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect and to live it out in your life.


You are most likely to feel and act out the Spirit Success Report’s sign and house placement interpretations when the planets involved are strong in your chart.  This is true especially of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto.  The Astrodynes program, also available from Halloran Software, calculates the respective power and harmony of all the planets in your chart.





Planets in Signs and Houses



Taurus Ascendant


(The Steadfast)


There is a look of substance about you.  Others admire your thick hair, which may be curly or wavy.  Though slow to anger, you may use force to defend yourself when aroused.  You are resolutely stubborn, and generous beyond your means, to the point of being foolish.  Others value your friendship and you are a welcome guest.  You would rather be a “boss” than an employee, but will always give your best to a job, because you don’t know how to do anything “half-way.”




Sun in Virgo


(Keynote: I ANALYZE)


You are practical, modest, thoughtful and discriminating.  You can be critical, withdrawn, narrow, and tend to worry too much, particularly about your health.  You are hard to know because you are cool and reserved, but are a fine teacher, with an aptitude for figures, an ability to evaluate accurately, and an abundance of knowledge.  Your sense of responsibility assures the most tedious task will be finished promptly and precisely.  Your dry wit is often unexpected and appreciated, but when it turns to biting sarcasm can make even your best friends wish you’d stayed at home!



Sun in the Fifth House


(The Artist)


You’ll get the most out of every moment, because you devote your energy to things that will make you personally happy.  If you can involve others in your activities, you expect that you will double your pleasure.  Friends may think you impractical because you extend your “Good-time Charlie” philosophy into your work, often choosing a career in the arts which allows you freedom to indulge your bent for fantasy.  You prefer relationships that are “fun,” but your devil-may-care attitude may preclude settling into a committed partnership.  Your motto is:  “Do your best, but be yourself!”




Moon in Taurus


(The Conservative)


Your emotions are stable, giving you a positive outlook and a belief that you are responsible for your own happiness.  You are ambitiously-materialistic and like to associate with successful people.  You have a good rapport with most women.  You probably have a pleasant speaking or singing voice, which you may utilize in a career, but must be careful of infections or tensions which can produce serious throat problems.  This is particularly true if you encounter rebuffs, since you tend to be possessive and do not take rejection well.  You may express suppressed frustrations on a physical plane.



Moon in the Twelfth House


(The Isolationist)


You may be plagued by psychological problems originating with a mother-figure. You are hard on yourself and assume an oppressive responsibility for self-analysis because it is difficult for others to draw you out.  Your friends will not understand your moods nor the fact that you need to call upon restorative powers provided only by seclusion.  Depend on spiritual trust and your strong intuition to reveal what is demanded of you and how best to make payment.



Mercury in Virgo


(The Interpreter)


You read people well and have an insight that is valuable in all types of relationships.  Your interest in health can lead towards promoting natural ways of improvement in diet and disciplined exercise.  If your efforts go unappreciated, you may become hypercritical and distance people with a superior attitude.  You are a tireless worker and once committed, will spend a lifetime at a task requiring painstaking application, which others would consider monotonous.



Mercury in the Fifth House


(The Comedian)


Your lively imagination, appealing youthfulness and scintillating conversation make you the center of attention. If you choose a career in the theater, you’ll send a ripple of approving mirth through your audience the moment you step onto the stage.  You’re equally playful in love, so must choose a partner as independent as you who can tolerate an off-again-on-again romance.   Once settled, you CAN be as serious as anyone, but isn’t playing “Peter Pan” more fun?



Venus in Libra


(The Pleasure-seeker)


You enter the world confidently, waiting for the ball to begin.  You expect good in everything so form attachments quickly, often based on superficial impressions. You are unprepared for the disillusionments you experience.  Since you dislike hurting the feelings of others, you make every effort to fit into plans or circumstances you would not choose.  You ask for little; only opportunity to promote the peace and harmony you are convinced that all should enjoy.



