I Finally Found Astrological Compatibility (7.14.2013)


It took me a year of hard core studying, research and looking to find someone who was astrologically compatible to me; but I think I found her! I got into astrology to help save my dieing relationship last year, but little did I realize that it was already dead and not salvageable. We were however pretty astrologically compatible, but our foundations were off and we had a major shift in 2012 that collapse all that we were building. After I was past denial, I kept studying to understand what went wrong and to understand what I should be looking for in the next mate. I signed up to about a hundred date lines and even altered my own date lines to help me not only find astrological compatibility but to help others as well. I was more successful in helping others, but it helped me learn more as well. I now have a few dedicated followers who believe in me and what I have learned and how I have helped them.

May of 2013, my original astrology teacher (Jeff) and one of my astrology mentors had suggested someone for me that he had found. She wasn’t 100% compatible to me; but she was semi compatible and according to our planetary alignments, we might do till we found something better. Only thing was; he doesn’t really focus on house placements and neither of us wanted a casual relationship, so we didn’t want to have anything to do with each other. I recently got into studying house placements to be able to figure out time of birth and Ascendents, because many people don’t know or don’t want to reveal this information. For example; someone who curses a lot, will more then likely have Mars in or on the cusp of the 2nd house. I have proven this to be true with many people.

A woman I have liked for some time is not too compatible; but in looking at house placements, we could be very compatible. Only after getting to know her, we actually are not all that compatible. Well, in June I was tricked into meeting this new woman and we pretty much hit it off right away though we didn’t seem to be all that compatible at first. However I held onto her thinking she might be able to help me find someone who is? The more I got to know her, the more I got to like her and it turns out that we are very compatible. So first impressions are not always the best, you cannot always judge a book by its cover.

I am Leo in the house of Aquarius and she is Aries in the house of Libra, this is a double Trine on our foundation which is the best you can have! Our Ascendents are semi compatible; mine is Libra and hers is Virgo, which is right next door to each other. Our Moons are the same but in the house of Pisces. This is good because we will understand each others emotional and psychological needs. In that; Ideally the man wants his Moon to be behind the woman’s, this way his Moon doesn’t have to travel very far to catch up to hers and he will be quick to see that she needs him. My Ex 2012, he Moon was behind mine and therefor this was an issue; not to mention that it too was semi compatible.

My Venus is Leo in the house of Capricorn and hers is Taurus in the house of Sagittarius. Now at first this looks bad, but in a way, it too could be a double Trine. Time will tell and I have more research to do. Venus is ones “Loves and Values”. Jeff says that the cardinal signs to get are “Sun, Ascendent, Mercury and Mars”; if you get those you can let the others slide. Well, our loves and values seem to be very much the same. Again, time will tell.

My Mercury is Virgo in the house of Aquarius and hers is Aries in the house of Libra. This may be and seems to be our biggest challenge. Mercury is how you think and communicate. She speaks her mind and will give you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Truth as she see’s it; she is not afraid to tell someone where to go and how to get there. That is Mercury in Fire. However; her house placement is Libra which is looking for balance and harmony. So, she could be way worse then she is 🙂 My Venus is Leo and so I value truth and honesty, I expect transparency and truth. My Mercury is Virgo and Aquarius; so I will listen to what she has to say, analyze it and feed it back to her as I see it. So far, this has worked for us. She has two Virgo’s and Understands my Virgo’s 🙂 There has been times where she thought she hurt my feelings because I hadn’t responded right away and then her Libra apologized. However, I wasn’t necessarily hurt; I was still analyzing what she said. But her apology and my being slow to respond gave her Virgo’s time to give me more detail for me to analyze and digest. So there are ways to make weaknesses in astrology work.

My Mars is Virgo in the house of Aquarius and hers is Pisces in the house of Libra. This is a good combination for energy, drive and stamina. Earth and Water are 2nd best and the with our houses Trine, we have yet another powerful alignment. Our business/work signs are too good. My Jupiter is Pisces in the house of Leo and hers is Aries in the house of Scorpio. This again could work as a double Trine, but so far we seem to be headed in the right direction there as well. She is a business woman and took an immediate interest in my business as I did hers. She has already joined part of my business and if all goes well, we will be more like business partners as time prevails. This is something that is a major turn on for me and it seems to be the same for her as well. Both our Jupiter are take charge and goal oriented; hers is more dominant then mine, but mine could take a well placed second seat to hers if all is handle properly. We both understand the consent of “Teamwork Makes The Dream Work”. We could work very well together and I like that 🙂

I wont go into the rest so much but I will touch on them. Our Saturn and Uranus’s are compatible, Our North and South Nodes of the Moons house placements are compatible, Our Psyche and Eros are compatible; we seem to be emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically compatible an many if not most ways. We have similar cultural and environmental upbringings. We seem to have had similar trauma’s and tragedies growing up; we are also very similar in the metaphysical as well. We are so very much alike and we seem to be able to read each other like we had been together for years; many couples take years before achieving this ability. But again, time will tell. Our Numerology looks good too, but I don’t know that all so much…

So in July, we started going out and all is good so far 🙂 Knowing astrology, psychology and being spiritual in the normal and metaphysical realms, helps a lot. If you are looking for compatibility, we can help you find it too. If you are in a relationship already, we can help there as well. You can contact Jeff or I, we are both good but he has been doing this longer then I have; I just do my astrology different then he does now.

Hope this helps to give you faith, hope and understanding. Hope this finds you well, we would love your prayers and blessings as we will return them unto you. Thank you so much, CainO’ & Kim