Venus in the Sixth House


(The Potter)


Money may be fairly easy for you to earn, but you will have to suppress a desire to spend it as quickly as you receive your paycheck.  You’ll be popular with co-workers and your employers and have a talent of making the best out of even-undesirable work environs.  Your attitude is that of a potter, intent, not on the wet clay on his hands, but on the beautiful object he will produce through patience, effort and understanding of the shape he is molding.



Mars in Cancer


(The Pressure Cooker)


You will harbor resentments from childhood, and many of them stem from a rebellion against a mother-figure.  You may try to run away from imposed values with which you may not agree, but find you still have a need for the security of a home and family.  Discover early that you must earn the right to be your “own” person.  A certain amount of parental help is necessary as a fledgling discovers its wings.  Professional counseling may be advisable before you “blow your top!”



Mars in the Second House


(The Moneymaker)


Money, possessions and things you personally value will always be important to you.  The danger is that egoistic Mars can be obsessive and the acquisition of money may represent your only achievement.  While money is power, your life-values are a different kind of wealth.  At some time, you will need a partner to manage your assets.  It is only by sharing what you have earned OR learned that you receive full benefit of what you have achieved.



Jupiter in Scorpio


(The Investor)


You may manage other people’s time and money successfully.  Your keen intuition and bent for speculation can help you create your own dynasty.  You’re apt to over-do or become self-indulgent.  Make “moderation” your watchword to avoid unfortunate side-effects which can impair your health and rob you of the rewards of the charmed life you lead.



Jupiter in the Sixth House


(The Co-worker)


People willingly work with you.  You are a good worker, and make working conditions as pleasant as possible.  You enjoy working in comfortable surroundings, and your jobs are personally gratifying.  You may wish to socialize with your fellows, but too many lunches encourage a temptation to overindulge, with a result of unwanted pounds and inches.



Saturn in Pisces


(The Stabilizer)


Although it is in your disposition to look to others for support, you can search for your independence and find it.  You may turn moodiness into meditation and benefit from time spent with yourself by listening to “small voices” within that you have not had the courage to hear.  You may cling to destructive emotional patterns, but can develop a will to win.  This has little to do with rewards, other than to at last glimpse who you are and delight in the knowledge.



Saturn in the Eleventh House


(The Fund-raiser)


You are essentially a loner and don’t adapt easily to performing as part of a unit unless you are in the driver’s seat.  You are likely to hold a responsible office in any group you join and will perform your duties flawlessly, particularly those of treasurer or of handling details to boost organizational funds.  Once your peers are convinced of your merits, you should have no trouble taking your place as a valued member of any society.



Uranus in Capricorn


(The Departure)


You will occasionally relax your normally-austere facade and abandon your conventional ways.  You enjoy originality and indulging your creative side, while keeping your aims intact. You are interested in balancing, rather than tipping the scales, and may hold offices that require tolerance, as well as authority.  Your excellent powers of discernment encourage improving conditions for yourself and others, since you take a long-range, instead of a narrow view.



Uranus in the Ninth House


(The Explorer)


The world is your playground.  You may study abroad, have a facility for languages and are influenced by the cultures you touch.   However, your interests may be scattered, rather than diversified, and if you take on too much, your health and ability to follow through may suffer.  Set definite goals, channel your energies, and like Marco Polo, you can contribute your most exotic and useful discoveries to mankind, bringing civilizations closer together.



Neptune in Capricorn


(The Mogul)


No matter what you put your hand to, it seems to come up gold.  This is no accident, but the result of keen insight, careful planning, and the persistence to ride over rough times and wait until fortune smiles.  You’re sometimes observed as a barometer for the stock market.  Even obscure plans take shape under your direction.  When you trust someone, you take his shortcomings as your own.  If betrayed, your confidence can only be rebuilt by time and testing.



Neptune in the Ninth House


(The Priest)


You are highly conscious of the spiritual side of life and may feel you are “called” to take your place as a theologian.  You need not become a minister in the orthodox sense, but can adopt and employ valuable philosophies.  Don’t be impatient to achieve your goals.  Allow opportunities to emerge as you grow in faith.  Recognize that the price of higher knowledge is often one of self-sacrifice that does not admit the ego as a constructive energy.



Pluto in Scorpio


(The Regenerator)


You are a believer in second chances, but a tendency to hold fast to everything past the time of practicality weakens your effectiveness to accept new opportunity.  You are always stronger because of the wisdom gained in past experiences.  On a world-scale, you can offer the proof of your convictions that there is much that may be salvaged for renewal, rather than a stubborn determination to do things your way at the expense of the greater good.



Pluto in the Sixth House


(The Alarmist)


By developing a practical fitness regime early, you may allay your fears that your health will undermine your plans for the future.  Resist impulses to follow fads that promise much and deliver little.  Also, avoid the tension of seeing yourself at your job in the extreme, as either threatened or indispensable.  Otherwise, you may work unnecessarily hard to prevent losing what you have gained.  Moderation in all things should insure you a long and productive life.



Aquarius Midheaven


You will flourish best in a career that takes advantage of your inventiveness and originality.  You have a need to be unconventional and different.  You see your career field from a refreshingly independent perspective and make original contributions.  You don’t like working in a highly structured environment, so you often work as an independent free-lancer.  Driven to follow your inner light, others can consider your interests eccentric; you may treat them rudely.  But at your healthiest, you are also a humanitarian who contributes to civic causes and whose many career contacts make you an effective networker.


Your career can be based on ideas or on service to society.  To achieve your greatest success, you must dare to be your true, unique self.  More than others, you understand Joseph Campbell’s advice, “follow your bliss.”  Working out your ideas on your own, you can produce results that will benefit humanity.  Pitfalls to be overcome include selfishness, pride, and the desire for power.  You may originate numerous ideas, but forget them soon after conception.  Scientific objectivity carried to the extreme could make you cold, impersonal, or arrogant.  Do not allow yourself to become isolated, but stay in touch with those on whose behalf you are laboring.


Occupations consistent with your unusual, independent style of work include entertainer, literary personality, athlete, educator, inventor, occultist, astrologer, social worker, social scientist, vocational counselor, personnel specialist, benevolent or fraternal society administrator, conference organizer, or strategist.  For the most personal career guide, also consider the nature of any planets which fall in the 10th house or conjoin the Midheaven, the sign and house placements of Uranus, ruler of the Midheaven, and any aspects which other planets make to the Midheaven.



North Node in Scorpio


(The Transformer)


Your stubbornness will hold you back from chances to grow and achieve.  What you value as power may only be the strength to survive the turmoil you create.  With you, it’s “all or nothing” so you must watch the demise of invalid ideas, jobs, relationships, beliefs or conditions before experiencing the regeneration necessary for the fulfillment you feel is due.



North Node in the Sixth House


(The Healer)


You must overcome your fear of the unknown before your restorative powers become evident.  At times, your own physical ailments and surprising recoveries will call attention to your gifts until you are confident to explore and refine them.  Acknowledgment of your own self-worth is repayment for the years granted to serve your fellow man.





Planets in Aspect


Jupiter trine Saturn  (Strength:  5.66)


(The Shrewd)


Little escapes your notice, and you believe in giving the same attention to details as to the larger picture.  You realize your potential and are realistic in your ability to achieve your goals.  You can make-do with little or manipulate your investments and holdings to advantage.  You seldom shirk responsibility and try to do what is expected of you, even if it means going an “extra mile.”  With your willingness to learn as you earn, you have every chance for success.



Moon opposite Jupiter  (Strength:  5.09)


(The Double Standard)


You are a sharing, caring person, but resist being led or forced to accept circumstances not of your choosing.  You may even feel partnerships should not limit your personal freedom. On the other hand, you may be demanding of others because they “owe” you, or just because they care for you.  Consider why you have these feelings.  You may solidify relationships by agreeing to a more equitable arrangement of “give and take” or drop commitments that are less than worthwhile.



Venus square Neptune  (Strength:  4.74)


(The Hero-worshiper)


Your sense of the dramatic and a bent towards illusion can lead you to project more into a relationship than exists.  You may fasten your affections on a rich or famous person.  Or, you may live beyond your means keeping up with the “Joneses.” Your refusal to accept reality can reduce you to financial or emotional bankruptcy if you insist on living on fantasy. Your lively imagination can bring you admiration for creative efforts, if you turn your energy into developing them.



Uranus conjunct Neptune  (Strength:  4.02)


(The Fantastic)


You are aware of a “different” kind of consciousness and may show an interest in the mysteries at an early age.  You are attracted to unusual methods of mind-control or expansion, including hypnosis, or may be tempted to try hallucinatory drugs or other “mind benders.”  If you pursue illumination through scientific or metaphysical exploration, there are proper ways of approaching it.  You may be “playing” with a fire you can’t control, once you light the candle!



Mars trine Jupiter  (Strength:  3.64)


(The Positive)


You have a nearly-perfect balance between timing and action, which means that you see very clearly what must be done and do it!  Because of your optimism, you easily gain the confidence of others.  You are ambitious within reason and self-sufficient enough to take responsibility.  In disputes, you often look at the larger picture, convince others of your good intentions and regardless of results, enhance your image of good sportsmanship, which earns you additional respect.



Moon sextile Saturn  (Strength:  3.42)


(The Judicious)


You are careful with your feelings and emotions and therefore have great control over your interaction with others.  You may seem older and wiser than your years because of your preference for conservatism and your respect for tradition.  You prefer the company of older people, and if you need advice will look to someone well-versed and substantial for counsel.  However, you are secure within yourself and justly proud of your independence and self-sufficiency.



Mars trine Saturn  (Strength:  3.31)


(The Pharaoh)


You are conscientious to a fault and put your energies into structures that will last.  No task seems too difficult.  You may set about early to build your monument, when your confidence is in the abilities of others rather than yourself. Take things slowly and without being overbearing or too forceful in your opinions or demands.  You may be pleased with quality rather than the size of your accomplishments and appreciative of experiences gathered in achieving your goals.



Venus square Uranus  (Strength:  2.77)


(The Trifler)


A search for excitement keeps you constantly on the go.  Your flirtatious manner may not be acceptable to your companions, unless you have a partner who shares your love of adventure and freedom to explore.  A great deal of flexibility is necessary for your unions to survive.  If suppressed, your energy will demand undisciplined release, which is the stuff from which nervous breakdowns are made.  Find positive expression in the creativity with which you are blessed.



Uranus sextile Pluto  (Strength:  2.33)


(The Discoverer)


You are self-involved — not selfishly — but curious about what makes your world “tick.”  You will tackle nearly anything new with gusto.  Your own skills and talents amaze you as you uncover them.  You are not as analytical as mechanically-inclined.  You have the ability to take things apart and put them back together, embellished with your improvements.  Each success sparks you to take the next step in your evolvement.  You are excited about “tomorrow.”



Sun sextile Mars  (Strength:  1.95)


(The Expeditor)


Use your energies to accomplish your tasks in the most judicious manner.  You are not likely to go unnoticed.  Your object will be the successful completion of anything you undertake rather than satisfaction of your ego, so you work well with others and make use of their input.  Your self-confidence inspires respect of your judgment.  Should you find resistance, you will overcome it with logic and prudence rather than aggressiveness and domination.



Mercury trine Neptune  (Strength:  1.89)


(The Sentimental)


You are a romantic who enjoys fantasizing dreams.  You will not be easily discouraged if you exercise a talent for writing.  There are those who will appreciate your efforts. You can be a daydreamer, but are also in touch with reality.  Though you may dislike discipline, you are capable of using it to achieve your aims.  Because of your affinity with humanity, you may sacrifice to help others, validating the spiritual insight inherent in your sympathetic nature.



Sun opposite Saturn  (Strength:  1.26)


(The Jinxed)


You may feel “unlucky” because you are engulfed by outside circumstances.  It is difficult for you to express your opinions or feelings to others who neither sympathize with nor understand you.  You are easily discouraged.  Use your inherent honesty to separate yourself from the idea that you are being “picked on.”  Communication is the key to relief from your depression.  You have many fine qualities and must find a way to put them across to your oppressors.


Moon trine Mercury  (Strength:  1.19)


(The Synchronizer)


You are in touch with yourself and your needs which affords you a state of balance.   Because you are at peace, you are able to accomplish tasks with a minimum of bother, and express clearly and concisely so that others accept your ideas and grant your requests.  You may travel or communicate with people impulsively, because “something tells you” to do so. Flashes of this same intuition are useful in divining the needs of others and fulfilling them before you are asked.


Moon sextile Mars  (Strength:  0.73)


(The Convincer)


Because your self-respect is obvious, you command attention and may often find yourself in a position of authority.  You enjoy defending your beliefs, not in an antagonistic manner, but to validate your feelings as you share your convictions.  Others work willingly with and for you.  You come into your own when allowed to exercise your initiative.  Avoid making impulsive decisions.  Your drive is subjective and n

eeds contemplation for lasting results.


Balance of Elements and Modalities


Abundant Earth


You are in touch with the real world.  More than others, you know where the rubber meets the road; persistent study has shown you how to make things happen in a practical sort of way.  Your nature is well-suited to the adult world of responsibilities, which you master at a young age.  Not impulsive with your resources, you would only start a business after careful study, but you would manage it well.  You enjoy the satisfaction that comes not just from starting projects, but from finishing them.  Your steady, organized approach is actually more productive in the long-run than is that of the quick, flashy types.  You know how to establish a pace and keep it.


Do not let your awareness of the material world make you unappreciative of the spiritual plane that underpins our life here — to which others may be more sensitive than you.  Practicality is fine, but try to understand that dreams, feelings, and enthusiasms are also important and should not be squelched.  Others might surprise you with what their optimistic risk-taking is able to achieve.  You can be so cautious and reserved that some people find you conservative and dull.  If you yourself become bored or depressed, admit that security isn’t everything and try to be more spontaneous.  Open up to the new and follow your bliss (in a careful sort of way).



Abundant Water


In your case, the heart rules the head.  Your emotional drives are strong and you act primarily on the basis of your feelings.  Whether your feelings are purely personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal is up to you, but generally you are a life-oriented person who feels keenly and who acts to support your family, friends, and community.  You are happiest when you are in a caring relationship with a significant other.  That person should be comfortable with the emotional closeness that you bring to relationships, while providing the structure or inspiration that you need.  Some of your friends will not be as comfortable with emotional closeness as you are, and you will have to respect their boundaries.  You have probably learned over the years how to keep your sensitive nature from being hurt.  Don’t permanently withdraw, but find the people with whom and the environment in which you can be yourself.


Because of your sensitivity, you easily pick up others’ thoughts and feelings.  You can anticipate others’ needs before they have expressed them.  You can usually rely on your intuition when it comes to forecasting the outcome of personal and career decisions.  If you decide to use your psychic abilities for healing, learn to let go of the negative feelings that you process from others.  Since you are so sensitive, find quiet moments for private introspection in which you can reconnect with what you feel instead of what others feel.  You also find it revitalizing to be around large bodies of water.


You do have a need to stop and think things through before acting.  Make the effort to communicate with others who may have a more objective viewpoint or who could see solutions that elude you.  You can sometimes be criticized for acting from a purely personal perspective, which you could avoid by learning and respecting society’s larger viewpoint.  You can be very creative in finding paths to your personal goals.  Keep the larger viewpoint in mind and later you will not have to try to rationalize to others why you chose those paths.



Lack of Fire


You are willing to let flashier individuals take center-stage and lead the way.  You are probably unenthusiastic about change and are passive when it comes to creating change through leadership.  You may be aggressive in a defensive way, but lack the self-confidence to take the offensive.  Lacking the impulsiveness of Fire, you are more likely to be a careful worker and a reliable mate, though you could stand to be less detached and more personally involved with your spouse and family.


A lack of planets in Fire signs can be offset by a Fire sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Life.



Lack of Air


Expressing yourself does not come easily to you.  You distrust people who are fast, smooth talkers.  It may be easier for you to express yourself nonverbally or in writing than it is through speaking.  If you also lack planets in the houses of Relationships, you will find the normal avenues of communication and social learning blocked.  Your thinking will be personal instead of detached or rational.  With the mind’s normal communication channels blocked, you learn primarily from experience.  Lacking in the ability to view yourself objectively, you gain self-understanding primarily through feedback from others.


Try to see life less personally, in a more objective way.  Take classes and never stop educating yourself.


A lack of planets in Air signs can be offset by an Air sign ascendant or by abundant planets in the houses of Relationships.



Abundant Life


Abundant planets in the houses of life gives you both the energy and the urge to create the future.  By your activities, you make the world a better place. You may be somewhat self-centered, but with your crusading spirit you move the world towards the ideals that you envision.



Abundant Substance


With abundant planets in the houses of substance, you know your place in the material world.  You know how to extract value and give value via your business, work, and career activities.  The rules of the world come easily to you.  Others admire and depend on your hard work and practical nature.  If you get depressed, make time for recreation and family.



Lack of Relationships


Relating to other people probably plays a minor role in your life.  You could remain unmarried, be a loner, or even be an orphan.  Your thinking is probably subjective or personal, without the objectivity that comes from having communicated with many people.  Let others teach you by showing you and if they give you any feedback on your thinking, see if you can learn from it.


A lack of planets in the houses of Relationships can be offset by abundant planets in Air signs.



Lack of Endings


You live on the surface of things, afraid to look within at what you really feel and want.  Perhaps your position is too precarious or the obligations too great to allow yourself this luxury.  You feel forced to maintain your personal status quo.  You come across to others as unfeeling.  Because personal feelings do not distract you, you might make a good scientist, though be aware that the greatest scientists let intuitive feelings be their guide.


A lack of planets in the houses of Endings can be offset by abundant planets in Water signs.



Balanced Sign Modalities


In your chart, the planets are distributed in a balanced manner between the Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable modalities.  Ability to act and survive in the world is balanced with inner insight.  You stick to your values and principles at the same time that you react quickly and adapt to changes.  You have the ability to listen as well as to lead.  You enjoy life, but also do not shrink from facing challenges.



Abundant Cadent


An abundance of planets in the cadent houses helps to make you versatile and adaptable.  You are flexible in your plans, adapting easily to changes or to the people whom you meet.  You may travel a lot or move frequently.  You are a good listener and communicator.  You will use your mind a lot or frequently spend time alone during your life.



Abundant Succedent


An abundance of planets in the succedent houses increases your ability to enjoy life.  In turn, you can give others pleasure.  You are a basically stable person with strong values, feelings, and attachments.  You enoy working to build the structure of your life.  As you gain confidence in your self, you bind others to you with love.  You have a strong physical presence.



Lack of Angular


A lack of planets in the angular houses indicates little desire or drive for recognition.  You adapt to the world instead of trying to change it or make your mark upon it.  You concentrate on enjoying life and find ways to help others that do not call attention to yourself.


A lack of planets in the Angular houses can be offset by abundant planets in the Cardinal signs.